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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I've got an aunt by marriage that has two kids that are 5&7. She doesn't let them watch certain Disney movies because of violent content. I find it kind of ridiculous and look forward to watching those kids rebel like nobody's business later on in their lives. As far as Star Wars goes I guess I can see why someone would feel that it's too violent for their kids, but I don't agree. The greatest thing about Star Wars is that good wins in the end. It's a good moral lesson for kids.
  2. Cheez it have a twist product that has wings and blue cheese flavor. Not bad at all.
  3. So what if Henry holds out? As others have pointed out ad nauseum he has to perform if he wants a free agent contract down the road. The Bills don't need him as much as he needs the Bills at this point.
  4. No, what you don't understand is the right thing to do would have been for New England to trade him for a bag of footballs instead of keeping a disgruntled player.
  5. Nothing he has done so far has made me think that he isn't the best GM that the Bills could get at this time. Something you have to remember is that change for the sake of change isn't always the best strategy.
  6. Yeah Donahoe can only do so much. At some point it's up to the coaches and especially the players to take that next step. Donahoe has built a team that has no business not being a playoff team. It's not his fault that the team didn't live up to its potential.
  7. In all seriousness it's only a three game package and only for this season. She'd be crazy to do 90 days for that.
  8. I'd much rather have a GM with a reputation as a real ball buster than a push over any day. Being nice doesn't win Super Bowls.
  9. Oh NO!!!! Charles Robinson didn't like the Bills' draft. Big friggin deal. To paraphrase the immortal words of Mr. Bill Tobin "Who the HELL is Charles Robinson?"
  10. That's a well written article, but I really hate draft grades that give teams that have two picks in the first round high grades. Of course they got some good players, they had two picks.
  11. The worst was rolling out Susie Kolber on day two. And while we're on the subject, they make such a big deal of the amount of time that they have to kill. So how come they can't show the actual picks being made, at least in the first three rounds? It would seem like a no-brainer. And I agree with cutting down the time in the first round to ten minutes. Maybe give the teams each one 5 minute extention that they can use at any point in the draft if they truly need the extra time to consumate a trade.
  12. Everett is as different from Campbell and Euhus as a TE can get. So how can he just be cookie cutter? What you need based drafters need to understand is that isn't reality in the NFL these days. With the era of free agency teams can fill needs through free agency and focus their draft on best player available. Agree with it or not, that's just the way the NFL is these days.
  13. No, don't you understand? The Bills are just supposed to GIVE him away because that's what the press and some people on this board seem to want.
  14. Exactly how I feel about it. Eric King might turn into a Hall of Famer, but I feel like this was the wrong pick. Oh well.
  15. They took McPherson, which I think could turn out to be another great pick in this draft. Of course he was a bit of a glamour dark horse pick leading up to the draft, but I think it's a good fit for him down in NO.
  16. I liked it better when you had Fairplay up there.
  17. I felt the same way in the 4th. I think if they didn't take him in the 4th there's no way they'll take him in the 5th. I hope I'm wrong about this, but I think the Bills staff don't want anything to do with him.
  18. I understand what people are saying about potential off field problems, but if a team can get this guy in the fifth I think it's definately worth the risk. Could turn out to be the steal of the draft down the road.
  19. Only the second message board in history that I've managed to stick around long enough and gave a damn about enough to invest 1,000 posts in. Thanks to SDS for a great website and message board. Thanks to eveyone else here that makes it the best football website that I've found so far.
  20. Well I can't speak for other people as I never said we'd get a second round pick for him. I believe that's what he's worth, but I don't think other teams rate him that highly. I would have been more than pleased with the Shelton swap plus a swap of second rounders. But I'm not the GM of the Buffalo Bills. As far as your prediction of him getting cut I find it preposterous, but you know what they say about opinions.
  21. Not a chance. Face it if TD doesn't get something he likes for him Henry is going to be a Buffalo Bill in 2005-2006 and he better play his ass off if he wants a big free agent contract.
  22. Yikes OUCH. It's a need position, so what the hell. I just wish it had been Hawthorne. If they could move up and snag him I'd be completely satisfied with the draft.
  23. Bills are almost on the clock. I hope it's going to be Hawthorne.
  24. Stop it! You're making too much sense. Some of these guys won't be able to handle it.
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