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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I don't see what there is to complain about. The Bills lost JJ, but will STILL have a better OL going into the season. And the offseason isn't even over yet, so we'll wait and see.
  2. Glad to see someone is thinking clearly.
  3. What a ridiculous grade. Another reason that I'm glad I cancelled my subscription to EW.
  4. Am I the only one that HATES daylight saving time? I just see it as a big waste of time. Want to have an extra hour of daylight? Get up an hour early. Don't bother me with your nonsense.
  5. Rourke's Marv and Elijah Woods' Kevin. Rourke's performance was better, but the character of Kevin and the way they portrayed him was just so perfect and creepy.
  6. Damn dude, why all the hate for comic books? I guess you're still one of those people that thinks comics are just for the "BAM POW ZOOM" set. It's a pity, you're missing out on some great stuff. But I guess it's just cooler to be derisive.
  7. She's not naked, but damn she looks hot in it. She also plays a dancer at a bar, unfortunately not a topless bar.
  8. What an amazing movie. Unlike any other movie I've ever seen. A lot of good action sequences coupled with visuals that were impressive and unique. I was a little bit worried when I saw the previews that the look of the movie would get annoying after a while. That didn't turn out to be a problem. Quite the opposite in fact. My recomendation comes with one caveat. If you don't like violence, naked girls, or swearing then this isn't the movie for you.
  9. Am I the only one that read beyond the first paragraph of the post? Do the guy a favor and hear what he has to say before responding to him.
  10. That's insane money for Surtain. I really want to see Clements in a Bills uniform after this season, but if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. I'd rather the Bills build a solid foundation and become a good team rather than overpaying at a few positions.
  11. Strange indeed because I'm still getting Stanley Wilson.
  12. Can we all at least agree that it's likely an upgrade of the LG position from last year? Now if we can get Shelton, which would IMO even with losing JJ this offseason is starting to shape up.
  13. You'd think killing someone while under the influence would be enough to sober you up for life, but I guess some people are more selfish than others.
  14. Either they just updated the site amazingly fast or you're mistaken. In the second they have the Jets taking Stanley Wilson CB Stanford.
  15. Shelton at left tackle and Teague on the bench or cut gets my juices flowing even more.
  16. Good thought. I hope you're right. Shelton added to the line would make me a hell of a lot more comfortable about the upcoming season.
  17. I'm a bit sketchy about my memory of this, but isn't this more than a group of investors were offering for the entire NHL? I remember someone posting an article about that about a month ago when all that mess was going on.
  18. Yeah I can only imagine how hard it is. I haven't been placed in the situation and it's part of my problem with the way a lot of people have approached this debate. Portraying the husband as someone almost worse than Hitler. I don't agree with what the family has done and don't imagine I would have done the same thing in the same situation, but I feel for them. I hope that they can now start to get some closure on this sad case.
  19. I agree for the most part, but you're talking about a guy that has been away from football for a while and has a LOT to prove. He should have been in top shape and shined at the combines. He didn't, so his draft status, if he's drafted at all, will suffer as a result.
  20. The thing that a lot of people miss about this case is that Michael Schiavo was no longer Terri Schiavo's legal guardian. He turned that over to the state of Florida in order to better ascertain whether he was making the right decision to allow her to die. Don't believe me? Read this document Abstract Appeal It was written by a Florida lawyer to present the facts of the case in relation to Florida state law. He doesn't write it from either point of view. Simply states facts. If you read that WHOLE document, and it's a big one, I guarantee you will learn something new about this case. On BOTH sides of the argument.
  21. Because getting this chump drafted is waaaay too much work for just one agent.
  22. Yeah, but Niger might have been the origin/destination of the plane. Since it looks out in the middle of nowhere seems plausible as a location for an airstrip for smugglers.
  23. Yeah no kidding. If they can keep this up for a season or two more at this level of excellence I think it would have to qualify as the best TV series of all time.
  24. Personally I'd like to forget most of the past 10 years of Bills football. I don't see any players from that era as Wall worthy. Including Moulds.
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