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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. It's a combination of factors, but I've been saying for years that I hate Monday Night Football. I much prefer having the football week be over after Sunday Night.
  2. I hope he recovers, but everything I've heard indicates that Bridgewater may never play again. If he can get back on the field who knows what impact an injury like this will have on him.
  3. You know what's disrespectful to me, Jim Kelly? Beating your wife.
  4. HAHA, yeah they should have given up more points then the offense would have realized they needed to get off of their asses and score some points.
  5. The myth that the American public loves an underdog is a bald faced lie. The American public is the biggest collection of front runners on the planet.
  6. For high school kids. These are professionals. I don't see a problem with non contact practices during the season. Give their bodies a chance to recover.
  7. I'm with you. I am fully on board with the premise, but the writing and acting were completely lackluster. I'm hoping that it's just the awkward pilot that isn't as good as the rest of the series.
  8. For telling the truth about an overpaid player that gave minimal effort today?
  9. Nachos are so overrated. Usually just a big pile of garbage with soggy tortilla at the bottom.
  10. Maybe pork wings will become more of a thing. Man those are good.
  11. Ahh, next year. The eternal promise.
  12. I'm so !@#$ing sick of hearing about schemes. These are the players we have. Find a way for them to succeed or GTFOH. I mean if you can't adapt your scheme to the personnel already here why the hell did you take the job in the first place. So tired of this endless cycle.
  13. Why would you want Bortles? He looks terrible.
  14. I'm surprised this isn't more common.
  15. Like you said, I'm not surprised, but I really don't get how they dropped the ball on this. It seems like such a layup to make a good series of movies out of this. Maybe it would be better on TV. I don't know. I'm just bummed because I was actually looking forward to going to see this. I never learn my lesson. I was one of the dummies that actually watched Cell.
  16. Alaska when there's daylight is always impressive. One moment that sticks with me is flying over a stretch of the Pacific and just barely being able to make out a solitary container ship making its way across the ocean. Gave me a real appreciation for the scale of everything I was seeing.
  17. Boxers or nude.
  18. Growing up my granparents had a cottage on Lake Chautauqua. Man I miss that place. July 4th weekend was always such fun.
  19. That seems like a lot of money to put at risk to make $60k. It is a 30% return, but man that's some confidence.
  20. You would lean towards Maclin??? To me it's not even a close comparison.
  21. Great idea. Do we have the Hall of Fame QB, 2 WRs, and RB to run it?
  22. Got Amazon Prime?
  23. That's a judge on a power trip. Deny him the bail if you must, but Sammy shouldn't have to appear for his brother's legal troubles. He's got more important things to concern himself with.
  24. Is it just me or does anyone else hate the word "optics," when it's used to mean how something appears to the general public?
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