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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I have a friend that eats that stuffed crust garbage. Needless to say I don't let him pick where we eat if we go out to eat. It boggles my mind that anyone would like this, but I'm sure Pizza Hut will sell a lot of these.
  2. I really hope this doesn't happen. I really wanted to see what he would do with this defense.
  3. I guess rolling the dice in free agency was more important to Bell than long term stability. Best of luck to him, but I'm glad the Bills didn't break the bank on bringing him back.
  4. Having a legit front four for the first time in over a decade will make everyone else on the defense suddenly look better.
  5. Sounds like a waste of money to me. Sapp is horrible.
  6. Why the hell is the NFL network paying him that much? That's crazy.
  7. What was the whole point of meeting up with Paul? They didn't even finish their coffee. I guess the guy didn't want to miss the Monsieur Gayno concert. Or maybe he had to go practice his ukulele. Either way I was rooting for him to fall off that roof.
  8. Run to the podium with Justin Blackmon scrawled on the card. I might tell Philly "Better luck next time, suckers," before I begin my mad dash to the podium.
  9. I was fully expecting this to be an ieatcrayonz post. Now I'm unsure if you're trolling or not.
  10. There are some people around here that just love white LBs. and if there is a white RB around, forget about it, the man love is insufferable.
  11. That's a hooker with a heart of gold, he offered her $60 and she only took $40.
  12. I wouldn't be too swayed by anything Brian Kelly has to say about character. Having said that I don't think Floyd will be a character problem in the NFL.
  13. I'd say QB and LT are my biggest worries. As far as you concern that the Bills have become a perennial 10-6 or 11-5 team, I'm actually good with that. After the past decade I'm just hoping the Bills can return to winning more than they lose. Of course a championship would be nice, but I just want a return to the playoffs first.
  14. What is the fascination with Burfict? I just don't get it.
  15. Take care of yourself man. Sorry to hear about that.
  16. The same place they've always been, staying away from you.
  17. I get what you're saying, but how would you feel if they decided to put artificial turf in Augusta? It what if they replaced the grass at Wrigley Field with turf? Innovation is fine, but usually it's supposed to make things better. Artificial turf has been around for decades and still isn't as good.
  18. I'm a Notre Dame fan, so I've seen a good amount of Michael Floyd. I've never seen him take over a game like I saw Blackmon take over the Fiesta Bowl against Stanford. Of course it's just one game and you can't judge a career on one game, but if I had the choIce it'd be Blackmon and it wouldn't be close.
  19. I didn't play on artificial turf in high school. It was in college, but not a D 1 school. I'm positive the turf the Bills now have is better than what I played on. That doesn't change my opinion of artificial turf. I don't think it belongs in sports.
  20. I actually have played quite a few games of football on artificial turf and I never liked it. I'm no scientist, but it seems to me that it increases injuries. Having this belief of course I wouldn't want my favorite football team to be playing on it. Lastly; I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to the trappings of the game. I just think football should be played on grass; well kept, beautiful, green grass.
  21. I'm not a fan of Keuchley with the first pick, but I like this mock draft a lot. Heck I even like the alternate picks.
  22. Not completely on topic, but I hate artificial turf. I wish the Bills would switch to grass.
  23. I would have a big problem taking a guy at 10 that isn't in playing shape. I mean he has been in a top Division 1 program and had to know that there was literally millions of dollars on the line for himself, yet there are big question marks about his conditioning. That is not the type of player I want to be relying on at left tackle. If millions of dollars and a chance to play in the NFL can't motivate him, what will?
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