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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. You know what I just realized something. You're right. Bush is doing a great job. Keep up the good work GWB. Because I really believed that only a few phone calls are necessary to fix this whole problem. But thanks for straightening me out. This country needs more forward thinkers like yourself.
  2. Do me a favor. Read this. Ok, now understand that pointing out that Bush is not leading effectively and people seem to be blindly following him despite the facts is NOT being partisan due to the fact that it is not advocating an ideology or a particular party.
  3. No it's not partisan. Perhaps you should look up the meaning. Believing that Bush is a bad President and a horrible leader for this country does not make me partisan. There are plenty Democrats as well as Republicans that I would love to see in jail for pillaging this country. Seriously take a look at the definition and tell me how my post was partisan.
  4. How is it a cookie cutter response to believe that Bush is an inept leader? Believe what you want, Bush is not the leader that this nation needs and he has led us to nothing to ruin since taking office. If you fail to recognize that that's your issue. Contrary to what you might think I WANT this guy to step it up and lead this country to greatness, the problem with that is I've been waiting for that happen ever since 9/11 and haven't seen any indication that it ever will happen. But what the hell. Jeb in 2008! 8 more years of spiraling down the drain of mediocrity. Should be a fun ride.
  5. No it's only partisan politics when you have one way of viewing the world and your way is always right and the other side is always wrong. I don't see how anybody can claim that Bush has done anything other than bungle this situation. Unless they are simply trying to prop up "their boy" and blindly follow the beat of the Republican party's drum.
  6. Go easy on him. He's starting to see one of his paradigms crumbling before his eyes. He is starting to wake up to the fact that he's been backing a loser, but he still needs a little more time to fully realize it.
  7. Of course I've already said that partisan politics are ruining this country, but don't let that get in the way of your cookie cutter responses.
  8. I don't know why I bother trying to explain things like this to you. I'm not counting myself AMONG the elites. I'm saying that they heap scorn on you for the ease with which they can get you to focus on petty concerns such as partisan politics while they continue to loot our country. Think of that the next time you're filling up.
  9. The day the storm hit. You'd think the best place for him would be somewhere planning relief efforts. But he's asleep at the switch and instead is cutting a cake for his lapdog McCain.
  10. Because of things like this. Face it the guy is just not a leader.
  11. Why is it that whenever anyone criticizes Bush his supporters bring up Clinton? Keep fighting this tired fight it's really productive. The elite of this country are laughing at you because you are so easy to manipulate.
  12. It's not about the money that he may or may not have donated. It's about a consistant lack of standing up and leading this nation. Despite countless chances during his presidency he has never stood up and rallied the nation and sent us in a common direction and saw something through to completion.
  13. You mean blew a great opportunity to be a true leader AGAIN. That's the story of his administration.
  14. It's not JUST the Islamic world that lacks compassion in this case. Link
  15. Man I wish I didn't need my F-150. It's becoming a pain in the ass to fill it up. I'd go with a lower fuel consumer, but I need it for work.
  16. No way, That's not a good trade. Unless you're in a keeper league. That's the only way that Kevin Jones' value would be appreciably more than Tiki Barber's.
  17. For the first time in my life I might actually sit down and watch a soccer game.
  18. I think Moulds restructures and stays a Bill. Nobody is going to give him a lot of money on the free market. As for Clements, I think it will all work out fine in the end. I see him being franchised and possibly even being traded off to another team if someone wants him bad enough. Either way it's a good situation for the Bills.
  19. Let's use an example of a neighborhood to explain this. There was a storm. A tree in Mr. Smith's yard fell down. Mr. Jones, his next door neighbor, has no damage to his yard. Now would it make sense for Mr. Smith to be pissed off that when he woke up and saw the fallen tree that Mr. Jones wasn't already out there chopping it up? No, if he wanted his help with taking care of it he'd give him a call and ask him nicely and offer him some beer when they're done. People don't always know what to do unless they're asked.
  20. Let's not be so quick to criticize. I doubt the President has requested any help from other countries. That's usually the first step in help being offered.
  21. That's the point. There are none. I think the only logical conclusion to this is the game should be cancelled.
  22. OK, you're now the Mayor of the world. How do you solve this? I'd like to know.
  23. I get where you're coming from with this. Given how the media blows so much out of proportion it's sometimes hard to know when to stop being jaded and when a legitimate emergency has arisen. In Virginia Beach we get hurricanes on a fairly regular basis and when I compare what I see outside my window with what is reported in the national media it rarely equates. I truly hope that things in New Orleans aren't as bad as we are being led to believe. It's just a shame that you can't even count on the news to give you an idea since they so often make mountains out of mole hills.
  24. Yeah somehow I was a bit underwhelmed with that. I dunno maybe I'm just crazy that way. What struck me as funny is it would have been priceless if that judge had sent him to a different prison.
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