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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah I know. Sometimes it's like it's like a first year coaching staff that has a bunch of new players, a lot of injuries, and a completely new scheme for the players to learn out there. I don't know why they should have any confusion when facing one of the best offenses in the league. It's unconscionable. I get that we want the turnaround to happen right now, but these things take time. And as we are all aware sometimes they don't even work out at all.
  2. " Still, the Bills are reeling some, even with him back from injury, they won't franchise him again in 2014, which means he walks for a 2015 compensatory pick." Where is this guy getting this from? Who says they won't franchise him again in 14?
  3. I attended JP Losman's debut at RWS. I left convinced that the Bills had finally found their franchise QB.
  4. I'll stop being so negative once this franchise gets back to the playoffs. I'm not even looking for a division title, just a wild card will do. Until this happens I reserve the right to be as negative as I want.
  5. Could we please contain the fantasy trading to your copy of Madden 25?
  6. If you'd had one of those sandwiches you'd understand. There's another sandwich in Reading Terminal Market that I'd put ahead of any Philly Cheesesteak. It's an Amish place with a rib and provolone sandwich that is outstanding.
  7. Way better than last year, but still bottom half of the league and needing an upgrade.
  8. There aren't many sports movies where the protagonists win half their games, everyone gets hurt, and they lose a bunch more.
  9. You won't get that. And even if you did why would you make the trade? So that you can use that pick to go out and fill the hole that trading him created? All of the positives that you pointed to at the end of your statement are reasons why he should continue to be a member of this team.
  10. It's only a little bit further for east coast teams to go to London than it is for them to go to the west coast. I think with a bit of schedule tweaking it could work just fine.
  11. For the first time in how damn long we have two good receivers and you want to go out and trade one? No thanks. You probably wouldn't get better than a fourth. If you really think SJ isn't worth a 4th round pick to this team then I don't know what to tell you.
  12. Don't worry. By the time EJ is ready to come back we will have seen all we want to see of Thad Lewis.
  13. I guess we are looking at two different guys or I'm being overly optimistic. Because where you see lack of fire I see poise. EJ always strikes me as calm and collected out on the field. I feel like the team is in good hands with him, but I've been wrong before.
  14. I think Freeman provides this team the best chance to win a couple games while Manuel is out. Tuel is way out of his depth and everyone else that is being mentioned is barely an upgrade from Tuel.
  15. 4-8 weeks? Well if they don't bring in Freeman there goes the season. It'd be tough even with him, but at least he'd give this team a fighting chance. The Bills will win zero games with Jeff Teul as the QB. What a shame.
  16. That too. I was surprised at the end of the game when they were short on WRs that they chose to go two TE instead of just lining CJ up at WR.
  17. Here's the thing, even Cleveland knows they are lucky to have stolen that game last night. But they did steal it, so let the love fest continue.
  18. Because he has no leg left. It was the right decision to part ways with Moorman. Unfortunately they picked the wrong guy to replace him.
  19. I bet you can't. Factor in the 15 yards behind the line of scrimmage and you'd have to punt the ball 44 yards. I bet you can't do that.
  20. I get so tired of arguments like this. In a perfect world obviously you'd never let your players be exposed to free agency. However, what exactly has Byrd done throughout this entire process makes you think he would be happy with anything less than being the highest paid safety in the league or testing the waters of free agency? Hell, being TD highest paid probably wasn't enough to get him to the table, he probably wanted to be a free agent regardless. Of course this is just speculation, but what's not speculation is that you need both sides to agree and that's not always possible.
  21. Alright, so I'll take Flynn then. Something needs to be done. I am pretty sure EJ will play in the next game, but this should be a wake up call to the Bills that their lack of depth at QB is now directly costing them games.
  22. The play calling was better tonight, but still not there. We did see a screen, which was amazing, but I really was hoping to see more short and quick routes. Give the receivers a chance to make some plays.
  23. Maybe, but I don't think so. EJ was doing a fine job of moving the offense. With the exception of that TD from point blank range, Tuel didn't do anything with quite a few opportunities. The game was there for the taking, but the offense was literally frozen.
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