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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That's a good looking shirt.
  2. Back to back seasons with significant time missed to injury. That'd definitely be a risk. I guess a third round pick could be worth the risk, but I think we already have a WR on the roster that can't find his way to the field.
  3. The catch with that is you have to either have Direct Tv or live somewhere that doesn't let you have Direct TV. I think the point of the OP was that he wanted to get rid of Direct TV.
  4. I think it's more likely that he will be the pick at 10 as it is that he will slide to the Bills in the 2nd.
  5. I'm all for using this pick to take Russel Wilson.
  6. I wonder what their cap hit would be if they just outright cut him.
  7. Sounds like a great lunch time activity. I'm with you on your opinion of Philly. I've been going there regularly for about a decade now. A rib sandwich from Reading Terminal Market is about my favorite thing on the planet.
  8. The last book I read was Ready Player One. Man was that a good book. My stock answer for the past dozen years is A Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones to you TV types) by George R. R. Martin. I haven't read anything nearly as epic or as gripping as this series. By far my favorite books of all time.
  9. That's my reaction as well, but then I looked at this and realized that the only pick that looked unlikely to me was the Rams taking Reiff. Then I got to thinking that Blackmon isn't a tall receiver, which conceivably could cause him to slip a bit. I still don't think it's at all likely, but I would literally jump out of my chair.
  10. I don't know. Let's start another thread and see if we can figure it out. Oh and there's no way in hell the Bills take Richardson.
  11. Did he use capitalization? Who are you, e. e. cummings?
  12. I am not a fan of drafting DBs high in the draft, but Claiborne is a great player. He would be another piece in the puzzle of building the Bills defense into a dominant defense.
  13. The Hobbit is coming out and you decided to read Forgotten Realms? OK. I haven't read the books, I don't like most fantasy, but I have played the Legend of Drizzt board game. That was a lot of fun.
  14. Do a quick google image search and look at what he used to look like. You can see a marked difference.
  15. Jasper is looking good in that picture. Good for him.
  16. Yeah fine. It's not you Roscoe its us. But just leave. Time for a fresh start for all parties.
  17. No thanks. I like Roscoe, but it's time to move on. The franchise has waited and waited for him to become the player they thought he could be. He never did become that player. Maybe a change of scenery will help him.
  18. What does Bruce Smuth have to do with this? OH! Brad Smith.
  19. Is it at all possible that the subtlety exists only because you are looking for a way to explain away the bad writing? I'm a big Walking Dead fan, but the writing and directing this season have been terrible. I have every hope that the third season will turn this around, but it's not a guarantee based on what I saw this season. Not even Dark Knight?
  20. I agree, this season has been particularly weak. I literally tune out when a character like Lori is talking because I know what she says isn't going to make any sense.
  21. Oh you are so wrong about that.
  22. Yeah because that is certainly more impressive than playing QB at a major college.
  23. Oh hell yes. We have those things all over the place down here in Virginia. I'd love it if someone went open season on those things.
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