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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I think the Latin Snake takes it. I think Manfredo is too sluggish. He'll have to be on top of his game to tag the elusive Mora. The question I have is will we see any of these guys again after the show is over? I say probably not because the boxing is exciting, but fundamentally pretty bad.
  2. And I just don't see any of it happening. McGahee doesn't have any incentive to sign a long term deal now. And Henry just wants the hell out. He's gone after this year no matter what, so the ONLY thing he's an insurance policy against is a McGahee hold out and I don't see that happening.
  3. St. Michael's orphanage by any chance? The Providence Project was the name of the charity that ran the school.
  4. How is it an excellent point? It's not at all. It's ridiculous. Why in the world would McGahee lock into a long term deal at this point in his career? He wants to go out and have an 1,800 yd season get his name mentioned in the same breath as the Tomlinsons and Holmeses of the NFL and THEN demand a new contract. He'll have leverage then, he doesn't have it now. And as far as Henry goes he'd be absolutely no help to the Bills if they can't lock up McGahee long term because he's GONE after this year no matter what happens.
  5. I spent some time in Haiti back in 1997 (or was it 98?). I was involved with building a new school for an orphanage that is run by a Catholic charity. Met some really nice people there. The kids at that school were smart as can be. They spoke 4 languages. It's not really a place that I'd want to go on vacation, but if they have internet access it sounds like things are improving for them. When I was there I couldn't even get a decent shower and the electricity would go out randomly, sometimes for a couple of days at a time. Good luck down there keep up the good work. I know the people there appreciate help like you're giving them.
  6. That's exactly how I'd rank them. Great minds think alike.
  7. So the Bills can play in front of a half empty Foreman Field?
  8. Yeah I'm not worried about it because what they for some reason have yet to realize whatever measures they develop will be matched by something to foil those measures. This one just seemed particularly ridiculous. I can just imagine my 80 year old Grandfather trying to watch a DVD if this plan were implemented.
  9. So what are they trying to do bring back VHS? Seriously, nobody in their right mind will allow this to get to market. It'd be huge disaster.
  10. Good response. I guess I'm dreaming, but I feel like as far as the WTC goes there should be some federal contribution to get that thing going. But that's not likely. One thing that I think would solve some of the problems of upstate New York vs. NYC would be to make NYC and Long Island a special district like D.C. Not its own state, but a special district with Congressional representation. I wouldn't extend the same representation to D.C. since that was set up to not have this representation and I have nothing, but contempt for the pro-D.C. statehood folks as a result.
  11. Why not do both? I'd love nothing more than to see the 2012 Olympics in NYC with a rebuilt twin towers the centerpiece. Light the Olympic flame on top of one of them.
  12. BLASPHEMY!! I thought it was a good episode overall, but I didn't like the way it seemed to reach the point where there was about 20 min. left in the show and suddenly they were able to put it all together in rapid fire action. But I thought it was better than most episodes of CSI.
  13. Personally I love both Star Trek and Star Wars. It's a shame, however, that the Star Trek franchise seems to be in shambles. Too many time travel or malfunctioning holo deck stories I suspect.
  14. So a big multi-building monument that nobody will live or work in? Let's be realistic. The WTC site is on 60+ acres in downtown Manhattan. You can't just let it sit there forever and you can't spend billions to put up 100 story monuments. As much as it saddens me every time I think about the events of that day I think building new buildings on the foundations (not in the literal sense) of the old is an appropriate tribute. The only problem that I have with Trump's plan is that he's proposing making them 1 foot taller than the other Twin Towers. I want those towers to be the biggest buildings in the world again.
  15. God Bless Donald Trump. I'm not a big fan of his, but I have thought all along that the right thing to do was to put the damn towers back up better and bigger than they were before. My heart broke when I saw that stupid Freedom Tower concept.
  16. Good Luck bro. I hope you're right.
  17. Yeah I've got my tickets too. I've had them for a few weeks now. But if you want to sit in a good spot you better get your ass up there a little sooner than 9:30.
  18. I'm there. Can't wait. Once work lets out I'm heading up to go stand in line with the rest of the geeks.
  19. The most insane part about it isn't that he doesn't consider Reed a HOFer, but that he's on the fence about Rickey Watters. WTF?
  20. So you liked National Treasure, but hated Life Aquatic and think Bill Murray should have quit after Ghostbusters despite his performances in movies such as Rushmore, Lost in Translation, Kingpin, What about Bob?, Groundhog Day, etc...... Where's that ignore button?
  21. Am I the only one that finds it funny that the kid's name is Tywon?
  22. Not bad, but I wish they'd go with the blue pants on the road. I know it's not historically accurate, but I miss those blue pants.
  23. Yeah it'd be TERRIBLE if he turned into as good of a player as Manley was Seriously, I don't think becoming academically ineligible at USC automatically means that the guy is a rock head.
  24. Could it be a free agent signing? If not that I guess Travis Henry would be the most likely. I would have thought that would wait until training camp started, but I'll be glad to have the Travis Henry saga over and done with if that's what it's about.
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