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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I have it Tivoed and watched the first hour. It didn't seem to grab me. Too many suspend disbelief moments for my taste. I'll watch the rest of it tonight and see if it can grab my attention.
  2. Not only were we dissed by showing a clip of Bledsoe getting intercepted by the King of Whoppers, but the friggin scoreboard shows that it's the Lions, not the Bills, playing the Ravens. WTF?
  3. I used to get Shout before the proliferation of the Internet. It was a great source of information since I lived outside of Buffalo and the Bills didn't get as much national exposure as I would have liked. However, since the Internet I can get all the information I need from other sources and publications like Bills Digest only provide fluff. I've received two issues of Bills Digest recently and haven't finished either one because there's just nothing in there for me.
  4. Because sad to say they probably COULD lose half their team and repeat. They didn't have Ty Law wasn't even playing when they beat the Eagles last year. Bruschi will hurt, but he's not irreplacable. They likely won't even NOTICE that Ted Johnson isn't there anymore. And as far as the coordinators go I think the true genius and the genesis of all the Patriots success remains in Foxboro.
  5. We are a man or two short for our keeper league that we are looking to start in Virginia Beach. We are doing an auction draft on Saturday at noon. If you'd be interested let me know.
  6. This is a silly thread. Of course the Pats should be preseason favorite in the AFC East. They're the best team in the division. Remember as the immortal Ric Flair says "To be the man you've got to BEAT the man." Unfortunately I don't think the Pats have lost anything of consequence in the offseason, with the exception of Bruschi.
  7. Come on man, then you'd just be complaining that the defense played like stevestojan.
  8. During the Kelly-era I don't think the Bills ever won a preseason game on purpose. They don't mean a thing.
  9. Dude, suck it up and stick it out. Long term you'll be much better off. Just remember the hard work you do now will translate into an easier and more comfortable life down the road. Not that lawyers don't work hard, they do, but they are well compensated for it and it opens up a lot more doors than you would imagine as far as careers go.
  10. Can I speak to Pepe Roni? Bonus points if you know what I'm talking about without clicking HERE
  11. Because of a conflict with her CLASSES??!?!?!? You're in college man, you're supposed to just skip the class. You've got a lot to learn young man.
  12. So you're originally from Buffalo, but you're a Jets fan.... You're still young. There's time to correct this bad behavior.
  13. Now let's hope they live up to that lofty rating on the field. I think #5 is a bit high for this team.
  14. I don't have a problem with Madden getting into the Hall, but it just depresses me that Ralph continues to be overlooked. He'll be there eventually, but I'd hate to see it be posthumous. He deserves his day.
  15. Man that is FUNNY. She has some serious issues. Her point of view has some validity to it, but who the hell would ever know because she reacts like such a child.
  16. Look I get pissed off as much as anyone when Buffalo gets slighted. However, I am sick of clinging only to meaningless stats and half of a good team. I want to start shutting people up on the field again. In the 90s people respected the Bills because (with the exception of Super Bowls) they came to town and kicked everyone's ass. I miss those days.
  17. The one thing I hated was purposely avoiding the score of the game until I had a chance to see it and then having the damn score scroll at the bottom of the screen.
  18. Yeah sometimes it seems like people around here are trying to build the cast of a Lifetime movie rather than a football team.
  19. I'll go under. I think he'll be yanked early.
  20. While I don't agree with your assessment of its merits compared to Wedding Crashers I do agree that it is a very funny movie. Definately worth the 8.50.
  21. For what it's worth I vote neutral feedback.
  22. Oh yes they are. I know quite a few. They think Bledsoe is the savior and nothing I say to them will convince them otherwise.
  23. It's really funny the way this is playing out EXACTLY like it did in Buffalo. The Cowboys are heavy in the denial stage right now. I can't wait to see how this blows up in Parcells' face.
  24. So you don't think Nate Clements and his agent know that the cap will likely go up? If it were as easy as WANTING to sign Clements to a contract then it would be an easy decision. The fact is I'm sure he relishes the chance to at least find out what kind of payday an open market could bring him.
  25. No, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe that the guy actually believed what he was saying. And I couldn't believe Linda Cohn was too frightened to challenge him on the statement. And while I was paraphrasing the quote it's pretty dead on. He actually said that the predominantly white journalists were jealous of T.O. because he is richer than them and black.
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