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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah I wouldn't give up a second for him. A third I'd do, but a second is too much.
  2. Someone posted an article about Tampa Bay looking to pick up Washington's Rod Gardner the other day. That'd be my pick if a deal could be worked out.
  3. I know it's been said before, but this just astounds me. Where the hell are the players coming up with that $52 million figure? Where is that money supposed to come from? I doubt even the most robust of franchises can generate that kind of income.
  4. Dude, sorry to hear about that. That really sounds like it sucks. Hope I don't get the gout. Maybe I should drop a few.
  5. Am I in some kind of Bizzaro universe? I just read some posts on a JETS board and they were reasonable, insightful, and not mean-spirited. And there were even some Patriots fans sprinkled in for good measure. What's the gag? Am I being Punked? Where's the real link?
  6. Looks like the Patriots old jersey.
  7. That's why I have had such mixed feelings about the Bledsoe debate. Many forget that his arrival really recharged the batteries of this franchise following the disasterous Rob Johnson era. I really wanted Bledsoe to be the man, and will admit that I thought he would be. I guess it hasn't worked out, so time to move on and try something else.
  8. Those personal seat licences are the most evil thing ever visited upon fans. I personally would never sign one.
  9. Most likely CW Shredder will be the one that gets the job done. Add in Ad Aware and Microsoft's anti-spyware beta and you'll have just about everything you need.
  10. Am I the only one that would turn around and give the Skins a third rounder for Rod Gardner? He's no superstar, but I think he'd be a solid pickup. If the Bucs could turn two third rounders and a player into Gardner and Henry they'd be doing OK for themselves.
  11. Anyone else getting the dreaded red x's on some of the grids? Nothing to complain about, just curious if anyone else is getting it. Way better than mapquest.
  12. I wish I could feel so optimistic, but the Steelers game really took it out of me. There was so much on the line and they just didn't get the deal closed. I hope it's just an abberation, but I think it's really indicative of deeper problems. I'm just glad I'm not Tom Donahoe or Mike Mularkey because I truly don't know what I'd do about the QB position.
  13. Garcia's career was over in that playoff game against Green Bay (can't remember the year) where he was trying to bring the 49ers back at the end of the game and had a wide open receiver that he simply underthrew and the ball was picked off. Anyone that saw that game will know what I'm talking about. I don't know if he'd be an upgrade over Bledsoe or not. Neither prospect particularly excites me. I'm afraid that next year is looking more and more like another rebuilding year and a franchise that is on hold waiting for Losman to either sink or swim. Let's just hope that McGahee's wheels don't give out on him before Losman is ready to really go.
  14. How can you possibly turn this into a bash Bledsoe post? Bledsoe wasn't on the field last night. McNabb didn't play well. End of story. I don't think he should be run out of Philly or that they should draft another QB. He'll be fine, he just didn't play well last night. Having said that I'd love it if he were the QB of the Bills.....at least until I see what Losman can do </crosses fingers>
  15. Dude, he had 3 picks, he had a fumble that got overturned and had another sure interception that was dropped by Gay. Yes he looked horrible.
  16. I thought it tried way too hard. The jokes were forced and I agree with whoever said that the Alien and the goldfish were just too intentionally weird. Overall I give it a C+
  17. Housing in the Hampton Roads (Virginia Beach/Norfolk) area has really gone through the roof recently. Unfortunately salaries haven't kept up. If you get a good enough offer on salary it could be a good area to live, but you'll have to shop around for affordable housing. Richmond is nice as well, but I think the ocean gives Hampton Roads the edge in my mind and the real estate prices up there aren't any better. My advice would be to stay away from Northern Virginia.
  18. Man that's stretching the term celebrity.
  19. The biggest problem with a Buffalo Super Bowl is even including Niagara Falls I don't think there is the volume of hotel rooms that is needed.
  20. The only problem with N.O. is they have an NFL team. I think to be fair put it in a city with no NFL team.......hey I guess L.A. is still available.
  21. Am I the only one that thinks the NFL should just build a stadium in Vegas and have the game there every year?
  22. Good topic SDS, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what I'll make. After I steal a few ideas from everyone my work will be done.
  23. If it was a straight up swap Henry for Surtain I'd jump at it. Even at the higher price tag Surtain will contribute more to the team next year than Henry would. And like Simon said it'd give us the best secondary in the NFL.
  24. While I agree with you on parts 2 & 3 of the Matrix trilogy the first Matrix was excellent IMO. Of course I saw it for the first time on opening day before the hype machine on it was fully engaged.
  25. That's always been the case before, but recently I read an article (don't ask me to find it I can't) that it might actually happen. I guess he's softening up thanks to the hundreds of millions that are rolling in. Take it for what it's worth, I'd say it's still likely that we'll never see them made, but who knows?
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