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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I get that the team is depleted and that it's just the preseason, but man I just expected more from these guys. It's hard being a Bills fan.
  2. It's fun, but I really hate the whole concept of micro transactions in game.
  3. Spoiler alert! He's going to suck. Don't get your hopes up.
  4. I'd order some pizzas, pop in the new Madden, and enjoy my week off.
  5. What is it with this team? I know other teams deal with injuries as well, but it just doesn't seem to be at the frequency or level of the Bills. So much optimism this off season and everything seems to be coming up bull **** right now.
  6. His prints ranged from 50 bucks to 850. How is that too cheap?
  7. I've finally come to realize that QB is the only position that truly matters in the NFL. If you don't have one it doesn't matter what else is going on with the rest of the team. If you do, you at least have a fighting chance. Sure there would be growing pains, but ultimately you'd be in a lot better position.
  8. If you had asked me before camp I would have bet anything that he would. Now I think they will try to sneak him on to the practice squad. Having so many receivers is a good problem to have for a change.
  9. I always start them against the Bills. I look at it as win-win. If they do good against the Bills and the Bills lose at least I have the consolation that my fantasy team did well. If they do poorly against the Bills then I'm happy and the Bills likely won. The worst scenario that I can conceive is the player torches the Bills and he's on my bench doing me no good.
  10. I'm surprised there was no Titus Young mention.
  11. I saw her in a movie called Stakeland. I didn't recognize her and when I saw her name in the credits I couldn't believe my eyes.
  12. No way they go into the season with only two rookie QBs. Kevin Kolb is about as safe as anyone on the roster.
  13. As a rule I don't like to have Bills on my fantasy football team. It just makes it a double kick in the balls when they have a terrible game. Having said that CJ is sorely testing this strategy this season. I think he is going to have a good year.
  14. Weird. Thanks for setting me straight.
  15. Anyone know why they aren't posting the podcasts in Itunes this week? I am a regular podcast listener and was really looking forward to some camp coverage. I've been trying to get a response from WGR, but no response so far. They seem to not post the podcasts when Sal is filling in as well, which irritates me.
  16. So what you're saying is the song remains the same. I actually like most of these changes. If they're going to play it they might as well try some new ideas out.
  17. Injuries happen to everyone. The guy's a pro, I'm sure he'll be there for the Titans when it matters.
  18. Exactly. I'm happy to pay taxes. It means I made money. Would I like to pay less? Sure, but I also wouldn't want to pay none.
  19. I'm sick of worrying about what team is moving to LA. If the NFL wants to move the Bills, feel free. Good luck finding a fan base.
  20. Good point. I'm kind of tired of people celebrating like somebody "won" in this scenario.
  21. Just like Martin could have ended this by simply walking inside his home and forgetting about it, Zimmerman could have listened to the 911 dispatcher and not pursued him any longer. A jury, that knows a lot more about the case than any of us, found him innocent. However, the fact remains that he could have avoided this outcome and a 17 year old kid would be alive today. I hope people reflect on this and are reminded that there is a difference between legality and morality.
  22. Couldn't have said it better myself. A 17 year old is dead because Zimmerman didn't like someone that looked like him walking around his neighborhood at night. Anyone that doesn't think Martin's race played a big role in Zimmerman's actions are deluding themselves. It is sickening to read the reactions of a bunch of racist idiots that have been celebrating someone being acquitted of murdering another person. It wasn't right when black people did it after the OJ trial and it's not right today.
  23. I forgot to set my DVR. What's the premise? I never gleaned much from the previews, but was intrigued.
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