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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That's unfortunate for him. I suspect down the road he will look back and regret giving up the chance and always ask himself "What if?".
  2. Where do you live Tgreg? I was crushed last night when I realized it wasn't playing anywhere near me. I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan, I've seen every one of his films in the theater since I saw Bottle Rocket. My favorite being Rushmore.
  3. maybe right after the game, but by draft time I feel most wanted Dareus.
  4. Virginia. I know, go figure.
  5. I'm jealous. All we seem to get around here is a healthy dose of country acts.
  6. I don't think it's possible that the Bills will have a worse record than last year. But I've been wrong before.
  7. I'd go Tony Luke's if I were you. Jim's was nothing special IMO.
  8. Listen to this man. He is steering you right. I'd add that an apple dumpling from the Dutch Eating Place at Reading Terminal Market is another must get. There's also a rib sandwich in Reading Terminal Market that is pretty damn good.
  9. The Rooneys ran their franchise like they wanted to win. Ralph has for the majority of his years run his franchise like a money maker. We got super lucky in the 90s. Take that era away and the Bills NFL is pretty damn abysmal.
  10. I'll never go to another game at FedEx Field. The last time I went to a game a 4 hour drive home took 7.5. Just it worth it.
  11. What'd he ever do to gain such ire? I'm not a big fan of bringing the guy to Buffalo, but I've never heard of him doing anything other than saying some stupid stuff and crashing a motorcycle.
  12. Saw that in the theater. My introduction to Judah Friedlander. I knew Harvey Pekar mainly from his Letterman appearances. My favorite Paul Giamatti role is still Private Parts.
  13. I just watched Win Win with Paul Giamatti. Excellent movie. It's a story about a high school wrestling coach with a kind of messed up life. He comes into contact with a kid that has a really messed up life, but has an amazing talent.
  14. If that's all the Saints wanted and they could sign him for five years without completely screwing the cap I don't see why anyone wouldn't do it. I'm not an anti-Fitz guy, but Drew Brees on this team basically moves them from possibly making the playoffs to Super Bowl contender. As a side note if the Bills were to win the Super Bowl with Brees it'd make Brees look like a football god as he brought two teams from the doldrums to the pinnacle.
  15. Who knows? I'm not the one that came up with this work of fiction. I was imagining draft picks.
  16. Why does everyone in Pennsylvania drive like they don't have anywhere to be? We were making great time until Bedford and then we just entered a world of suck.
  17. I'm glad someone else sees it this way. A lot of people on this board think we are trying to win a human interest contest. As far as Bree's goes I doubt they could make the cap work after the Williams signing and they would have to give up a gang of picks.
  18. Thanks for the pessimist's opinion.
  19. If I were wealthy and a Giants fan I would buy the ring and give it back to him. Since I'm neither I guess he's out of luck.
  20. The dream offseason continues.
  21. Give him a break, he's letting us know how out of touch with popular culture he is and how cool that makes him. Notice how he even misspells the name. That's letting us know just how unfamiliar he is with the subject.
  22. Zero. Here's what the general public doesn't realize about Howard, he is highly disciplined and calculated.
  23. You're drunk. The last few years at Sirius have been a disappointment, but who doesn't slow down in their later years? As an entire body of work The Howard Strern Show is the most hilarious and compelling radio ever created. No other show even comes close to the catalog of great moments that the show has created.
  24. I think it's awesome that you did something creative and had the courage to post it online for critique. Good on you.
  25. They really needs to fix this. It infuriates me that they don't update the rosters and you're forced to spend several hours fixing the rosters.
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