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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Here's the thing, I think the Bills of this year are close to being a playoff team, however, take away Stevie, Bell, McGee, and maybe another player or two and don't replace them with quality NFL caliber starters and suddenly the Bills aren't so close. It's the same scenario that has played out over and over for the past decade. I'd like to know whether the Bills can finally get over the hump with this and finally start building a team instead of constantly patching holes and bailing water. My cynical side says it will be more of the same and Chan Gailey will leave town as frustrated as the fans are. Of course this is January and we are still in the running for Mario Williams and Vincent Jackson. Dashed hopes come later.
  2. I need to see what happens this off season. If the Bills let a bunch of their free agents walk and don't show up to sign anybody of consequense, well then we will know what to expect next season.
  3. I've always heard not to use even the "flushable" baby wipes.
  4. Too much of a risk and not enough of a need to take at 10.
  5. This thread again? Must be the the off-season again. I'm all for it by the way, but I think most people expect to rob a potential trade partner blind. Most often when the final talley is taken on these scenarios you're just as well off if you sit there and take the more lauded player. The Bills have existed in the NFL for too long trying to get by with the bargain basement versions of NFL players. It's time to start putting some legitimate players on the field.
  6. I thought the editorial didn't have much merit. You can pick a lot of items out of a state budget and claim that there are higher priorities. That doesn't take into consideration the ways that the states and it's residents may benefit in the long run.
  7. I know you people won't believe it until you see it, but Courtney Upshaw will do just fine in a 4-3 defense.
  8. There is just an undeniable special connection that Buffalo fans have for the region. I haven't lived in Buffalo since I was 8, but every time I go back it feels like I've returned home. I took my son on his first trip to Buffalo this past fall. The little guy is now 8 himself and I felt there was something fitting about making the pilgrimage when he was the same age that I was when I left He is a big Bills fan, some of his love for the team I'm sure is searching for approval from me, but these days he's more of an optimist about the team than I am. He loved our time in Buffalo. Insisting that it is now his goal to one day wrestle for UB. Whether that happens one day or not I am glad to share a love of Buffalo with my son. The Bills might not win a lot of games these days, but anyone would be hard-pressed to find a team that means more to its fans.
  9. To me it's proof that until the whole team is improved you really don't know what you have at QB.
  10. And I reserve the right to laugh at the silliness.
  11. The comparison was "Elite WR" vs "Elite TE". You can't use supporting evidence and say "Except for those three top receivers." you end up winning the argument for me.
  12. You guys really crack me up sometimes.
  13. So it begins. How long until they are the LA Jaguars?
  14. I wouldn't trade Aaron Williams for Andy Dalton. We already have a Dalton level QB on the Bills.
  15. I love the picks in that mock draft. At first I saw the second pick and was like "DT? WTF? No way." Then I read the guy's thought process and really liked that vision of the Bills defense.
  16. Me too. I don't know why he gets so many favorable mentions on this board.
  17. I really don't like this mentality and really hope the Bills have finally left it behind. I don't care what kind of defense your team runs, if you have a chance to add a player like Courtney Upshaw you just find a place to play him and he will make your defense better.
  18. With the exception of ESPN's hype machine being dialed up to 11 I haven't felt much buzz for this game. I think it's a combination of the matchup and Monday being a bad night for a championship game.
  19. Despite how the season turned out, I think the Bills already have a QB they can win with. Maybe I'm just in denial, but when the Bills were on this season, they showed me that they're not far from being a playoff team.
  20. Hell at that price the two of you could almost fly to Las Vegas and watch the game in a sports book. You definitely could have a weekend in Atlantic City for that price.
  21. I really don't think the problem with the Bills offense is with the scheme. I think it's a lack of talent and occaisionaly bad play calling.
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