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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Of course there is going to be some negatives when a rookie lines up at QB. That's just the nature of the NFL. In my mind the best thing about EJ is that when he lines up behind center I at least feel like the Bills have a chance. That's new.
  2. Mark me down for believing that they got both calls correct. It was killing me to admit it at the time, but both ended up the way they should have been. Actually come to think of it all three, in addition to the ones mentioned the incomplete pass that Leonhard recovered the fumble on.
  3. Agents of SHIELD is based on an existing property as well.
  4. As mrags points out, most of the ones that I follow religiously. To me this show made the cardinal sin, I don't care if I see the next episode or not. I'm still on board, I suppose, but they have a big hill to climb with me.
  5. I hate to be that guy, but the pilot really didn't impress me. It was basically just another detective show with some Marvel references sprinkled in. I was bored watching it. The only scene that really connected to me (Spoiler alert) was at the end when Michael had his breakdown and aired out his grievances. That was a pretty good moment. And then they ruined it by that stupid swerve where they administered the anti-exploding medicine via sniper rifle. Overall I give it a C-. I'll try again next week, but it seems like my worst fears about this series have come to pass.
  6. It would have been a waste. You don't need to spend a first round pick to address it, but you do need to address it. Once again it seems like the Bills tried to go the thrifty way and out-smart everyone. And once again it has bitten them in the ass. I'm not even saying they should have re-signed Levitre, but as others have pointed out even Rhinehart would be looking pretty good right about now.
  7. When was the last time people talked about how dominant a team's secondary is and how it really bails out their soft front 7? Never? Yeah me neither. You build from the front.
  8. Unless he can play guard or safety I'd say we're good.
  9. You must not have seen the Indiana red and chrome helmets then. http://i.imgur.com/48Sot49.png
  10. Glad to see it. I've never liked the all whites.
  11. The Ralphbisnt the only place where this kind of thing happens. I went to a 49ers vs Redskins game at FedEx with my friend who is a 49er fan. These guys behind us just wouldn't let up on my buddy all game even though the 49ers were getting blown out. He wasn't being obnoxious, just sat there and watched the game. Eventually it wasn't enough to verbally berate him, we started getting stuff thrown at us. When I decided it was time to go I got punched from behind and the fight was on. Security finally decided to make an appearance before things got out of control. We got thrown out of the stadium along with the instigators.
  12. Because the perception is that he is being unreasonable in his salary expectations and when they weren't met he comes up with a phantom injury that he "oh by the way" didn't mention. How close this is to what is actually going on behind the scenes we will never know, but I for one am glad the Bills didn't make him the highest paid safety in the league. Somewhere around 3-5 should have been enough. To me the Bills are doing nothing more than acting in their best interests.
  13. So there are some days where all this guy eats is one Big Mac for the whole day? That's the amazing part of the story.
  14. Maybe the Bills will get lucky and Pettine will be content to be a really good defensive coordinator.
  15. At this point I'd probably do that just for spite. I'd also tag him next year just because I could.
  16. Ummm http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9404750/shad-khan-says-jacksonville-jaguars-focused-london
  17. I haven't been a big fan of Russ Brandon, but I like the direction he has been taking the franchise since Ralph backed away. I think you are the one that I would fire if given the chance.
  18. I guess you'd rather they go out there and roll over when they got down 10-0. You had a rookie coaching staff with a rookie QB. It doesn't always happen right away. I know it's been a long road for us fans and there have been plenty of false optimism in the past, but I choose to remain positive. The offense looked good for the most part. EJ wasn't scared and if SJ could focus and catch the ball it might have been different. On defense they played a lot more physical than I've seen in a while. Without their two best DBs they kept the Bills in the game. It would have been nice to get the stop on that final drive, but how many defenses have given up a game winning drive to Brady? A lot.
  19. Say what you want, this team is better than last year. They still have a distance to go, but I think EJ is the real deal and I think things are looking up.
  20. First downs. If the Bills offense can keep the ball moving and keep the NE offense off the field that will be crucial.
  21. If I'm the Bills I don't take anything less than a first round pick. And when nobody pays that price I tag him again next year.
  22. Make sure you eat a beef on weck while you're there. The locals can steer you better than I, but I really like Charlie the Butcher's.
  23. One has a broken wrist and the other is in the middle of throwing a tantrum.
  24. The problem isn't that the Bills haven't taken enough DBs, it's that too many I them have been the wrong ones. Lets also not forget that the best two weren't playing. Take the top two off of any team in the league and it would show.
  25. At least Mario took the field. This is disgraceful.
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