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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Is the answer once? Because the remake of Dawn of the Dead was a kickass movie and one of the few times where a remake is justified. This summer seems to be the summer of the remake, however. And you make an excellent point about Hollywood just not getting it. They make crap movies and then B word that revenue is down and use the convenient scape goat of downloading to explain their continued underperformance. Give us more movies that are quality and the people will come to the theater. Continue to remake movies like Herbie and I think you're starting to understand where that leads.
  2. That's the problem that I have with remakes. Some movies NEED to be remade and the remake can actually be a welcome breath of fresh air. However, Bad News Bears was not one of those movies. The original holds up just fine. No need for a remake. Billy Bob Thornton might be able to put in a solid performance in this, but I guarantee that the little kids in the movie won't even come close to the ones in the original.
  3. Sorry for your loss especially this close to Father's Day. I guess it is a lesson to the rest of us to treasure our time with loved ones while we have them around.
  4. I can agree with you on these points even if I didn't have as big of a problem with them as you seem to have. Spoilers past here!!!!!!!!!!! The one thing that I took issue with was Bruce Wayne giving away his secret identity so quickly to Rachel. I mean one of the biggest reasons for him becoming Batman was to protect those in his life. Overall I thought Rachel was the Jar Jar Binks of this movie. Her character didn't add anything to the story IMO.
  5. Mark me down as another one that has seen Batman and loved it. I highly recommend it to anyone.
  6. Well so far "Will miss the playoffs no matter what" is leading by a large margin. It will make it that much sweeter in January if the Bills can piece it together and make it.
  7. Man how times change. Back in the 90s sometime me and couple of friends were visiting New York City. We took the NBC studio tour. At the end they told us if we wanted to go see the Conan O'Brien show we could go over and stand in the line and go see it. There weren't too many people in the line and we even got to sit in the second row.
  8. Don't feel too bad. I wanted to believe as well. The difference I think is Drew just didn't have that inner spark that drives people like Elway to excel. Drew has all the natural talent that you can ask for, but there's just something missing with him.
  9. Lewis is a great player, but LB is too much of a disposable position to tie up that much cap money. I always hate seeing big contracts like this because it ruins the market for the rest of the league.
  10. This brings up a question for me. Do you guys like to draft Bills on to your fantasy team? Personally I hate it because when they perform poorly it's like a double dagger into the heart. I try to avoid drafting Bills when putting together my fantasy team. Of course since Kelly & Co. it hasn't been much of a problem to not draft Bills offensive players onto a fantasy team. However, with this new generation of Bills offensive players it could be hard for me to turn down drafting some in the future.
  11. Ask and ye shall receive an answer. Thanks man. Just didn't make sense to me that Barber would have 2 figures in such a limited lineup. But since he was an exclusive it makes all the sense in the world.
  12. Can anyone explain to me why Tiki Barber is getting a second figure in this series? Make no damn sense to me, but maybe I just don't see the greatness that is Tiki Barber.
  13. Saw my first Losman throwback jersey out on the streets in Virginia Beach today. Man it looked sweet. I now must have one.
  14. Love the Norva. One of the best places ever to see a show. Gov't. Mule I'm not a huge fan of, but to each their own. I'd love to have one of those season passes to the Norva that they offer. Imagine the music you could see in a year. It'd be awesome.
  15. Makes too much sense so they probably won't sign him. Unfortunately I think the Bills are heaing into the season with Teague as their starting LT.
  16. There's still some good rock being put out there. So I think it's on life support, but not dead yet.
  17. Rice is on there. No Bruce or Thomas though.
  18. Not being a cop I don't know, but I imagine tazing someone is a lot better than wrestling them to the ground and slapping cuffs on them. I'm not worried about the person being arrested I'm worried about the police officer. This woman had an attitude a mile high and needed to have it adjusted.
  19. My vote is for throwback jerseys with the red helmets.
  20. Stop making sense. We don't want a trend to start around here.
  21. I really don't get why these teams are afraid to pull the trigger. Henry is a solid if unspectacular player. If I needed a solid RB or even a good insurance policy I'd spend a 3rd in a second to bring in a proven vet like that. But I guess that's why I'm not an NFL GM.
  22. That's too bad. Did you try stubhub.com? Might be able to find something reasonable there. Also, it's time to change your avatar.
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