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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That is just insanity. I'm pro-choice, but that is absolutely out of control.
  2. I hate Barry Bonds. He's a spoiled child and a racist. F him. I hope he never breaks Aaron's record. He doesn't deserve to.
  3. While I'd like to see Shelton end up with the Bills he's not going to make or break the season. I think you're absolutely right on with your post. Why panic? It's going to all come into place. I can't believe how many people are bitching and moaning about the offseason being a disaster when it's not even to the draft yet. I'd love to play poker or chess with some of these guys.
  4. Based on what you're telling us I'd say go with the pristine one. But I think a little more info. is needed to give you a real opinion. Another question that I have in addition to what Puhonix asked is how many square feet does each have? How many bedrooms/bathrooms?
  5. Looking for a good movie to see this weekend? Try Hostage with Bruce Willis. Great movie, don't listen to the critics, it delivers exactly what a it promises. It won't win any Academy Awards, but it'll entertain you for a solid two hours.
  6. Dude is giving you good advice. Just get a quote from someone else on doing the work. Doesn't sound like you have $900 worth of work to do because most of it seems pretty light. Although I won't confess to knowing how much it should cost to install dricore because in Virginia Beach we don't have basements.
  7. Dude, best of luck with that if you go through with it. My advice is stay well away from the restaurant business. I have seen many a people take a bath in that business.
  8. Am I the only one that found this quote from the article funny? Yeah because everyone knows how important it is to move up in the 7th round. You don't want to be caught short in the 7th.
  9. I don't defend them nor respect them. Just think there're more important things for Congress to be doing than looking into this at this point and time. I won't bother with the laundry list, but suffice to say it's lengthy.
  10. Not to turn this into something from the PPP board, but I'm glad that EVERY problem in our country has been solved and Congress has nothing better to do than worry about baseball. I'll sleep better tonight knowing that we have such dilligent legislators.
  11. I actually like Lamar Hunt's first proposal. I don't like automatic first downs on penalties, so any attempt to get rid of one instance is music to my ears. The second proposal I think would unfairly hinder downfield passes. It would ensure that almost any pass over 20 yds. would result in a mugging of the WR. The Patriots proposal.....I have no idea.
  12. One thing to be sure to do is go down to Georgetown and get some ice cream at Thomas Sweet on the corner of P and Wisconsin. Good stuff. Especially the butter brickle. If you're looking for a good hotel to stay look at the Sheraton National in Arlington. It's cheaper than staying in the city, has GREAT beds, and a free shuttle that will take you to the metro.
  13. So I guess you were in on the negotiations? With all due respect, how the HELL do you know what the Bills offered him? Here's a news flash for you, not every free agent will want to play for us. Even if we offer more money. If money was always the deciding factor Kelly Holcomb would be a Brown. So unless you actually know to what lengthes the Bills went to sign this guy I think you shouldn't criticize.
  14. And there's two more after born to run. Probably shown together as the season finale. So that brings the total to 24. Nothing for anyone to complain about.
  15. Yeah I so wished that he would have made an impact on the team. But he has fallen short. Maybe if he's cut loose he can latch on somewhere else.
  16. What have you been doing to get forbidden naughty boy? Seriously, it's down for me too.
  17. /sits here /tells you that
  18. Must be the offseason. Time to rehash the "I hate OT posts" debate. Seriously, if you can think of anything to talk about Bills related feel free, but the topics get a bit thin this time of year.
  19. Dude, settle down. They are having 24 episodes this season, which is standard for a TV show. 5 more to go this season. I too wish that they had a new one every week the whole year round, but it's not realistic. I'd much rather they took their time and delivered the quality that they have so far than to rush it and let the quality suffer. At least we won't have to wait as long for a new episode of Lost as we will for an episode of the Sopranos.
  20. Yeah, what's the guy's beef with the sport anyway? He never makes it clear what he feels is wrong with the sport, just flings insults. Personally I'm not a big fan of lacrosse, but whatever floats your boat is cool with me.
  21. I guess nobody told New England about that.
  22. Yeah I know what you're saying about the economics of it. I was just talking in general about his perceived value to fans.
  23. I'm glad the Bills didn't break the bank for a guard anyway. I'm sure he's a great player, but I think his value is a little inflated based on the line that he played on.
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