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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. You're right, we need to rely on their stellar record of drafting top talent.
  2. Its a pipe dream to believe he will be there late into the first round. If the Raiders dont take him before, the Cards are going to take him at 7, so do with that information what you will.
  3. The Bills cannot afford to give up next year's #1 pick. If you can package anything that doesn't give that up then I'm on board, but I personally wouldn't do it for Smith. I'd rather have Barkley or Manuel in that order.
  4. I think the Bills basically had a choice Byrd or Landry and they chose Byrd. Now sign him to a long term deal averaging 8 mil.
  5. This tells me that Marrone has other ideas on what he wants from the offensive line. Hopefully he knows what he's doing. I'm willing to give him the opportunity to be right, but it sucks to have to wait through yet another rebuilding project.
  6. Anyone that thought that they weren't likely to do so before was just indulging in wishful thinking. As far as signing Carson goes I guess it can't hurt. They need someone to throw out there as the starter.
  7. I have a feeling he didn't want to be here and that's too much money to pay for a guard. Too bad. Turn the page.
  8. I don't think they will sign anyone.
  9. Some of them are downright scary without the makeup, but some of them I actually prefer without the makeup.
  10. The real bummer is that neither one will be there at 8.
  11. I grew up with a kid that we all knew was gay from a very young age. Whenever we would play superheroes this boy wanted to be Wonder Woman. He had a jump rope that he pretended was his magic lasso. His Dad was a Southern Baptist, a baseball coach, and an avid hunter. His brothers both played all kinds of sports including football, wrestling, and soccer. So I'm pretty sure it wasn't environment that made this kid the way he was. My point in all of this is everyone is different. I don't understand the challenges that a family would face in dealing with a kid like the one in the article. My instincts tell me that it's silly and that he is too young to make such a decision and he should be made to act more like a boy until he's older and can make such a drastic life decision for himself. However, I haven't been through what they have, so I really can't say for sure that they're not making the right call in this. Time will tell in this case I suppose.
  12. Maybe around the same time people stop bringing up USC's QB history as if it's somehow relevant to what kind of QB Barkley will or won't be.
  13. Until there is a QB in place all of this is pointless.
  14. Before RG3 what was the last Baylor QB that was good in the NFL? I hate arguments like this. If you don't like Barkley that's fine, but don't base it on past performance of players that have gone to the same school. Base it on how he has performed and what his potential is.
  15. "That’s because both players were undrafted free agents, meaning the lowest tender, which corresponds to the original round a player was drafted and is worth $1.323 million in 2013, does not apply to Jones or Nelson." This really could be written more clearly. I'm not really sure what's the case. I guess regardless the Bills aren't doing it. Now we have Stevie, a track star, and Brad Smith. I hope help is on the way.
  16. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130122/SPORTS/130129714/1082 If I'm misreading this article I apologize, but I don't think that's an option.
  17. http://www.steelersdepot.com/2013/01/2013-nfl-restricted-free-agent-tender-amounts-announced/ According to this link 2 million.
  18. He took over as the starter for Trent Edwards and led the Bills to countless Super Bowls. The way he scrambled in the pocket and threw the ball with pinpoint accuracy was unstoppable. Oh, that was in my Madden dynasty.
  19. Here's the problem, since Nelson was undrafted he has to be tendered as a second rounder. It's the same situation as Donald Jones. Basically the Bills are being punished for taking two undrafted guys and turning them into something. Hopefully the Bills and Nelson will work something out and he'll be back, but I doubt they'd pay him what a second round tender would cost. I think it sucks to keep poking holes in the roster as well, but I understand why these decisions are being made. I just hope there is a plan in place for replacing the holes being made.
  20. Geez imagine what would have happened if the kid said he liked Texas. Isn't the kid punished enough by having half of his genes coming from that gene pool? Leave the poor kid alone.
  21. Has this guy ever met a Brit? Every one of his logo was a variation on the same theme.
  22. You run the risk of whatever team that has the number one pick needing a QB. What's the point?
  23. Unfortunately need doesn't make what's available better. I guess you have to start swinging the bat sometime though. Keep swinging until you get it right. I've come to realize everything else is just spinning your wheels until you have the QB in place, so you might as well keep drafting. I'm really coming around to Barkley. Unfortunately, I really think he will be drafted by Arizona.
  24. It's not impossible, you just have to pay them tackle money. I agree with your conclusion though.
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