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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Someone forgetting to file or not knowing that you have to file the appropriate form would be what I would consider a mix up. If you really think this points to some kind of grand hypocrisy in the Greenpeace organization then you are really grasping at straws. But grasp away, don't let common sense get in the way of your good time.
  2. I guess money talks and eventually LA will have an NFL team. I just hope it doesn't come at Buffalo's expense.
  3. You act like they got caught dumping nuclear waste into the ocean. It's a paperwork mix up. Big F'ing deal. But don't let common sense get in the way of your sensationalist headline.
  4. I'm not so sure it was CBS tampering so much as it was American Airlines trying to project a good image on a TV show. "See how we go the extra mile to help our passengers?" Either way I'm sure Rob and Amber got paid to even appear on the Amazing Race, they have their 1.1 million from Survivor, and they'll get a pay day from their wedding special. So they really didn't need the money. I'm just glad that beauty pageant B word didn't get her mitts on any of the loot.
  5. No, I don't think you can. And you're right it'd be cool if you could. The only way to do it that I could possibly think of is to make exact copies of each player in the create a player mode and then sign them to your team. That's pretty time consuming though.
  6. Well let's wait for a trial before we are convinced he did it. He's a recently released con that just so happened to find the bodies. It's possible the police are just rushing to the obvious suspect. We shall see.
  7. The Blue Jays have a home stand against the Nationals that weekend if Minor League ball doesn't appeal. One thing you might want to do is check into if Japanese citizens can enter Canada without a visa. When my in-laws (who are Thai) came to visit we stayed on the American side of the falls because they didn't want to go through the hassle of obtaining a Canadian visa. Just something to think about.
  8. What? When he goes to visit? I think just street clothes would suffice.
  9. It's also an example of why I think getting high draft picks are overrated. Maybe Bobby Beathard was on to something.
  10. Seems like to me that Tom Brady realizes that being a good team is in his best interest and the best way to ensure that he's on a consistant winner is to not cripple the team's salary cap. I wish more players around the NFL would take that attitude.
  11. I first picked Private Parts up on a flight back from my Grandmother's funeral. I wasn't living in a place that had Stern on the radio so it was kind of my introduction to him. I breezed through that book, but the only problem was I had to wait several years for the next one. Miss America in my opinion is even better than Private Parts. I bought it in the evening the night before a history final. I couldn't put the book down and ended up reading the whole thing in one night. I looked at the clock it was 6 am. No sense in going to bed when I had an 8 am exam. Luckily it was just a history final.
  12. I was in NYC this past weekend and they had a local news report about the line for Star Wars. Saw a lot of familiar faces from that Triumph skit in that line.
  13. To me Artie is great because he's the consumate every man. I don't need him to be hilarious constantly, but I think you also underestimate how funny he actually is. Carolla to me doesn't bring anything to the table. I guess you can just chalk it up to personal taste. Bruer blew the doors off the place the other day. But keep in mind it was just one appearance and one segment. I'd like to hear how he does on a regular basis. I guess I'll have to hurry up and get Sirius so I can listen to his show.
  14. Yeah it was Vinnie that made the tape, but I think Joe is referring to how Artie mimmicked the tapes.
  15. Some little B word did that to us when we were going to see Scream. Not even close to the same level, but it still ruined the movie.
  16. Yeah me too. We're going to stand in line for our seats right after work on the 18th. A bunch of us did that for Ep. II and it was a blast.
  17. Infinitely funnier when Gary the Retard was saying it. To the guy that keeps asking for links to audio clips........like I said Usenet is your friend, learn how to use it.
  18. Usenet is your friend. Learn how to use it. Bruer did a great job on the show. But how can you say Artie's not funny BuffaloDenney? I think you're dead wrong about that.
  19. That's definately how I feel. I'd love to see ANY group of Bills win the Super Bowl, but there was just something special about those 90s Bills. Too bad they never got it done. Plus back in the 90s I had more time to give a damn about football than I do now. I still follow it closely, but back then it almost felt like life and death. I guess that's what maturity does to you.
  20. I think it's best to keep things simple. Why set up a whole bureaucracy within the NFL when you could solve the problem by guaranteeing contracts and cutting the players' argument off at the knees. I think you're right that a performance based system is possible, but I don't think you'd ever get the NFLPA to go along with it.
  21. The problem with performance based salaries is it would cause a serious problem between what's good for the team and what's good for the player. Imagine a player chasing the rushing title in a 4th quarter blowout, the coach sits him down to rest, and he blows up because it's messing with his money.
  22. Thanks for the link. I placed my order just now. Too bad you don't get a commision on that. Happy Lost Day everyone.
  23. Want to end most holdouts in the NFL? Guarantee the contracts that players sign. Seems only fair to me that the teams should be held just as responsible to live up to their end of the contract as the players are expected to.
  24. Yeah she's hot you should see her.......dude, seriously Aunt by marriage, in other words my Uncle's wife.
  25. Yeah there's no one size fits all. I'm not saying you should let them watch porn, but I find it a bit ridiculous that a 7 yr. old can't watch Disney movies. That's just my opinion on it.
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