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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Here's a crazy idea, why not restructure the remainder of his contract and just pay him more money. Might help with building some good will.
  2. Seems like she's just not old enough to have established proper empathy with her fellow humans. Hopefully it's something she'll grow into.
  3. I loved going in and browsing in those stores whenever I went to Buffalo, but I never remember buying ANYTHING. I guess a lot of other people were doing the same.
  4. You know it's a good thing you don't have kids at this point. I'd feel sorry for them. It's almost like you can't wait to beat a kid. You probably ought to look into why that is. Could it be that badge of honor that you wear for being beaten as a child and surviving it isn't such a badge of honor after all and is a badge of shame and sadness? If you ever do have a kid hold that kid in your arms and ask yourself if you really could picture yourself beating that child and then find another way to make sure your kids grow up the right way.
  5. Based on what? That just sounds like more supposition to me.
  6. Not only is it not certain that Weiss would have done well as the head coach (I think he would have), but who the hell knows if he even WANTED the job? This has been an incredible leap on the part of a lot of people on this board in my opinion.
  7. Who's to say that it did? Maybe you could have achieved more in life had you not been hit. Since you used the term beating I'm assuming we're not talking about a spanking here or there, but actual hitting. I'm not trying to say I'm any kind of super father, far from it, but I haven't been in a situation with my son where I have felt the need to physically punish him and I'm constantly getting comments on how well behaved he is.
  8. Because beating kids is the answer. Beating is the easy way out. It just takes being involved. Something most people these days don't want to be.
  9. As long as TD isn't the one making the draft pick.
  10. No it was me too. As soon as they went up 21-0 I gave in to my wife and said we could go out Christmas shopping.
  11. It seems like every time I turn on ESPN his face is on there. I for one am sick of it and am boycotting ESPN for the rest of the football season.
  12. Congratulations. Now the fun ends. Welcome to fatherhood.
  13. So stuffing the run on 1st and 2nd and thus setting up longer 3rd down yardage doesn't have anything to do with it? I was hoping along with everyone else that losing PW wouldn't hurt the Bills. I think that hope has been dashed, however.
  14. I was hoping that letting PW go wouldn't hurt the defense too much, but it really is like letting Ted Washington go all over again.
  15. I can't believe it's even this close. Angelina Jolie is the clear winner in this. Not only is she better looking than Jennifer Anniston, but she has way more sex appeal.
  16. I'm likely stuck here until late tonight. Trying to finish up three projects that have been lingering. Unfortunately I have zero motivation and am spending more time screwing around than I am on getting my work done.
  17. Already happened in GTA: San Andreas you can walk up to coin op arcade games and play.
  18. My sister's boyfriend got that game and I played some this weekend. Man was it fun. It's one of those stupide rhythm matching games like Dance Dance Revolution, but it has some cool songs in the game and the guitar controller is just so much fun. Normally I hate these kind of games, but for some reason I really loved this one. http://www.guitarherogame.com/ Review & video
  19. Unfortunately I think you're right about that.
  20. If he's open and he keeps dropping them then maybe it will finally wake up TD and MM to the fact that he needs to be shown the door. I say throw to him on every play that he is open and if he drops every damn one of them I'm happy for two reasons 1) it forces their hands on getting rid of him and 2) Losman is hitting the open receiver.
  21. No actually it's a ton better in the Richmond housing market than it is down here in Hampton Roads. Just in the little amount of time that I've been looking in the Richmond market I can afford a much better house than I can in Hampton Roads. Plus the job market seems to be much better too.
  22. I want to stay close to my parents for my son. He is 2 1/2 and really attached to his grandparents. He was born in Thailand and loved his grandparents in Thailand and when we moved it took a toll on him. I don't want to do that to him twice in his young life. If I stayed in Richmond it'd be a nice easy drive to take him down to see them or for them to come up to see him. Personally I'd love to move back to Buffalo, but my wife would freeze. Thanks for the suggestions on areas of Richmond to check out. My sister lives out in the west end on Glenside Drive. I like that area out there, so I guess that's where I'll start looking.
  23. I think I've finally had it with Hampton Roads and am ready to move on. We were up west of Richmond over the weekend and liked what I saw. Can anyone point me in the right direction for the best areas to look at for real estate that is affordable, has decent schools, etc. Would you suggest moving there?
  24. Damn wish I wasn't going out of town this weekend. Free tickets or not that's something I would have liked to go to. Oh well maybe next time.
  25. I guess I'll back up what everyone is saying about Asheville. My brother lives there and loves it. I might never get him to move back unfortunately. And for one that hasn't been mentioned yet how about Atlanta? I know several people that have moved to greener pastures in Atlanta and the surrounding area.
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