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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Bills 31 NE 0 I like to make my predictions a few years late.
  2. Yeah I caught him on the Dan Patrick Show being interviewed by Linda Cohn. He said that the reason the media has been so negative towards Terrell Owens is that the white journalists are all jealous of him because he's richer than them and he's black. Just an idiot from start to finish.
  3. Man I wish I had the talent and skill to do that. Good work man.
  4. I had ESPN on this morning and for not the first time I turned it off because the announcers just SHOUT all the time. I just get sick of that kind of delivery. I mean were the Royals highlights really THAT exciting?
  5. How about just getting the best looking least clumsy among the candidates instead of worrying about where they are pierced.
  6. One of the biggest obstacles for the defense to overcome on the road to being considered great is the amount of times the offense will put them on the field. It's the law of averages coupled with the law of people just getting tired. Another shortocming on this defense is the lack of a top fligth pass rush.
  7. Is there other intelligent life in the universe? Probably. Are they visiting our planet and the government is covering up their existance to keep us all from panicking? No. Sorry, we're on our own.
  8. I'm not saying cut him. Just that it seems like he'll never make it at Safety.
  9. Like SoCal said he's a tweener. But the guy is such a phenomenal physical specimen and has such a great work ethic that it was certainly worth the gamble. Too bad it looks like the Bills came up snake eyes on this one.
  10. I am just speechless following that clip of that woman. I cannot believe that even Congress has sunk so low that she is a member. Wow. Just wow.
  11. I hear you on the ridiculous charges. I really wanted to go see Mars Volta and System of a Down. The cheapest tickets are $30.50 with a $2 building fee (not Ticketmaster's) and $8.20 convenience charge from TM. Add in an optional $2.50 to have them email the tickets and that comes to $43.20 or a markup of 40%. I find that a bit excessive. And I get what FFS is saying about what the market will bear, but it'd be nice if Ticketmaster weren't a monopoly. So I'll be skipping this show despite the fact that I really wanted to go because I just can't stand the idea of paying that much money for the privilege of buying tickets from Ticketmaster.
  12. Not only would I not do this, I think it should be illegal. I'm not a big government telling us what to do kind of guy, but this is just ridiculous.
  13. I think I'll be OK as long as I don't use a double headed blade.
  14. Yeah sorry to say they're skipping episodes. I think the decision was made to move the premier for this season up to Sept. 21st which means there isn't enough time for a full run of summer reruns. If I were you I'd just scrap watching it all together and wait for season one on DVD. That is also coming in Sept. You should have enough time to catch up and then start watching when the new season starts.
  15. Man that would be GREAT if I had that on video. I'm not sure I'd ever want to show it to anyone, but I'm sure I'd get a kick out of it.
  16. I don't know. The medical lady at Busch Gardens said it was the third one she's seen this season. It made me feel a little bit better.
  17. Took the family to Busch Gardens today. Was having a great time until I made the fateful decision to do that ring the bell with the hammer game. I'm usually very good at this and win almost ever time I do it. For some reason this time it came down a little funny and my body was in a weird position. The hammer struck the plate at a weird angle and it bounced back and hit me in the head. A trip to the emergency room and 7 stiches on the top of my head later and I feel like a complete fool. So I guess next time I'm at Busch Gardens I'll give it a miss.
  18. Yeah that guy is friggin annoying. I absolutely hate ESPN these days. I wish a real sports network would start up.
  19. Yeah I had trouble with looking at those pictures. Being a father it's my biggest nightmare that my son would die. It's a grief that I can't imagine, but think of from time to time. The fact that someone that brought me so many happy moments is going through this feeling, whether it was expected or not, bums me out. I'll be donating some money to Hunter's Hope and I hope that everyone here will do the same.
  20. I'm watching. What the hell has happened to the Muppets? Man they sound lame.
  21. It's just a way to cover their asses. If the Bills overperform 8-8 they can still say "See I told you I liked that Losman kid and that great coaching staff."
  22. And that's why he passed the ball even though his instincts were telling him to run. In a game situation he would have never thrown that ball. I really don't get why people are making such a big deal about this.
  23. I always use the Short Bus Racers. You can use it if you want.
  24. I was browsing through some websites and happened upon some pics of the upcoming McGahee figure. I'm not sure if anyone else has already posted them, but thought at least a few people might not have seen them yet. Link
  25. Yeah I was kind of surprised when I logged in today to see that some people felt he didn't perform well. Personally I was loving what I was seeing from Losman last night and trying my damnedest to keep reminding myself that it was just a scrimmage. I guess like you say some people just prefer to see the glass as half empty.
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