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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. What's there to be confused by? A hard-hitting FS that by all accounts has more talent than his draft position. I can understand being perplexed by Goodwin, but this pick seems to be a great pick at a position that I was pretty sure they'd be looking at going into the draft.
  2. Exactly my scenario. I switched to ESPN because I couldn't take all the commercials.
  3. So what are we supposed to do? Keep spinning our wheels year after year because Andrew Luck never gets dropped into our laps? At some point you have to take a chance. Hopefully they got it right, but I'll never fault them for trying.
  4. I really hope they know what they're doing. Now to get him a couple of weapons and maybe we will have something.
  5. Pass rushers are among the hardest position to fill in the NFL. Probably only behind QB. So no matter how set a team may be at the position there is always room to add another.
  6. Oh man I didn't even realize this. Thanks for pointing it out. I just might have to make this trip.
  7. I used to love sitting down and watching the draft for the whole damn Saturday. I used to invite people over and drink beer and eat pizza all day long. Everyone knew that was the one day of the year to not make plans for me and to not bother me for a whole day. It was a glorious ritual. Then the NFL went and changed things on me. I still watch, but just don't get as excited for it considering I have to get up for work the next day. I understand that the new format is probably the best thing for all parties involved, but I miss the old school draft days.
  8. I wish I hadn't purposely looked to see what you're talking about.
  9. I'm not a big fan of short CBs either, but 5'9" CBs aren't unheard of.
  10. Yes. It won't happen because of the way the Bills are, but this is just the kind of risk/reward pick that would be awesome as a 3rd or 4th round pick.
  11. $3000 a piece to go see a regular season baseball game? What kind of lunacy is this?
  12. This guy was on Joe Rogan's podcast recently. He came across as a complete nut job.
  13. I used to use them all the time, but I find they aren't quite as great as they once were. The main reason I don't use them much anymore is the inability to select which kind of bed options your room will have. When there was just two of us that was no problem, but with three of us it can become an issue. I find kayak.com is a pretty good place to search. I've had good luck with lastminutetravel.com as well. If you use lastminutetravel get the room you want and then call their 800 number, they'll give you a better rate than the online price. I saved 20 bucks that way two weeks ago. If you have AAA I find you can just go to the hotel's website and get the same rate as the online rate.
  14. I watched for the first couple of episodes. I didn't dig the small town has a secret storyline, so I bailed.
  15. I love how everyone on here acts like the other 31 teams are just rubes waiting to be taken at every opportunity. Fred Jackson has a lot more value to this team than he does any other. Nobody is trading for an RB with as much mileage on him as Fred. It's just not happening. RBs have become a dime a dozen in this league. Even tough over-achieving ones like Jackson.
  16. Marrone seems to be saying all the right things now and seems to be moving the franchise in the right direction. I want so badly for this to be the case, but as we all know there have been others that have said and done the right things up until the actual games start. I want to believe that Marrone is finally the man to fix things, but the long drought has left me with little optimism.
  17. *Sigh* So if what you say is true about the draft, what would motivate ANY team to want to trade up? I'm all for trading down, but you have to have someone that wants to trade up. It's not just as simple as deciding to do so.
  18. Sabres. They're at the start of their tear down before rebuilding process. I think they are farther away from turning things around as it seems that it usually takes longer in the NHL. The Bills just need to find a QB, the rest will take care of itself.
  19. That's pretty much how I've felt over the past 5 or 6 years.
  20. Spot on. I just laugh when I see people talking about Smith or Barkley in the 2nd round. Neither one of them will be there at 8 and like you say Manuel won't be there in the 2nd round either. So if you want him you better take him with 8 or find a way to trade back a little bit, but don't go back too far because I could see him getting snatched up if you get too cute with it.
  21. I went to see it tonight. It wasn't anything ground-breaking, but I liked it. I'd give it a solid B. Worth going to. I saw it with my wife and 9 year old son and all three of use liked it. The story had enough going on to keep you interested. There were some predictable parts, but overall I found it better than I expected. The visuals were good. I'd say if you are at all interested in seeing the movie that you'd like it.
  22. Not to mention gaping holes at WR and holes at LB and DE that we seem to have done the bare minimum to address. I don't understand what is happening. This is disheartening. I wish I could place more faith that they had a plan and all would work out, but history teaches a different lesson.
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