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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Buffalo Bills of Niagara. Problem (if you can call it that) solved.
  2. Thought maybe some people would be interested in this. Personally, I don't like dwelling on the Bills lack of success.
  3. Yeah well like you said, go earn it on the field.
  4. On a tarmac in Houston? In july? I'm sure it was. Having taken similar flights I feel your pain. But at least you were prepared for a long flight to begin with.
  5. This again? Look, if you want to blame someone for this blame the FSU coaching staff. Other than that it's a complete non-story. The guy did what he was taught to do.
  6. That's the way I go as well. There's just no short way to get there. Not only would I not plan on riding a bike, I wouldn't plan on driving back the same night as the game. You can go half way if you insist and stay in Breezewood or something.
  7. Clean your grate and oil it and you'll never have a problem with a burger sticking.
  8. So don't buy lean beef. Seems counter intuitive to want to cut down on the fat and then add olive oil. Just keep the fat.
  9. I use ground beef seasoned with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. To each their own, but your recipe sounds like a meatloaf recipe. I'm sure it's delicious, but I think sometimes less is more.
  10. Apparently he found out that Demetress was the intended spelling of his name. How one goes through life spelling your name wrong I can't relate to, but his mother was 13 when she got pregnant with him, so maybe that has something to do with it.
  11. Maybe I'm being particularly dense tonight, but I can't tell if you're trolling or not. The thing is its obviously a fake, but the weird thing is I bet he could lift a car like that. Well not exactly like that, because it looks incredibly fake and not at all realistic, but you get the idea.
  12. And had the filmmakers cast little people for the roles I'm sure they would have been up in arms about how exploitative and type cast it was. You can't win with some people.
  13. Not a chance. If Martin was writing the script it'd be Giants vs. Jets in the Super Bowl with the Giants squeaking out a win at the end. He's a big New Jersey football fan.
  14. I think I found your problem. Unless your locale is New York, LA, Chicago, or Boston anyone that has any talent won't be in the local club for long.
  15. Not to single out your post, but can anyone think of anyone that actually does this? I know it's something that people who have a problem with swearing love to bring up, but to me you're either funny or you're not and how you talk is just what you're comfortable. Personally I don't understand why an adult would have a problem listening to another adult swear, but I know there are plenty of people out there that make a big deal about it.
  16. Sorry to hear that. I would miss my brother terribly if he were to pass before me. My heart goes out to you and the rest of his family.
  17. You don't have to be great at doing something in order to coach someone else on how to do it.
  18. Come on man, it was a Simpsons' reference. Hardly the mark of an unknown film.
  19. I agree. It takes a while to wind up, but its worth the wait. The ending was a total mind F.
  20. Because the Rams and Cincinnatti are two teams we want to emulate.
  21. I know some around here hate hearing it, but the Bills have been run like a money maker not like a first class organization. These are the types of corners that have been cut and the results have been a lost decade.
  22. Does this really depress anybody else, or am I overreacting?
  23. The difference, I believe, is this woman has fame, but nowhere near the money of a Julia Roberts.
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