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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah I think Darth Maul should have been developed all through the prequels as Palpatine's right hand man. Leading to the ultimate showdown with Annakin in Ep. 3 where Annakin ascends to this role. But I guess that's why I'm sitting here posting crap on a message board and Lucas is on his ranch getting a massage from his harem of 70 virgins or whatever it is billionaires do with their money.
  2. Yeah I know. You just struck a pet peeve of mine. Sorry.
  3. I've been busy as hell lately. In addition to running the drafting department of a land surveying company we're trying to start up a construction company. I have passed my Class A contractors license exam, we've started on four houses, and we're about to do another 20. We also are in talks with a guy in NYC to build a hell of a lot more. The biggest challenge I've faced is getting the software set up to keep all this straight. I've had a lull this month so I've posted more than I have been. During the season I hardly got a chance at all. So I'm sure that was way more information than you wanted to know.
  4. I'd say you're probably being called a moron because you have proven yourself to be an internet cliche with your original posting. No matter what show is being discussed on a message board invariably someone will post something like your original post or something like "I can't believe people still watch this crap" or "This show sucks, I can't believe you'd waste your time." The point is you have your opinion and you're welcome to it, but why would you bother to post in a thread about a show that you dislike so much just to tell people that enjoy the show that you don't? I would say you're being an attention whore more than a moron, but who am I to quibble? BTW, I don't like American Idol either, but don't feel the need to rain on everyone else's parade about it.
  5. Maybe I'm just childish, but I thought it would be cool if Greivous was Darth Maul reconstructed a la Annakin reconstructed into Vader.
  6. That's why Tivo is the greatest thing in the world. Fast forwarding through commercials is the best thing ever. I NEVER watch commercials anymore.
  7. I'm not talking about the time where she yelled out at the beach and revealed that she spoke English to everyone. I'm talking about when they were having the conversation at the caves and she told him all that stuff about wanting to leave him and she was speaking English. He might not be fluent, but he definately understood what she was saying to him then.
  8. I know it's the popular thing to say, but the first two prequels have been really disappointing to me. Just not well made in my opinion. One of the biggest problems I've had is that because it's all shot on a sound stage in front of a blue screen it really lost the organic feel of the original three for me. I'm still looking forward to Ep. 3 and will line up for the midnight showing in fact. I hope like hell Lucas can salvage these prequels with one last great effort, but I'm starting to suspect that he doesn't have it in him anymore.
  9. Here's my take on that. I'd shop him around and see what you can get for him. Interest will be at an all time high right now. You'll likely get the best value for him right now. So see what the market is. Personally I think his numbers will be about the same and might even drop a little bit. There is only one football to go around and I don't love Kerry Collins throwing it.
  10. Yeah I've suspected that all along. And when Sun yells at him in English and tells him about wanting to leave him I'm pretty sure he understood.
  11. Man, think about how many Moss jerseys will be sold now.
  12. I agree.....oh and you said "molestation" huhuhuhuhuhuh /butthead
  13. EXACTLY what I thought.
  14. He's thinking that he has to keep that offensive line together at any cost in order to keep Peyton Manning in one piece. Let's face it Peyton Manning is the Indianapolis Colts. As long as they can keep him healthy they'll continue to make the playoffs each year, keep the stadium full, and keep his face on every box of Wheaties from coast to coast. So why upset the apple cart just to chase after a trophy?
  15. So who's to say that we don't pick up Shelton AND keep JJ? Just be patient. Donahoe knows that he is holding a good card with Henry. He won't let him go for nothing. And I'd much rather have a veteran that has "under-achieved" than a 3rd or 4th round draft pick. The draft is too much of a crap shoot. Shelton for all his flaws, real and imagined, is a known quantity.
  16. How about bring Shelton in at LT, sign JJ move him to RT, move Mike Williams to LG? I'm a madman I know.
  17. Why would they put out just a clip show of the game? Put out the game itself.
  18. Never played it, my computer sucks too much, but the History Channel uses it to recreate ancient battles. So its got something going for it.
  19. Heard him on ESPN radio this morning. From the way he was talking it's no wonder an agreement couldn't be reached.
  20. I don't like our chances to win the division. However, a wild-card coupled with a hot streak at the end of the season going into the playoffs (you know like this year was shaping up to be) then who the hell knows?
  21. God I hope so. Voted yes. I think if we can add a few pieces on offense and keep the D intact then it's not out of the question at all.
  22. While I agree with what you are saying, and felt the same way at the time, what's the difference? At least we kicked some teams asses and got a little bit of respectibility back this year. Bledsoe is the past Losman the future let's get going.
  23. Thanks man, that made me laugh.
  24. Congratulations NHL and NHLPA you've killed your league.
  25. What do I think? I think if the Bills can get a proven player that can contribute on the field next year they'll be much better off than waiting and hoping for a draft pick to work out.
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