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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Take this as a sign and find something that is not a Dodge to buy.
  2. No offense, but I hate your mock draft.
  3. At worst he will never make an NFL roster. I don't think he will be drafted, so if you really want him on the Bills they might be able to get him as an UDFA.
  4. I agree, but that doesn't make Kalil a better player.
  5. Me too. Safety isn't a need area in my opinion and there are too many other areas that could use a talent upgrade.
  6. Congratulations. Always room for more Bills fans.
  7. I wouldn't vote for her just on principle.
  8. The fact that you smelled trap tells me you have good instincts. I think you have two choices at this point. Go out and enjoy yourself and just take what she says at face value. If youre not fully sold on going out use it to your advantage. Just tell her "I decided since you don't want to go out and that I want to watch the draft that night to have a draft party with just the two of us." Make her a special dinner and stock up on her favorite snacks. This way you look like you're giving up something you really wanted (which you really didn't as long as you see the draft) and you score major points for being so thoughtful.
  9. Me too. My friends and I used to sit in front of the TV all day, playing cards, drinking beer, eating pizza. It was a great day. Not quite the same feeling when you know that you have to go to work the next morning.
  10. Sounds like you'll have a good time. I think the most important thing about Cabin in the Woods is that it's an actual movie, not just some actors milling about for an hour and a half saying things. It reminds me of what it's like to go to a movie and not have 75-100% of the plot figured out before you've seen the movie.
  11. Yes. But it's got so much more going for it. Don't just dismiss it as another dumb slasher movie. Because that's not what it is at all. I don't want to say too much in order to convince you, but don't just take my word for it, as Ajzep points out it's getting insanely good reviews for a horror movie. There are gory parts, but you don't ever feel that they're unnecessary or unwelcome. It might not be for everyone, but it's aims of my favorite horror movies and one of the most original in that genre that I've seen.
  12. It absolutely is. Don't let yourself be spoiled. Do yourself a favor and get out and see that movie.
  13. That's awesome. I'll be sure my son and I tune in.
  14. If you haven't seen Cabin in the Woods, go see it. One of my favorite horror movies of all time. A very original movie.
  15. The one time in my life I had to do that I really hated it. I adjusted my withholdings to prevent it from happening again. I get it when people say that thats an interest free loan to the government, but mentally I would just much rather have them hold some of my money during the year than have to give them a chunk all at once.
  16. So basically Taco Bell.
  17. I moved away from Buffalo when I was 8, so some of my appreciation for Buffalo culture comes as an outsider. I love Buffalo food. There are many unique culinary adventures to have in Buffalo. Mighty Taco is one that I just don't get. I've been there. Found their food to be Taco Bell level. Can anyone explain to me what I'm missing about this place?
  18. It's really not as bad as all that. I took my 8 year old last year and we didn't see anything that needed an explanation. I'm indifferent on the policy because as far as I knew if you were asked to leave you weren't allowed to come back. I guess not. I just think that this is an example of the NFL trying to mandate something that should be up to the teams.
  19. I loved it. I'm definitely not a Broadway kind of guy, but it was a great night out. I did see it on Broadeay instead of with the touring group, so possibly that makes a difference.
  20. I really disagree with the redo pick, but it's nice to have some positive vibes going on for a change.
  21. I really don't want Reiff. If you want to draft a guard you might as well draft DeCastro.
  22. If I want pigs in a blanket I'll eat pigs in a blanket or a hot dog. Even if the idea is sound it still is going to be crappy hot dogs wrapped inside crappy pizza.
  23. I'm just not on board with drafting a guard that high. Decastro looks great, but championships aren't built by stockpiling guards. There isn't enough of a talent gap between Decastro and the kind of guards you can get in later rounds to warrant using the 10th pick on him.
  24. Are you talking about Glenn or Reiff? I can't tell.
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