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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. If it was going to be Ken Whisenhunt I honsestly would have rather just kept Gailey.
  2. In all honesty I'd rather have an offensive mind at head coach. I know it's not a popular opinion around here, but offense has always been the driving force in the NFL. Defense is always just playing catch up.
  3. He can thank Kurt Warner and Larry Fitzgerald for that run.
  4. Just maybe we can find a coach that can alter his system to what we have rather than having to blow up the entire organization to fit what is in his play book. Wouldn't that be refreshing?
  5. I think Andy Reid has some personal stuff to sort out before he jumps back into the fray. I wouldn't be surprised to see him take a step back and maybe get a TV job for a few years, maybe be done for good.
  6. I think without a doubt the talent is better on the roster. I think if you gave Jauron's coaching staff this roster he would have had the team in the playoffs.
  7. Great, another reminder of how awesome things used to be. Good news indeed.
  8. Maybe look at putting a memory foam mattress topper. I picked one up because I wanted to try out something with some memory foam before I took the leap on buying a memory foam mattress and I wanted to squeeze out a little more life out of my current mattress. So far I'm very happy with the results. The mattress topper cost me like $150 at Costco. They have them available at Amazon as well.
  9. If you're not seeing the read option being used to play action pass you haven't watched a lot of Redskins games this year.
  10. Do you have a good method for this? I love duck, but have never made one at home.
  11. We always get together for a formal dinner on Christmas Eve and then split into our smaller family units on Christmas Day. Usually by the afternoon on Christmas Day I'm at the movie theater. Tonight for the first time ever the family gathering is at my house. Main course is turkey and pork shoulder along with too many side dishes and appetizers to list.
  12. The answer to our problems aren't in other teams failures. Romo has been given all the tools necessary to succeed and has demonstrably not been able to take his team to the next level. Why would you want a QB like that for your team? Being a better QB than Fitzpatrick isn't enough.
  13. It took me a long time to realize, even longer than Daniel Snyder, but this season has convinced me. You need to have a top QB and a coaching staff first and foremost. You must sacrifice all else because none of it matters if you don't have a QB. People might have thought the Redskins gave up too much to get RG III, but now it looks like a bargain.
  14. I'd tell them to go !@#$ themselves right there on television.
  15. I looked like a genius picking up SD's defense and starting them today in place of the Giants in my championship game. Their 22 pts and Dez Bryant's 41 pts helped me win the title.
  16. I think the beer companies would love it, but TV is the key. As important as beer is to TV don't forget there's cars, movies, sodas, and snacks bringing big money to the table.
  17. Because believe it or not the TV Networks want you at home watching football. Because that's what the networks want, if you're not at the stadium, that's where the NFL wants you. That's why we'll never have a Super Bowl on any day besides Sunday. They want you at home watching on as many TVs as possible not huddled together at some big party somewhere.
  18. $600 that's all? Seems like a bargain. I would have been in for one.
  19. Everything I've seen from Cruz indicates a class act.
  20. I saw an article saying ESPN is essentially children's television for adult males. It's really the most apt description of ESPN I've ever heard.
  21. What difference would it have made if the Bills had drafted Wilson? We'd just be wondering why they never activate him week after week.
  22. Do you expect some praise for sitting there in frustration watching these real life football follies? To each their own, I prefer to keep my blood pressure low. The Bills have lost my interest for this season.
  23. Oh man wait until Kevin Nash hears about this, he's gonna be pissed.
  24. I once checked a book out and someone had pressed a piece of turd between two pages. Humans are the worst.
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