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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Thanks man. It had been so long since I've heard him mentioned that I was beginning to think I must have missed something.
  2. Speaking of free agency did Bubba Franks resign with Green Bay or is he still out there?
  3. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion, but in this case yours is wrong.
  4. You sound like such a whining little girl that your thread didn't get the attention that you wanted it to. Waaaaah. Maybe next time you should put more smilies in it and people will want to post more. The reason I didn't post in the NFL Primetime thread is you didn't provide compelling enough proof to me that Primetime was indeed coming to an end. So why get worked up about something that might not even be true?
  5. I thought I told you to shut up noob. Besides I wasn't talking to you I was talking to your boyfriend.
  6. Beetlejuice vs. Gary the Retard in the battle of wits. Awesome episode in which Beetlejuice dressed up like Urkel and succeeded in answering the same question wrong three times in a row. A close second would be the Jeff the Drunk stuck on you episode.
  7. I've already beat those odds and lived to tell about it. I wonder what the odds of getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery in your lifetime are.
  8. Isn't it great to have the world all figured out when you're 17?
  9. Man what an adventure. I wish I had done something like that when I was a younger man. It's kind of hard to do once you have a wife and kid.
  10. Shut up noob.
  11. That's the funny thing, shows like that are allowed to air without comment, but there's something about Howard that attracts an impassioned response. It's much easier to get attention for yourself or your group if you attack a known name rather than just some random show.
  12. Sure it does. There's a lot of controversy that goes with having Stern on your channel. Add in the fact that there was a recent changing of the guard at the top of the network and I think it adds up to an executive looking to put their mark on the network and start by getting rid of programming that they didn't generate.
  13. The way he's been talking about it, without actually saying anything, I'm sure he's in discussions with someone right now about an alternative to the E show. According to Howard yesterday the Howard Stern show isn't only the highest rated show on E, it's also the second, third, and fourth. Good move E.
  14. I saw the preview in the theater and it looked pretty damn good. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
  15. Makes total sense that this was the idea of a 6 year old. I can't believe it was indulged to this point.
  16. That's a big if my friend. Seriously, he's right. Renting is like throwing away money unless you're only thinking of staying for a short time.
  17. Oh wonderful now we have to open up that tired debate. First of all he was found innocent in the criminal trial, but I guess you just want to forget all about THIS . But while we're on the subject I'm sure you still think Scott Peterson didn't kill his wife, Michael Jackson didn't molest any kids, Robert Blake didn't kill his wife, etc. That's fine you can wallow in stupidity all you want, doesn't bother me a bit.
  18. If you want to be an A-hole that wears a murderer's jersey then by all means go ahead.
  19. Dude, it's scary that it's been 6 years since then. I am getting seriously old.
  20. The problem as I see it with Cinderella Man is that it's playing at the wrong time of year. I want to see it, but can never seem to get myself into the mood to go sit through a serious movie like that. I suspect there are many that are of the same mindset. Plus I think Russell Crowe assaulting that concierge really turned a lot of people off to the movie.
  21. Here That's another group that likes to argue the semantics of theory and fact. It should keep you busy for a while.
  22. I think it's a different story when someone's life is involved. Going out there with unsafe tires is insanity. The FIA should have cited the safety issue and allowed the teams to obtain safe equipment for the race. I think the more apt example than the one you offered, in my opinion, would be if the NFL were to not allow a team to procure new helmets after the manufacturer deemed theirs faulty. Certainly you wouldn't expect the team to take the field. I don't know why you expected the drivers to take to the track in this instance. Certainly the situation could have, and should have, been handled so that the fans were not the ones that ultimately were made to suffer for the problem, but I think the FIA is more to blame than the drivers. Having said all that I don't know jack about racing and nor do I care to. Don't ask me why I felt compelled to read the article and offer my opinion.
  23. Dude, you have GOT to be kidding there right? Don't fall for the most tired trick in the book. Theory in the world of Science is not the same as the parlance of the layman.
  24. After reading that my only real question is when was Al Sharpton coronated King of the Blacks, Defender of the N-Word, and Arbiter of all things race?
  25. Was it this guy? Your Preacher friend?
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