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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That's cool. Could you also trim your sig. It's annoying.
  2. Oh well. I don't want a guy on the Bills that would rather play for the Lions anyway. So it all works out OK.
  3. Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  4. Lucas did. I checked IMDB and couldn't find any other writing credits for Ep. 3. Eps. 1-4 were written by Lucas alone. Eps. 5 & 6 had other people with writing credits.
  5. Have you ever travelled abroad? They give you ample warning about bringing in produce. Simply "forgetting" isn't a good enough excuse.
  6. Did he happen to mention why he thought that the first two prequels were so poorly executed?
  7. I guess what she's trying to teach everyone by fighting this is that celebrities don't have to follow the rules that the rest of us "little people" do. We should know our place and not dare to question them or their judgement at any point. You see she's ALLOWED to have that apple and orange in her bag because she's a celebrity and would never allow a harmful parasite or pest into New Zealand because in addition to being an actress, she's also a microbiologist.
  8. Don't you mean the Los Angeles Dolphins of Anaheim?
  9. So that you can stay up longer and drink more. When I lived in Thailand the big thing was whiskey and Red Bull. I see that that has caught on on this side of the Pacific as well. Personally I don't drink to excess anymore, so it doesn't interest me.
  10. The only thing this ensures is that KC will be everyeon's pre-season glamor dark horse pick, like they are every year it seems, and they'll simply fail to live up the expectations.
  11. That NEVER works with Donahoe.
  12. Buffalo/Springville, NY, 33, Virginia Beach
  13. Yeah the boxing takes place at the end of the show. But I found that watching the rest of the show builds up to the final match really well. Give it a chance, I think you'll find that it's a good show all the way through.
  14. You should have seen the first episode, and should catch the replay if you can. I wouldn't have given a nickel for Gomez's chances to beat that guy. But he took it to him and won a hard fought exciting match.
  15. Two for two in my book. Last night's ep. was great. I'm really enjoying this show so far even though it's getting shelled in the ratings. I hope that doesn't effect its chances for another season. I read that the finals will be live and broadcast in May. Can't wait for that.
  16. When I went there it was called New Hampshire College. Recently they've changed the name to Southern New Hampshire University. I always feel like I have to explain to people that with a name like that NO I didn't major in NASCAR.
  17. It's a scenario that I have considered in the past. My gut tells me you're right the Bills won't be in Buffalo in 30 years. I hope that I'll be able to take my grandchildren to Bills games, but there are a lot of challenges along the road. The thing I think that will finally break the camel's back will be when Rich Stadium wears out and it's time to build a new one. Then I suspect that the county won't be able to get it together and the Bills will go packing. If I had to GUESS as to where they would go I'd say Toronto, Las Vegas, or LA would probably be in the running. (I know the NFL currently doesn't want a team in Las Vegas, but I have a feeling that will change down the road and they'll get an offer they can't refuse on that.)
  18. I don't know the answer to that, but I'd like to find out. I'm tired of almost and pretty good. I want to see excellence on the field for a change.
  19. Damn. I was in Raleigh earlier this year and actually saw this place. I discounted the chances that it would be any good and kept driving along. Now I wish I had stopped. Although I did get a good meal at Mellow Mushroom Pizza at least.
  20. I really don't get why some people are keen for the Bills to switch to a 3-4. I don't think they have the personnel to run a 3-4. They were built to be a 4-3 and have had great success. Why tinker with it?
  21. Just got through watching it. I REALLY liked it. It was a bit slow at the beginning, but by the end I was completely hooked and really into the fight. I'll definately be tuning in this season.
  22. Anyone know what kind of contract Howard has? That'd be the big thing for me. If it were fairly cap friendly, then why not? D-line depth is great to have. As far as trading the draft pick, I'm a big fan of trading shots in the dark for proven commodities.
  23. I Tivo'd it. Hope to get a chance to watch it tonight. I've heard mixed reviews on it and it got clobbered in the ratings. I'll give it a chance and see what's what.
  24. I was thinking the exact same thing when I heard about the Jordan deal. Only time will tell who is right in this situation, but I HATE free agency this year so far. It's really driving the prices for talent in the NFL up to ridiculous heights. I know I know free market blah blah blah.
  25. Just for the fun of nitpicking let me point out the Bills are the first team to "Let Drew go." The Patriots traded him away. So your data is baseless. Like I said just picking nits.
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