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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. The fact that we haven't heard anything yet makes me suspect that it will be neither. I'm pretty sure they won't use the tag on Levitre, but was hoping they'd use it on Byrd.
  2. If you don't want him because you don't like him on field that's one thing, but I just don't want character to continue to be a disqualifier for talented players on the Bills.
  3. Ask a simple question...I could elaborate, but what's the point? In my opinion character concerns have played too big of a role in the Bills decisions over the past decade. In my opinion I'm not looking to hire the guy to be a role model for the community. I want him to get after the opposing QB and win football games. Some have strong opinions because its a DUI. That's fine. I don't happen to share them. I think he made a dumb choice. Hopefully he learned a lesson, but I bet it won't affect his on field performance one bit.
  4. I'm watching. I like it so far. Everyone seems really non-committal about the show, but I'm on board. I like it. Is it the best show on TV? No. But it's better than most.
  5. I was always too fat to play tackle football when I was a kid, so I couldn't play tackle until junior high. When my son was 8 he wanted to play tackle because a lot of kids on his wrestling club played on the local team. I was a bit hesitant at first until I realized that I was playing neighborhood tackle ball when I was his age. Kids these days don't really play football around the neighborhood, so this is kind of the stand in. As far as head trauma goes I haven't seen anything that would give me cause for concern. The kids are coached in proper technique and I haven't seen any major head collisions in two seasons. In two seasons my son's team has been lucky enough to have had no injuries whatsoever. In my opinion this is a decision that should be left to a parent and not legislated. I'm not saying my decision is the right one, but it's the right one for my family and so far it's worked out fine.
  6. Welcome to my world. Down in Norfolk once AirTran stopped flying out of Newport News, Southwest became the only discount game in town and their prices have reflected it.
  7. I wish I was convinced this wasn't the road to another 3-5 year adventure in going nowhere.
  8. I used to believe that you can win in the NFL with a solid team and a mediocre QB. I no longer believe that. I think that the QB is the most important position and Fitzpatrick cannot be the starter. Until the Bills find the guy that can, everything else is pointless.
  9. Me too, but for better or worse it's taken on a life of it's own and we now have to deal with it. The good news is I think the commercials have reached their peak and are dying off. Nobody cares as much and the companies seem to have run out of ideas.
  10. Oh come on now. I don't like the music, but to say she has zero talent is ridiculous. She's a lot more talented than most of the pop singers that they trot out there on national TV. I for one didn't hate the halftime show. It wasn't my thing, but I've seen worse.
  11. That's why I've never understood the whole "controversy" around this. They were really more complimentary than anything.
  12. No, he was from Texas. All Texas players suck for eternity because of Mike Williams, remember?
  13. Barkley will be a solid pro, which is why it will suck when he goes to Arizona at 7.
  14. Teachers, it could be argued, are local government employees. Perhaps he was including them in his statement about those that work in government. As far as the part about ridership, perhaps part of that could be explained by people that don't have the day off as a holiday, but are taking the day off to spend time with family, or are forced to due to lack of child care.
  15. I'd say most people don't. Unless you're a teacher, work at a bank, or are a state or federal employee you're out of luck.
  16. I'm all for another day off. We don't get enough of them.
  17. I wonder if he'll be able to afford that house once his playing days are over. Upkeep and taxes on that monstrosity must be a tidy sum. I'm betting done the road you'll see that house on the market and Brady taking a monster hit on it to have to unload it. Just idle speculation.
  18. I guess I never really looked into this before, so Nix traded a sixth round pick away for a QB that did nothing but show up at practice and wear street clothes on game day so that the pick wouldn't escalate to a higher draft pick and he's a free agent at the end of the year? Why is Nix still around? What exactly did they gain by trading for Jackson? My God it's worse than I thought.
  19. As a Notre Dame fan I'm totally against that pick. The guy has a ton of heart, but he's just the kind of player that the Bills have been trying to win with for the past decade, high character instead of high athleticism. If the Bills wer picking more in the middle toads first then I'd be more comfortable with it, but 8 is way too high in my opinion.
  20. I'm tired of dining out of other people's trash cans. Time to start developing our own talent.
  21. Too many games make a farce out of those leagues even before any discussion about how many teams make the playoffs.
  22. On the Bills we'd all wonder why he never suits up despite the need at LB or why the Bills cut him outright. Besides he's not a "character" guy, so that was never going to happen.
  23. I think it boils down to this. If you want to try to win with this roster Lovie Smith is your man. He will get the most out of this roster. He will bring this team to the playoffs. Maybe even win a game. He won't win a Super Bowl, but he will get us back to the playoffs. Chip Kelly, to me, represents a chance to reinvent football in Buffalo. The team will look a lot different. It will play a lot different and hopefully win a lot more. I think Kelly represents the potential to be in the forefront of a what the NFL will look like for the next 5-10 years.
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