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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. This is the one reality show that I'd want to be a contestant on. I think it'd be fun no matter where you finished.
  2. That's why I said "Maybe Reed just missed it by a year."
  3. Am I the only one that thought that the tone of the second and third clip were completely out of place? It's just funny that it is such a dark movie, but the clips just sound so upbeat and positive.
  4. Getting rid of everything else about how gay people become gay here is the difference. With gay people there is a relationship between two adults. In the case of a pedophile it is an adult trying to impose his sexual will on a minor.
  5. For the first two years of his career people were criticising Eric Moulds as being a bust. Then he had a breakout third year as a pro. A lot of people have a theory about receivers in their third year being their breakout year. Maybe Reed just missed it by a year. I'd like to think that he can get it done.
  6. I wasn't holding myself up as an example of the elements being forced out of the Church. I'm just one person and it doesn't matter one way or the other. What I was pointing out is that the Church has for years been resisting the forces of change. Some find this endearing, I find this reprehensible. I don't know why you have to make it personal by telling me "not to break your arm patting yourself on the back about how 'enlightened' you are" I don't think I ever did any such thing. I'm just having a dialog with people about what the naming of the new Pope means for Catholics.
  7. Maybe so. Although I suspect you're derisive in your suggestion, maybe they have a better handle on what it means to be a Christian. It's too bad that people like you would rather force out elements of change in your Church rather than considering what they have to say. Like I said the vote for the most conservative of Cardinals indicates to me that the Church is obstinate in its refusal to consider reform. I simply don't want to be a part of that anymore.
  8. My argument all along is that I'm disappointed in the way that the Catholic Church has handled itself recently. I don't want to throw a bunch of mud, I think everyone knows full well the problems that they have had. In addition to that I wish that they would look at making some reforms to make themselves a more inclusive Church including reassessing their stance on a celibate priesthood, allowing women to become priests, allowing contraception, and being more inclusive to gay Catholics. With naming Ratzinger as Pope it seems that the Cardinals have given their answer to this and it's a resounding no. I have come to realize that this kind of stubborn adherence to tradition simply for the sake of adhering to tradition does not jibe with what I want to teach my son about life. I'm sure that there were people before Vatican II that thought the Catholic world would come to an end if the mass wasn't read in Latin. I think you can see that it didn't. Change is not always something to be feared.
  9. There's some debate about that. The article that was linked earlier in the article even points that out. I'm not saying the guy was Himmler's right hand man. I'm just saying that the fact that he had anything to do with that group stains him as a candidate for Pope in my eyes. I'm just sorry the Cardinals didn't see it the same way.
  10. I guess he's wrong for wanting his Church to select someone that will bring change for the Church. Not someone that wants to cling to policies that may or may not make sense in the face of current reality. If that's wrong then I guess I'm wrong. I can live with that.
  11. You seem a bit testy about that. Yes, I still consider myself one. The problem is that the Catholic Church does not represent me or my beliefs anymore. The fact that they have elected the most conservative of cardinals as pope. One that had ties to the Hitler Youth, whether you want to say that this is fair or not I think they could have found someone that didn't have that taint on them. I think women should be allowed to take a more active role in the Church, I think priests should be allowed to be married, I think gay people should be welcomed rather than shunned, I think contraception is an important way to prevent disease, and I think that it's despicable that ANY molestation would be covered up. So I realized that I pretty much am against every stand that the Church makes. I'm not an enemy of the Catholic Church, I just don't feel that they represent me anymore. I guess I'll have to go find another Church to go to.
  12. Nope, no decision. I'm not going back. I respect those of you that are adherents to your faith even in the face of a leadership that doesn't represent you. I just can't stomach it anymore. Cardinal Law at the Pope's funeral was almost enough for me. This is the final straw.
  13. Here's the full article . Google around and you'll see other references.
  14. Terrific, we now have a Pope that was a Hitler Youth. Congratulations. I need a drink.
  15. Yeah, meaning he died shortly after assuming office.
  16. Not to turn this into a whole big religious debate, but if it's Ratzinger, I'm never setting foot in a Catholic church again.
  17. Alan Litchfield. Sounds like the head of a bank rather than a porn star.
  18. All due respect, that's a load of sh--. There's no way he goes for a fourth rounder. I would doubt third rounder too, but I'd say it's at least possible. Like I said to you before, TD will let him rot before he'll give him away for a 4th.
  19. See that's where the article loses all credibility for me. There's no way Henry is leaving for a fourth round draft pick. Donahoe would rather see him rot on the bench than give him up for that. At least I hope he would.
  20. So what would you do to fix it? Personally I don't like having the game on Monday night. It seems out of place. You've had the whole Sunday of football and it feels over. But then Monday comes and there's another game. I think they'd be better off having the Monday night game on Friday or even Thursday and getting people excited for the weekend of football coming up.
  21. AVERAGE? More like the starting price for homes. It's gone insane the past few years. I wonder how people can afford it anymore since salaries in Hampton Roads aren't anything to write home about.
  22. Yeah he lost a lot of respect in my eyes with that statement. I guess it truly is a business rather than a sport.
  23. I suspect that a lot of Steelers fans would have called you crazy if you told them Rothlisberger was going to go on the run he went last year. I'm not saying that Losman will do as well or that the Bills will do as well, but I don't think the fact that Losman is a first year starter automatically equates to a down year.
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