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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Nothing fishy about it. Silva does this sort of thing all the time. It's something he does to get a mental edge on his opponents and get them suckered into fighting his way. In this case he didn't want Weidman taking him down again, so he tried to appeal to Weidman's ego and get Weidman to punch himself out trying to hit the elusive target. Unfortunately for Silva, Weidman's attack was unorthodox and he zigged when he should have zagged. He may have learned a valuable lesson from this, we shall see.
  2. I still don't understand why the OP felt the need to call her a "fat ass." Seems like a real unnecessary shot considering she is overweight, but hardly on the large side of that scale.
  3. Why'd you feel the need to call her a name? She didn't seem particularly fat to me.
  4. It sounds like the prosecution really got carried away concocting their version of the events of that morning.
  5. I was going to say the same thing, but with Peyton Manning. Works either way.
  6. Since birth, but it was really cemented for me on a Monday Night game against the LA Rams in 1989. Kelly was out and it was Frank Reich's first start. The Rams were unbeaten and favored. Reich lead the team back from behind. It was a fantastic game.
  7. The funny thing is by trying to prevent terrorists from taking advantage of one potential target, fans inside the stadium, they have created another potential target, fans lined up in security lines outside the stadium.
  8. A part of me really wanted it to be the Bills. Another, smarter part of me, didn't want to risk the distraction factor.
  9. MS has already lost this generation's console war before it even began. I love my 360, don't own a PS3, and I'm going with the PS4. MS has nobody to blame but themselves.
  10. With the benefit of hindsight that probably worked out best for Kelly and the Bills. His time in the USFL was a better way to develop as a QB than running for his life as the QB of those miserable teams.
  11. I like how they're still burning the candle for Russel Wilson.
  12. If he does I think it's going to be quite the season. Will he do it? He'll no, this is the Bills. We are heading towards massive disappointment. There's always next year.
  13. Probably would, but I wouldn't brag about it.
  14. The thought had occurred to me. I have a charcoal grill and a gas grill. The charcoal rarely gets used because I find it more of a pain in the ass than it's worth. So based on that I was thinking propane would be the way to go, but do you have any input?
  15. So you would definitely stick with a charcoal model?
  16. I didn't post it in the Consumer's forum solely because I feel like nobody looks in there, but oh well. I'd love to do ribs. That's probably my favorite thing that I haven't figured out how to do real well on my grill. Maybe a pork butt or some chicken as well. Experiment with some fish maybe.
  17. I've never owned one, but I really have the urge to get one and smoke something this weekend. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  18. I'm sure you'd have a different sentiment if you had to live around these things.
  19. In spite of all of my pessimistic nature telling me not to be, I am. They might not become a winning team this year, but I believe they will at least be entertaining to watch. I haven't really enjoyed watching Bills games in quite some time. Whenever things were going good you just wait for the other shoe to drop and when things were going bad they were downright abysmal. I believe the Bills are finally building a team that won't be an embarrassment on the field. They might need a little time to make it happen and I know we've all heard that before, but it somehow feels different this time. I hope my optimism is well founded.
  20. In my mind the hypothetical abuse doesn't change the fact that she should give the ring back. It's a "gift" given as part of an offer to enter into a partnership. If the woman decides at some point she no longer wishes to be in that partnership, she should give back this symbol of her promise to join. That has nothing to do with the law, just my opinion on what's right and what's wrong.
  21. Homestly I probably would have tried to move him prior to the draft and used a draft pick to bring in a young safety. 9 million per year is too much to pay for a safety. If Pettine convinced me that he needed Byrd to make his offense go I'd be swayed to pay up, but considering his history with the Jets I doubt he'd ask for the money to be spent there.
  22. No it's not any less ridiculous. Both scenarios are incredibly stupid moves.
  23. The Bills are masters of making their fans optimistic before the season starts. Every year I think "Well there's no way they can convince me next season." And every off season I fall for it. It does indeed feel different, but it's going to take a full season of showing that they can play in this league before I'm fully on board the optimistic train.
  24. And the Bills coaching staff would have completely botched his development and we'd all be saying what a wasted pick Tom Brady was.
  25. I can almost sympathize with the guy for getting carried away and losing all the money in his pockets. Where the story gets interesting to me, and where I lose my ability to relate, is where he goes home and gets every last dime in his savings out and heads back to the carnival. That is a level of crazy and stupid that I find interesting. I don't understand it, but I marvel at it from afar. Bonus points to the TV news crew that got him to parade around with that stuffed animal. He was like the dumb kid in class showing off his dunce cap.
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