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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. No, because if Buffalo football goes away NFL football goes away for me. I don't want to watch week after week as talking heads on ESPN go out of their way to gush about the latest flavor at QB or what a great stadium experience it is in New England. It just holds no interest if there's no Buffalo team to balance the sickly sweet presentation that is most of the rest of the NFL. Picking another team won't help because it won't be the same. For you I suppose your primary love is NFL football and Buffalo is the team you root for. For me Buffalo football is what I love and the rest of the NFL is something I tolerate in order for the Bills to have opponents to play. They're all the bad guys, so how could I pick one of these villains to be the new hero should the hero walk off into the sunset?
  2. I'm not going to do my homework in this thread, but I will throw my opinion in and try to get you to understand why no Bills in Buffalo = no NFL on my TV screen anymore. Since as long as I can remember I've been a Bills fan. I learned about football by watching the Bills play football. The Bills have always represented NFL football for me. The only thing that is even somewhat similar is my love of Notre Dame football. I was raised Catholic, but grew up in a predominantly Baptist area. I always felt a bit out of place being Catholic when none of my friends were, so it was always appealing to me to see a Catholic school do so well in sports. In the same way, being from Buffalo I was always proud of the team that represented where I had come from. Almost everyone around me was a Redskins fan, but what did they know? They didn't know how great it was to be a Bills fan. Some of my greatest memories come from watching the Bills play. My first fight in school was a kid trying to pick on me for having a Bills bookbag during one of their 2-14 seasons. There was the time my brother and I snuck out of bed to watch a Frank Reich led Bills face the juggernaut LA Rams on Monday Night Football. That game was a nail-biter the whole way and we had to fight really hard not to yell out in elation and wake up our Dad when the Bills pulled it out. Or the many trips to Orchard Park bringing me, my brother, and my father opportunities to grow closer or the many times when we would bring an outsider to learn what a wonderful experience gameday at Orchard Park is. All of these experiences and memories total up to a connection that the rest of the NFL, no matter how compelling, cannot hope to match. If there comes a time where there is no room in the NFL for a team in Buffalo they are basically saying there is no room in the NFL for me. Corporate interests, TV, and revenue will have replaced what is best for the soul of the game. That's something that very well could come to pass some day. I would understand the reasons that are behind why it happened, but it doesn't mean I have to support it.
  3. Don't leave without trying a beef on weck. I like Charlie the Butchers'. Others can refer you better on wings, they all taste pretty damn good to me. I did go to a place called Brennan's several years ago and remembered having some outstanding wings. As far as apparel goes, I was a bit let down the last couple of times I've been to Buffalo as there doesn't seem to be a great one stop place. I guess the Internet has killed that. The stadium seemed to be about the best place to pick up merch.
  4. It's all they're likely to get for him. His age and salary don't make it likely that they'd get more. I'm not sure they'd trade him to Buffalo though. I'm also not sure if he's the kind of player that's going to make a difference on the Bills to warrant giving up a third.
  5. Not to excuse his actions, but I've never understood why they have reporters in locker rooms.
  6. The helmets are definitely a keeper, but I would have gone back to the drawing board on the unis.
  7. I'm with you on that, but I think Geno Smith might be the only one to prove us wrong. I wouldn't want Barkley at all.
  8. I didn't understand that cut, but I'm numb to it at this point.
  9. Make sure you get a beef on weck. My personal favorite is Charlie the Butcher. Oh and when you eat the sandwich make sure you put horseradish on it even if you don't think that you like horseradish. It's an essential part.
  10. 1. Absolutely! I don't know what everyone is going on about with this guy. 2. I hope you're right about that, but I suspect KC is going to come into RWS and get a win.
  11. I don't think it's an actual song by any particular band. It is meant to sound like Slayer, but I don't recognize it as any Slayer song. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Those are great. My personal favorite is The Best That Never Was. I didn't know anything about that guy before watching it and his story blew my mind.
  13. Easley should be arrested for stealing so much of Ralph Wilson's money.
  14. There are just some things you shouldn't try to save money on.
  15. For $500-700 I'd rather just sort things out myself. What a disaster of a family by the way.
  16. He got a lot accomplished on a flight that isn't that long. Not sure if that was a promotional thing or just some random guy filming. If it was a random guy filming he probably spent his whole flight setting up shots and didn't get a chance to enjoy the flight. Oh well. I wish I had money to burn like that. The best I ever did was get bumped up to Business class one time from Narita to Bangkok. Thanks JAL.
  17. I have a feeling Jackson will be the eventual starter on the Bills this season. I hope I'm wron, as it will essentially mean they have hit the panic button and yanked Fitzpatrick, but I have lost my confidence in Fitzpatrick.
  18. If the UFC wanted to come out looking like heroes they would have let the rest of the card to on Fox for free. AskIng fighters to take fights without prep time is unfair to the fighters and potentially really damaging to their careers.
  19. Yeah I got into it at the end of the last season. Love it. Season two isn't quite as good as one, but it's still an immediate watch on my DVR.
  20. Welcome to my world as a kid. Why is this a story? It happens every year to countless kids. At 6'2" 297 he's way too big to be playing with those kids. He needs to get focus on working out and trimming down his weight. That's dangerous to be that big at that age.
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