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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That won't happen. Whichever network has the Super Bowl this year will see to that.
  2. I'm torn on the issue. I really think getting up out of your seat and a loud atmosphere are part of what makes it worth going to a football game. I also feel for your Dad and understand that not everyone wants to stand. No disrespect intended, but maybe the answer is that people like your Dad should just enjoy the game from home or a bar.
  3. If anyone missed it, like I did, and want to catch it they're re-running it tonight on National Geographic and Saturday night on Fox.
  4. Any given Sunday, but the Bills should win this comfortably. I could see where they could crash following the high from last week, but if they are going to take this to the next level then games like this are a must.
  5. I can understand still being non-committal at this point, but who are the people saying bring in a young guy to groom?
  6. Character is fine, the key difference between Nix character guys and the character guys of the past is Nix character guys are big strong fast guys that also happen to have character.
  7. I've been waiting too long for this. Personally I can't get enough.
  8. The Expenda-Bills isn't too bad.
  9. Anyone have a link to that video?
  10. I have no problem with that. Part of the reason the Patriots are ranked higher is that they've shown they can lose and bounce back. Wait until the season rolls on and see where the Bills are ranked. We'll have a better idea what kind of team they are then.
  11. Sir Stevie. I like that. I hope it somehow catches on.
  12. Win, lose, or draw this team is showing ne that they're not just going to roll over and take it like they have for 11 years. It's so good to have football back in Buffalo.
  13. I was really fired up to read the "article" and fire back a response to the writer. Having read it, I'm not going to bother. It's poorly written and doesn't really have a point other than taking uninformed cheap shots at the Bills and their fans. I am not a persuasive enough writer to inform ignorance like hers. Unfortunately smugness like hers is common and never seems to get it's come-uppance. I guess I'll continue to hope for the day. It's what us Bills fans do.
  14. My 8 year old was at his first Bills game. He literally had some tears in his eyes when the Raiders went up 21-3. At halftime he did his best to convince me to just leave. I told him we drove a long way to be at the game and we're going to stick it out and hope for the best. On that last Bills TD I yelled so much I thought I was goin to pass out for a second.
  15. It was a nice time. Big thanks to those that worked to make it a great time. I will definitely be back and hope to get some more of those ribs, chicken, and stromboli.
  16. Typing too fast with my IPhone.
  17. Trying to find some beef on weck before the WWE event tonight. Any suggestions?
  18. It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong.
  19. Speaking of wrestling, is anyone else going to Night of Champions after the Bills game on Sunday? My 8 year old son is a big WWE fan and I'm a lapsed wrestling fan, so we're going to make it a double header on Sunday.
  20. I get that. My point was that it took 22 years to finish it. As Metal Man points out there's supposed to be another volume coming out. I don't know anything about the series so I can't tell whether that should be counted in the time frame of the series or not. ASOIF is at 15 and only has two more books to go.
  21. He only has two more to go. I want the books just as much as anyone else, but I'd rather he take his time and get it right than rush it out to appease impatient people. I've been reading this series since the late 90s. You have to learn patience. To me a good example is the Dark Tower series. That series has been spread out over 30 years, yet people don't seem to be in a rush for Stephen King to get the next book out. They seem to realize that the creative process takes time and when another one is ready another one will come out.
  22. I think those two books just lag a little bit because they're the middle part of the story. Often in series there is a lag right in the middle. I will say I had a more negative opinion of Feast for Crows before I read it for a second time. There is a lot going on there, but it's a lot more subtle than the first three books. Metal man. My suggestion on waiting to read the series until it's done. Don't. Read it now. The first three books on their own are the beet fantasy series I've ever read. Everything else is gravy. There is nothing being written right now that compares. Also Name of the Wind is a good book. I haven't read the second book yet.
  23. BTW my favorite author is George R.R. Martin. I know it's kind of cliche at this point with the HBO series being such a success, but if you haven't read the A Song of Ice and Fire series you're really missing out on a modern classic.
  24. I have both a Kindle and an Ipad. I would not suggest getting a tablet to use as a Kindle if you are a big reader. The Kindle allows you to do one thing better than any other device, read books. It is the closest thing you can get to looking at print on a page. The battery life is fantastic as well. I've had mine since Christmas and only charged it about 10 times.
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