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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Before the most recent flirtation. I'm talking back in the '20s. Read the following books for info. on how Michigan and others in the Big Ten kept Notre Dame out of the conference. Natural Enemies Shake Down the Thunder
  2. I guess you don't know your history. They WANTED to join the Big-10, but were turned down. Wounded pride lasts a long time in South Bend.
  3. Anyone reminded of the episodes of Sopranos where Tony was involved in the corrupt development of the Newark waterfront?
  4. Just checked and no we haven't. We have a league worst 77 points for. Oh happy days.
  5. I know this was said in jest, but it made me think of something. Have we even scored 84 pts. all season?
  6. Really don't have time for this right now, but a few things. I don't rely on the government to provide a living for me. I do, however, rely on the government to maintain stable conditions so that the market can operate with the least amount of hinderances. The cost of gasoline being what they are and the roll back of many environmental regulations by this administration have affected me. Pakistan may be a sovereign nation, but that didn't seem to stop us from invading Iraq. As to whether they are an ally, that is debatable. With allies like that it's no wonder we are hard pressed to find members of this coalition. Some of you people are so reactionary. I question Bush and automatically I'm labelled some kind of raving liberal. The truth is I'm usually more of a conservative. I don't limit myself to any particular ideology. I am only interested in this country living up to its ideals and realizing its potential. Had I voted in the 2000 election (I was overseas and didn't feel like going through the hassle of absentee ballot) I would have voted for George Bush. I'm not Clintonite, I thought he did a lot of things wrong and I felt like Gore was not a leader. However, after 4 years of George Bush I feel like we have gone backwards instead of forwards. As far as me "regurgitating" talking points. What am I supposed to do? Those are the issues. If anyone repeats those and disagrees with you I guess they automatically don't know what they're talking about. I guess it's somehow different when you write about Kerry.
  7. Look I AGREE with that sentiment. I don't want another American soldier to die EVER. The problem that I have with Bush is that I feel he put them in harm's way for nothing more than a lie.
  8. The notion that a decorated combat veteran will somehow turn us into a weak nation through his diplomacy. You yell out a lot of suppositions and claim to know Kerry's intentions and designs, yet you are really basing these on NOTHING. You don't know what kind of President John Kerry will make simply because he has never BEEN President. George Bush, on the other hand, has been President and we know his record. He has led this country from record surplus to huge deficets. He has led us into an unfinished campaign in Afghanistan and lied to us to get us into a quagmire in Iraq. He has limited the research that scientists can do on stem cell research and therefore let us fall behind in what could be the medical technology of the 21st Century. He was the sitting President during the largest attack on American soil ever and has done nothing to improve our border security. That's not even mentioning Cheney (the true president) and his crooked dealings. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you truly are better off today than you were 4 years ago. For me the answer is absolutely not.
  9. That's such a non-sensical reply. I don't even know where to start setting you straight.
  10. That whole post is just ridiculous. I won't even bother responding.
  11. Right and it was my point that we don't need this major war in Pakistan right now because we foolishly shifted our focus from Central Asia, where Bin Laden is, to Iraq.
  12. I don't think that catching Bin Laden will end terrorism, but this guy stepped up and slapped us in the face for all the world to see. We've been letting him get away with it by not catching the bastard and we've looked the fools for it. I'm not saying it'll be easy to catch him either. But I feel the President took his eye off the ball, maybe because it WAS so difficult that he felt like he needed something to distract us from the fact that he was failing to get the job done. Why is it foolish to think that Kerry will do a better job as President than Bush? Seems like you're the one so consumed with hate that you've lost common sense.
  13. The point being that if we weren't fully engaged in Iraq we could afford to have enough troops on the ground in Pakistan and not have to wait patiently for the Pakistanis to get the balls to hand him over. We should be in there taking him.
  14. Not to turn this into a big political debate, but one quote struck me as interesting. "There is an American presence in the area, but we can't just send in troops. If we did, we could have another Vietnam, and the United States cannot afford that right now." So basically what they're saying is if we hadn't taken off in the wrong direction in Iraq we'd have enough troops to go get him. Another reason why I won't be voting for Bush.
  15. With all due respect....stevestojan. Willis is out there struggling to make a play and help his team. It's not his fault DB can't even throw a simple pass like that without throwing it 3 feet over his head.
  16. Inadvertantly we gave our son the initials NRG and it suits him. He's what you might call high motor.
  17. Damn remember the days when the Bills would score 20 and everyone would complain that something was wrong with the offense?
  18. Here's the all headcase team from that draft.
  19. I guess Mel wasn't ghetto enough for ESPN these days.
  20. Dude that's hilarious. You should really do that. You'll be my hero.
  21. Personally I don't have a problem paying for it. Keeps out the riff raff.
  22. I didn't either until I got an X-box.
  23. Just popped it in for the first time last night. Amateur was ridiculously easy. I won 14-1. I bumped up the difficulty to Pro, but only managed 1 goal in two games. I guess I need to practice.
  24. My favorite thing about the X-box is no damn memory cards. Plus GTA is much better with the faster load times of the X-box. I really can't wait to play this game though. I'll probably weaken and get it for PS2 before too long. Maybe I can at least wait until it goes down in price a bit.
  25. No GTA:SA for me for a year until it comes out on X-box. Oh well at least there's Halo 2 to fall back on.
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