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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. It is a shame and only serves to prove what a farce the process is and how ignorant the voters are that elect the inductees. I'd love to see Ralph get in before it's too late. To hell with giving him a posthumous reward, give it to him NOW.
  2. I'm right there with you man. That's exactly how I feel about it.
  3. The worst thing about this is gone is any chance that we'll see a reapeat of a brand new $20 NFL game like we got with ESPN 2k5. Anyone that is actually happy about this, that doesn't own a bunch of EA stock or work for them, really doesn't understand the negative impact that this will have on the quality and price of NFL games. Without anyone to push them Madden will continue to be a $50 roster update. The silver lining in this is if some of the other companies that are going to be locked out of the NFL take up the gauntlet and develop football games that are kick ass, but not NFL we could possibly benefit in the long run. I was a little sick of NFL games anyway. Hopefully they can show a little imagination and creativity and deliver and at least give us an alternative to the monopoly Madden has now become.
  4. I don't know I've actually enjoyed Ice's posts in the past. Lately (basically this season), and I haven't had a chance to post on here much this season I have noticed that he's gone from being a pretty realistic analyst and fan to being kind of a raving lunatic.
  5. ICE, I always thought you were a good level headed Bills fan. One that didn't get carried away and could analyze situations rather than letting your emotions run away with you like some Bills fans tend to do. But I think recently you've just stepped over the line into being negative for the sake of pissing in everyone's corn flakes. Most of the NFL doesn't have a winning record, so it's no small wonder that we only have one win over a team with a winning record. Why not just enjoy the run that they have put together after the awful start this year? I know I know you think it's your job to act as the rain on everyone's parade.
  6. Yeah it's been a sweet season to be a Dolphins hater. I don't think it will be a quick fix for them either. I think they'll have a long road back.
  7. While I think the trade proposal isn't realistic it'd be nice to see what Arizona wold want should they decide to offload Boldin. I'd love to see him and Evans teamed together with Moulds guiding their development. Ahhh wishful thinking.
  8. Why another CB? I think we are in good shape there.
  9. Anyone in FA this year? I agree that a difference making TE is a great thing to have on the roster, but it's a rarity.
  10. And how many times did Criqui say "The Dolphins look GREAT!" Was really sickening. Tasker trying not to be a Bills homer is annoying too because he ends up being the exact opposite.
  11. Yeah I'm a real criminal for downloading something that goes out over the air for free, but I can't pick up. I'll probably have guilt over this for years.
  12. Learn about Newsgroups, they're your friend. Or Bit Torrent. That's another friend.
  13. If the guy is anything like my Dad he'd have no chance of getting the weather report himself. My Dad knows a few places on the web and that's it. Steve was good to give him a hand.
  14. I'm listening to the show now. Since I live in a market without the show. Can't wait. Stopped listening to Stern? Your loss. There's nothing better on the radio.
  15. Not to make this a race thing, but are we trying to become the NFL's only all-white Defensive line? I'd actually like to see him as a Bill at a bargain price. I think he's got fuel left in the tank.
  16. Yeah I realized that I was overstating when I called him great, but he's a good coach. I believe he'll be a coach for a long time to come. He did a good job at Stanford and if it had been most other schools people would have said he did pretty well at Notre Dame. But pretty good doesn't cut it at South Bend.
  17. So in your mind how long would have been a reasonable amount of time to show support? I watched as much as I could stomach of that USC game and what I saw was a team that hadn't progressed from where they were 3 years ago.
  18. You make a good point about opportunity. But I think the comparison falls a bit flat after that. The door has already been opened and now that the color line has been crossed black coaches should be aspiring to be judged solely on the merits of their performance. Should Notre Dame have been more patient? Perhaps. But that is a high pressure situation and they are trying their best to not become a program that rests on their past merits. They want to return to preeminance. I truly believe, and perhaps I'm naiive, that had they believed that Willingham was the man that could bring them there then they would have continued on with him. For whatever reason, and I don't think we can be arrogant enough to think that we as fans ever have the full story, they felt they needed to go in another direction in order to save a sinking ship. I don't think it's fair to point to a program with as much national exposure as Notre Dame that has given a black coach the opportunity to prove himself. Willingham just didn't succeed this time. Maybe he's no Jackie Robinson. Maybe he never will achieve that level of greatness that few in sports do when they seperate themselves from the pack and distinguish themselves. I still think he has a lot to offer the right team at the right time. I guess Notre Dame just isn't that team right now.
  19. They were when they hired him in the first place. My point being that if you want to make an issue of minorities not getting opportunities go talk to the Michigans, Ohio States, Auburns, Miamis, etc. of college football. Should Notre Dame, it's supporters, and fans be saddled with someone that they don't feel can get the job done simply to make college football look better? What's in it for them? In terms of race as I said I think Notre Dame has treated this situation exactly correct. They gave the guy a job and were genuinely excited about the fact that he could be the guy that could return them to greatness. For whatever reason that didn't work out. Time for them to go their seperate ways. Willingham will land on his feet. He's a great coach that happens to be black, not a great black coach.
  20. That's what it meant to the nation at large. To Notre Dame they simply hired the guy that they thought could do the job the best. And they shouldn't feel any added pressure to retain him simply because there aren't many black coaches across the country. Notre Dame isn't the problem.
  21. I said it back in May and I guess I've been proven right, they shouldn't have given up on Brees and should have never picked Rivers.
  22. I told you they have a long memory there. I'm not kidding when I say this either. Every time there is talk of joining a conference some Notre Dame fans will bring up the fact that the Big Ten spurned them.
  23. Neither Willingham's hiring nor firing had to do with him being black. Isn't that what minorities want? To just be given the same chance to succeed or fail as anyone else. Notre Dame doesn't owe him a job. I don't think Willingham would have wanted to be kept around simply to be a token.
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