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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Don't tell Stevestojan that.
  2. And if the Bills had selected Julius Jones with that pick last year this board would have gone ape sh--. So what's your point?
  3. Good suggestions so far. The most important question is if you need to sell it fast or if you have some time to go fishing for buyers. If you have a little time I'd try to do it on my own. www.forsalebyowner.com is a good place to start as someone else pointed out. If you have an old survey of the house that you can dig up I'll take a look at it for you and tell you if there's anything you need to consider. Just PM me.
  4. Sorry, rereading your post I can't believe I missed that you actually answered my question in the first two lines. I guess that's what I get for trying to post and work at the same time.
  5. Do they discuss the overall strength/weakness of the draft? Like everyone else I hear constantly that this is a weak draft. So that probably means there will be a bumper crop of superstars since the so called "experts" often miss the mark completely. Just interested to know what Ourlads has to say about it.
  6. diver Glad you have the balls (or lack of them, I'm not sure) to stand up for what's right. I don't know what kind of an example these parents think they are setting for a pre-teen girl, but it's a horrible way to approach life. Instead of doing what they did they should have backed you 100% and told their daughter that sometimes in life you have to face consequences for your actions even if it's not your fault. I applaud your sticking to your convictions and hope that you don't quit coaching completely. We need more like you.
  7. Ahh yes the ever witty DJs. What a bunch of tools. We have one around here called Rod Fitzwell. What a douche.
  8. Those guys are just red shirts. They don't count.
  9. A lot of people make a big deal about how deep the draft is at RB. Well here's food for thought on that. The Cards COULD probably get one of those RBs in the draft, however, it will cost them a pick. So they will end up with one of the big 3 RBs and nothing else. OR they can make this trade and get someone like a Pac Man Jones AND Travis Henry. So now tell me how deep the draft is at RB. It doesn't matter when you can improve your team by adding a proven player at a need position and drafting a high draft pick to fill another position of need. Home run for the Cards as far as I'm concerned.
  10. They should have done the smart thing and started charging people to come in and take a look.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. I've been to both. McSorley's is one of my favorite places on the planet. Ever since I went there as a senior in high school and was able to get served alcohol while being fussed at by an impatient Irish waiter. Good times.
  12. I didn't think that was a bad trade. The Saints got a hell of a player, too bad he's a nutcase. If he had his head screwed on straight he might be mentioned with the all-time greats of the game. Giving up picks 1-7 is worth that in my mind. Let's put it this way. If you could draft Thurman Thomas' clone coming out of college in exchange for every draft pick in a draft would you do it? I sure would.
  13. Going to be in NYC either this weekend or next. Can you give me an idea of some outstanding places to go? I know about most of the tourist type spots, but want to know about some of those might have missed it sort of places. I also need a few good suggestions on where to get some good food. A little help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  14. The amazing thing is that not only did someone have to initially THINK of the link, but someone also had to take that thought seriously. The coach and the school should have simply ignored it and told them to get over it.
  15. Damn that's a bit severe. The only problem I've had with Maxim on a plane is people wanting to borrow it.
  16. Yeah they can just stay home and we'll buy it from them there. Shipping doesn't cost THAT much.
  17. Now THAT'S the kind of chick that I need.
  18. Yeah my comment wasn't so much directed at you as the general sentiment.
  19. I'm sure these people Link are happy that your lawn is getting mowed.
  20. I don't like lettuce, so bad example
  21. Not only is it ridiculous that these people come into the country illegally, but they also qualify for all kinds of benefits. How the hell does that work? Benefits should be for citizens or those that come here legally. I hate the idea that my tax money goes to people that have come to this country illegally and contribute nothing to society.
  22. And that's EXACTLY why the Bills need to get the swap of picks. And exactly why the Bills hold all the cards (no pun intended) in this situation. Despite the fact that the media is trying to force TD's hand.
  23. Sitting in my living room. I got so disgusted that I wanted to leave, but my Dad kept telling me to be patient and that he had a feeling about this game. Ever since I've listened when my Dad tells me he has a feeling.
  24. Plus Quentin Tarrantino quest directed a segment. The one in the car with the talking corpse.
  25. I just hope Moulds doesn't turn into one of those pitiful veterans that sign on with teams chasing a championship. There's nothing sadder IMO.
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