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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. I have no problem with the Bills using this as a year in which to get Losman prepared for the future. The problem I have with the Bills organization is they aren't giving him the tools with which to succeed. The offensive line is shameful and has been so since Jim Kelly was QB. There is simply no excuse for having not fixed the situation at this point. We have a young QB and a possible future star RB, but this offensive line is going to stunt their development.
  2. So just being upset about the fact that we will have to endure even more losing as part of this never ending rebuilding process makes you not a dedicated fan? I'm just sick of the effort that I see from the Bills organization. I was once patient with the way TD was building this team, but there are two glaring mistakes that I think have been made along the way. The first is the fact that the offensive line is STILL not fixed. They're a collection of journeymen and underachievers. The second majore mistake that TD has made was allowing Pat Williams to walk out the door. It's like losing Ted Washington all over again. In both cases the defense has gone from stout and impressive to soft and exploitable.
  3. Nope. Stay the course. Losman will be better off in the long run if he learns by taking his lumps. Face it, we thought maybe with the defense we had we wouldn't have to go through ALL the growing pains of a young QB. I'd rather take the lumps now than later.
  4. Here's a guarantee for you. The Bills will NOT finish with the worst record in the NFL. They're not that bad. Even without Spikes.
  5. I suspect you're right. The heart of this defense has just been ripped out.
  6. Me too bro. That's exactly how I've been thinking.
  7. EXACTLY. I'm not a bit concerned about the defense. I just was hoping that the offense could at least be AVERAGE. So far I have been a little bit disappointed, but the year is still young.
  8. I like Buffalo's chances this weekend. While maybe on paper it isn't a must win game for the mind frame of the team I think it's a must win. They got brought back to Earth last week, but a win this weekend could get them right back on the track to being a solid playoffs contender.
  9. I don't think Dennis Green will ever be accused of being a genius. However, maybe he just didn't like Henry. It's easy for me to understand why.
  10. I'm not that worried about Duckett. Atlanta in general just doesn't impress me as being able to cram the ball down a team's throat. I'm just going on record as saying I believe Buffalo can shut down the Falcons' offense, but it will be up to Buffalo offense to get SOME points on the board. If they can just put up the same amount as they did against Houston I think Buffalo wins.
  11. I think Buffalo's defense has enough speed to match up well with Atlanta's finesse brand of running. The problem that Buffalo has is stopping those smash mouth style running teams. I wonder if that will forever be our curse.
  12. I'm sure that there's more to this firing than just underproduction in the first two weeks of the season, but jeez that seems a little premature. The Texans have faced two of the best defenses in the NFL in the first two weeks and their defense hasn't exactly lit it up either.
  13. I guess you didn't see the Lions, Baltimore, or Green Bay play. All had worse defensive performances IMO.
  14. I'm not going to say the defense played great, but they only gave up 17 pts. That's not exactly an avalanche of offense.
  15. My ardent hope is that one of these days this Robinson guy will make a statement like he did and everyone's reaction isn't to laugh. I want this to be a season of shutting up these fools.
  16. You've GOT to reread them. Put off starting the new one, but definately reread them. I started rereading them specifically so I could be caught up and refreshed in time for November. (I might have started a bit early since I'm about to start Storm of Swords.) I'm finding a new appreciation for how intricately the book is written. It's kind of hard to keep all the characters straight the first read through, since there are so damn many of them, but the second time through you really pick it up and start to get into what is truly going on in the story. BTW, if you haven't already check out this FAQ discussion about some of the major events in ASOIF. It's pretty well done and will get you thinking about a few things that might not have ocurred to you.
  17. Speaking of books has anyone read the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin? So far there are three books in the series and the 4th one is coming out in November. It's a fantasy series for people that don't like fantasy novels. All the cliches of the genre are thrown out and the series is a complex story of multiple noble houses that are contending for a throne. The characters in the series are wonderfully done. Few characters are clearly good or clearly evil. Everyone has a logical motivation for their actions in the series. Heroes don't simply survive every peril presented to them. It's just a damn good series of books. Pick up the first book Game of Thrones. There's a new edition out that retails for 3.99 trying to introduce people to the series. My poor description really does this series no justice, but give it a look if you have a chance.
  18. I've heard of it. Just haven't had a chance to get into it. Frankly the subject matter doesn't really sound too interesting to me and they're really long books. I'll probably get into it one day.
  19. Mellow Mushroom. I guarantee you'll like it. I think that pizza has the best crust that I've ever tasted. They have restaurants all over college towns in the South. I go to the Charlottesville, VA on my way to go skiing. It's never let me down.
  20. I agree. As long as Losman doesn't cost the Bills the game with bad decisions and turnovers I think the Bills win this one.
  21. By the way. Thanks a bunch again. Those seats Sunday were great.
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