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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I'm not holding it against him. Just wondering how the hell Arkansas' coaching staff seemingly dropped the ball if this guy is going to come in and "Change the NFL." Just wondering how much is hyperbole and how much is legitimate.
  2. I don't know much about him, but if he's so unstoppable how come Arkansas' coaching staff couldn't come up with a better game plan to use him? Just the first thing that occurred to me when I first started hearing talk of him a couple months ago.
  3. Of course it could. It also could HELP. Think about if Arizona were looking to select one of the 3 backs. The cards are drafting 8th. In front of them it's forseeable that Miami, Cleveland, Chicago, Tampa Bay, Tennessee, and Minnesota COULD look at taking one of the RBs if they like them enough. So there are pretty good odds that Arizona would be shut out of those backs. Now how willing do you think they would be to make a trade to get Henry?
  4. I've heard that in a few places. Just at a guess I'd say: Jack (Most unexpected. Suddenly it's the Kate & Sawyer story.) Walt (I'd expect him to die and then come back to life somehow. Something to do with his link to what's going on with the island.) Jin (To get him out of the way so Michael and Sun can get together.) Charlie (Since he's kind of a legitimate actor he might not want to stick around on a TV show. Although I would have thought if he were going to die he would have died on the tree and why I was so convinced he WAS dead at the time.) But I'm sure I'm totally off on all of these thoughts. It'll be someone that nobody expects.
  5. Can't wait. From episode one this has been my favorite show on television. Not hard these days since the list of shows that I bother to watch seems to dwindle by the day. This ep. is the first of the last 5 eps. of this season. There will be two in April and two in May. The finale is second week of May and is 90 min. Just in case anyone cares/didn't know.
  6. Sounds like total BS to me. The guy is backpeddling after realizing he made a giant ass of himself. But maybe I'm just saying that to rally support for that guy. Did you ever think of that?
  7. Conversely if all the backs are off the board that they wanted then they'll be in the mood to deal.
  8. Because they think he's a better QB than Aaron Rodgers or Alex Smith. Wouldn't that be enough for you?
  9. Why would the Bills get nothing for him? At the very least they'll get a veteran backup RB at a discount rate for a year. That's what everyone loses sight of in this. The Bills hold all the cards. Travis can throw a tantrum and cry about how he's not happy, but at the end of the day he has no choice but to play out the contract and try to score big in free agency. Now I could be wrong, but I think Shelton on the open market wouldn't garner more than $3 million a year (what he's currently making). Like I said I could be wrong, but I think if the market for Shelton was hotter Arizona wouldn't even be sweating this trade.
  10. Guest director HAHA, I thought the same thing when I saw that. I think the movie will be good, however. At least I WANT it to be good. I'll definately give it a try. Hitchikers is my second choice this month. I didn't really dig the books that much, but I read them when I was young, so maybe they deserve a second look. At least I won't be going in there with the uber-fan mentality of holding the film to every nuance of the book. We shall see. The movie that I can't wait for coming up soon is Batman. I really hope they don't mess that one up.
  11. Exactly. Especially considering if TD is patient he can probably get Shelton for free after Arizona cuts him. That's the scenario I'd really like to see. TD trades Henry for a pick, and gets Shelton anyway. Screw Arizona and all these sports writers expecting the Bills to just roll over and GIVE TH to Zona.
  12. Funniest thing I've read today.
  13. How is the article accurate? They're basically telling the Bills to cut bait and take whatever Arizona will give them for Henry. Why the hell should the Bills do that? They have a player under contract that has value on the market. Part of this negotiation is determining what that value is. Just because the time frame isn't to SOME people's liking why should the Bills be painted as the bad guys?
  14. This is the only move I disagree with. So TD is doing fine as far as I'm concerned.
  15. I think that they'll come around and make that swap. If Arizona doesn't get Henry then they have to look at RB with their first pick. By swapping second rounders it frees up their first round pick to pursue whoever they feel is the best player. If I'm Arizona I ask Buffalo to throw in a 4th round pick and I make the trade.
  16. Why is that? I think with the players we have already or possibly a later veteran pickup the LG spot could be filled. I don't necessarily think that even if the Bills draft a guard that he'll be asked to play right away. The position I'm worried about is Tackle, but in this scenario that position is taken care of.
  17. Assuming they pick up Shelton, which I really have a feeling they will, what is the real need on the offensive line? They have plenty of people that COULD step up their game and earn the LG spot. There also should be plenty of players throughout the offseason if McNally feels the Bills need an upgrade. I don't feel it's panic time yet. I would like to see a signing or two, but not if it means the Bills won't be able to resign Clements when the time comes or have the cap space in case someone outstanding becomes available.
  18. Considering it's not even draft day yet the answer is no. There are still plenty of opportunities to improve the team between now and August. Why panic and spend a bunch of money on guys that may or may not be a good fit. Sit tight and see what shakes loose.
  19. At the risk of being called gullible, this can't be real can it?
  20. Your story reminded me of a classic from one of my friends. He was at 7-11 and was hungry AND thirsty. However, he only had a dollar on him, so couldn't figure out how to fill both needs. So then he gets the bright idea that he'd buy a lottery scratch off. He was hoping to win $2 so he could get both. Well of course he lost and had to make the walk of shame out of 7-11 with neither drink nor food.
  21. Cool, now I can eat hot dogs just like the ones at 7-11
  22. Next week is the new episode. Just for your info. new eps. will be on March 30, April 6,13, & 27, & May 4 & 11. The May 11th season finale will be 90 minutes.
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