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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. That seems to be a popular accusation among critics of the show. One which I don't agree with. There are too many details written into each episode for that to be the case. On the season one DVD extras they claim to have the first 5 seasons outlined. So I have a hard time believing that the writers would not know how to address something as fundamental to the show as the mysterious "Monster."
  2. It's good to see a parent that gives a damn for a change instead of just blaming the school system.
  3. Well he did come out of the jungle instead of from the beach where everyone else was.
  4. Yeah it's been noticed for a few weeks now. I think it suggests different departments of the Dharma project. The best scene of the night to me was Anna Lucia exposed Goodwin as the infiltrator and was asking him questions. It was such a creepy feel to the scene.
  5. Yeah I thought so too, but it was a cool idea. I think he's going to end up being right about the electromagnetism and polar reversal in some for or another (despite what Puhonix thinks).
  6. In what parallel universe is that a sexy pose?
  7. Don't forget we're talking about a Science Fiction show. I thought it was an interesting theory of what was going on on the island. Whether or not it's right at least it's not another "They're all dead" theory.
  8. I think you might find this theory posted in another forum of interest. Ultimate Theory
  9. I don't think I was off base in this instance. Nobody was claiming that the guy was any kind of saint. Just saying that it sucks that he won't be around anymore.
  10. Can't you PPP guys just stay there? I mean does everything with you guys have to be so damn serious all the time. Of course little kids in Children's Hospitals are sad. So is this. I'm not saying it's on the same level, but I don't want to place a value on someone's suffering. We're speculating that the guy did this to himself, but we don't know that yet. Why not just let people say a few nice things about a guy that passed before his time, whether they're deserved or not?
  11. Unfortunately you are right. In Eddie's case it was apparent to anyone with eyes that he was juicing. I guess it's a scarifice some guys are willing to make in order to provide a living for their families. I wish the price wasn't so high for them.
  12. The first down play was before the 2 min. warning I think. If I'm right about that then there wouldn't have been any way to kneel down and run down enough clock to keep K.C. from getting the ball back. It's easy to say "So what if K.C. gets the ball back they probably wouldn't have won anyway." Had they gotten the ball back and somehow pulled it off everyone would be calling MM & crew idiots for not realizing that they couldn't kill all of the clock by taking a knee and they'd ask "Why didn't we just run the ball?" It's truly a no-win situation with some people.
  13. So go over and have dinner. If you don't want it to be more, don't let it be more. Stop being such a woman.
  14. Tear it down. Rebuild it. I'm just sick of most of these guys at this point.
  15. There're a lot of smart men in this world that fall in love with women that are not their peer intellectually. It's human nature. I think in Sayid's case he sees a hot chick that needs protecting.
  16. I can buy your other points, but this one I think is a stretch. I mean if I have to explain what's attractive to a man on a desserted island that is constantly facing his own mortality about Shannon then I'm afraid you wouldn't understand anyway.
  17. I'm with MadBuffaloDisease only if he's 100%. No sense in risking his future on THIS season.
  18. She's a beautiful woman no question, but she's always struck me as humorless and sexless. Give me Angelina Jolie any day.
  19. That's it exactly. I think if I were expecting the Bills to win only 4-6 games and be way out of contention I'd be more into the season because I'd acknowledge that it's a rebuilding year and it's getting done. However, the fact that there was so much hype and hope going into this season and it's been such a dismal failure so far just makes it that much more bitter.
  20. That's the biggest football argument that my best friend and I have. I think there are just too many places where you can get a veteran QB to lead your team to waste a high pick on them. With free agency there is just too much of a need to win now in the NFL to wait for a QB to fully develop. Sure it works out sometimes, but there is always a couple of seasons where you have to weather the storm. As a matter of fact I don't even like high draft picks period. I think trading down and getting many picks and spending the money that you would have paid the 1st or 2nd overall pick on free agents makes a hell of a lot more sense to me. At least with free agents you have an game film of what they can do in the NFL.
  21. I wouldn't. Give the guy a chance to prove what he can do. Use the pick to make the team around him better (I'm looking at you offensive line) and then maybe you'll start to see what kind of potential he has. To me he showed that he has the poise, the arm, and the pocket presence to make it in the NFL. Every young QB (except Marino and Roethlisberger apparently) goes through a learning stage. Losman has had the misfortune of having his on a team that many expected to make a playoff run. Too much pressure for a young QB. Holcomb probably should have been the starter since week 1 in hindsight if the goal was to make the playoffs.
  22. Of course he was. Don't you remember the great "Draft Freeney" debates of 2002 that nearly split this board apart?......Yeah me neither.
  23. A couple of weeks ago I had an ex-girlfriend call me up after finding my number in the phone book. It was a bit of an awkward conversation to have with your wife sitting in the room.
  24. Yeah no kidding. They're even remaking Predator if you can believe it.
  25. If you loved the original then Hollywood is banking that you'll love the remake. What a craptacular idea.
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