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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. First of all I rarely use "smilies" I can't stand them. Second of all I might have thin skin in this instance, but your reply really seemed dickish to me. Oh well.
  2. In all seriousness you need to loosen up a little bit. Did it really warrant a personal attack? I was just having a little fun with the situation and telling him that while the job probably isn't as financially rewarding as it needs to be it provides him with certain other opportunities that others won't. Look I'm not looking to turn this into a debate on how much work teachers do versus other professions. They do indeed do all of those things that you mentioned. However, a lot of them also get time during the day in which to complete these tasks. I'm sure that the time alloted isn't always adequate and they have to bring work home, but the same can be said for a lot of jobs.
  3. I don't know what you take home as a teacher, probably nowhere near enough, but that seems like such a cake job to me I don't know why anyone would leave it. Think about it you never have to work a weekend, holiday, or summer. It might not be the best pay in the world, but it certainly leaves you some extra time to go and hustle up some pocket money in your down time.
  4. Jeez I didn't know you meant THAT kind of "Hardcore NFL post."
  5. Man what incredibly poor judgement. Where she screwed up was having the stripper when other people were present. You had to know one of them was going to squeal.
  6. Based on reputation and not personal experience wouldn't you have to be half, if not fully, insane to go to a game in Oakland to cheer for the visiting team?
  7. So if the lower weight is such a big advantage why don't race car drivers look like horse jockeys?
  8. Movie: Dawn of the Dead Song: Ziggy Stardust by Bauhaus
  9. I'm surprised you guys liked it. It has gotten such dreadful reviews that I figured it HAD to suck. I'm not that into seeing it though. I'm sick of all these remakes.
  10. It's not THAT bad. What a weird day it's become. I seem to have become some kind of advocate for the bleach industry. Oh well weekend starts in 45 min.
  11. Thanks for the head's up, but I'll keep doing it when I get poison ivy. I've never had any problem with my skin afterwards. Of course now that I've said this next time a limb will probably fall off. That's actually a good site that you found. Very informative and one of the rare places that I have seen that gets all the facts about poison ivy correct.
  12. Yeah I'm for real. Kent14 is saying that his Dr. told him not to do this, but I have done it plenty of times and it's worked for me with no side effects. It hurts like a bastard, but it dries it right up and your itch will be gone. If you decide to do it just remember to scratch it up real good before you pour the bleach in.
  13. I don't have a good way to get rid of the plant, but I have a good way to get rid of the rash. But it takes some balls. Itch up the rash so it's nice and raw. Then pour bleach over it. It's excrutiating at first, but the itch goes away and the ras will clear up in a couple of days. I used to use this technique when I used to work outside. I found the pain preferable to sitting there itching for days.
  14. That's the kind of crazy stuff that I love doing in Madden. Ever wonder why Seattle isn't too worried about losing him?
  15. You must not have looked too hard. The talk back is laced with stupidity.
  16. Jeez, what a gift. Can you adopt me?
  17. Having looked at a few of the responses it really strikes me how poorly these people understand the argument. I guess it's not suprising. And maybe they simply scanned through the article and began to spout their pre-conceived notions of what the article is about. It seems like a lot of them are acting like Wilson is doing this hoping for some kind of handout. I truly believe that RW is doing this for the sake of the entire league, not just for small market teams. What a lot of these guys in the talk back fail to realize is that a big reason why the NFL is so exciting to watch and so successful as a league is because of revenue sharing. It's truly sad that these guys can't realize that what RW is trying to say is truly in their interest as fans of the league.
  18. Maybe I'm way off on this one, but it didn't seem like the article slammed Wilson.
  19. To me, and I'm obviously not an NFL G.M., a 5th round pick has next to no value. As big a crapshoot as the draft is year after year by the time you get to the 5th round it's really a crapshoot. I don't have time to look up the numbers on it, but I suspect you have an equal chance of a 5th round draft pick succeeding as you do an undrafted free agent.
  20. So you're telling me this is legit? Seemed like a parody showing how shabbily we actually treat servicepeople. But if you're saying this guy is serious then I'm shocked.
  21. OK, loved the promo, but what the hell is that show supposed to be about? I have no idea. Not that I care after seeing it, I'm just curious.
  22. I read an interview with one of the writers on the show and he indicated that it was their intention to go out with a bang tonight so to speak and have a cliffhanger ending that everyone would talk about all summer. He mentioned they were trying to top "Who shot J.R." episode of Dallas as a finale that would keep people talking all summer and keep them excited for next season. We'll see what they can do. I can hardly wait.
  23. The only drawback to tonight is you know there's going to be some kind of cliffhanger that you're just DYING to see the resolution to, but too bad you have to wait 4-5 months.
  24. 1. It'll never happen because of the NFL rules as has been pointed out. 2. Even if it were allowed, would you trust W.N.Y. politicians to run your beloved Bills?
  25. Because G4 is one of the worst channels on cable/satellite. Makes me pissed off every time I think about how bad they screwed up by gutting Tech TV. They took a wonderful channel and completely ruined it. Kiss my ass Comcast.
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