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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Hey maybe someone will know the answer to this. Last night we were discussing Lost and the subject of possible romantic pairings came up. Did Michael and that blonde chick from the tail section KISS? Because I don't remember it that way. There was someone in the discussion that was adament that it happened, but the rest of us didn't remember them actually kissing. I remember there being the hint of a spark between them, but nothing physical. Can anyone help?
  2. That guy gets serious consideration for the idiot of the year award and it's only Jan.
  3. If they were looking for a player at a position that we don't need and they absolutely were in love with him. Such as RB or WR. I'm not advocating the trade down notion just offering a scenario where it could happen.
  4. I don't want a guy who's "not a bad coach I guess." I want someone that is a winner. I'm sorry, but in two seasons Mularkey didn't show me that he was definately a winner. He might down the road in a different set of circumstances and I wish him luck with that, but I think it was time for him to go.
  5. Waaah my Dad gets criticised and only makes a million dollars a year to send me to the best private schools and give me everything I could ever want waaaaah. Seriously I agree that the kids should be left out of it, but they don't live in a bubble so you've gotta give them the coping skills to get through life's little setbacks.
  6. Yeah I think you should. Here's a suggestion for an avatar to use instead Link
  7. I mean the NFL game is what it is. If he doesn't want to step up and be one of the big boys why the hell not just sell the team? This nickel and dime crap is really wearing thin.
  8. The only problem with how the whole MM thing played out was that he wasn't just straight fired. Ralph tried to cheap out and get him to quit so he wouldn't have to pay him. That kind of sh-- is what you'd expect out of like a Double A baseball team not the NFL.
  9. As much as I hate the guy and don't think he'd be a good fit for Buffalo I'd rather see him be the head coach than Marv. Sorry.
  10. Yeah and to take it a step further Charlie can't even accept his guilt. He blames his brother for his fall.
  11. So stop watching. I can safely say if you didn't like this episode you probably won't like any of them from here on out. Just find another show to watch. Meanwhile for those of us that aren't on the "Lost is crappy this season" bandwagon I thought it was a great episode. Echo is quickly becoming my favorite character and his origin was amazing. One question I had was is Charlie definately using again or is he just stockpiling in case he starts using again? I can't remember if they've showed him actually using again, but maybe it's just slipping my mind.
  12. Why is everyone seemingly off the Indy bandwagon? They really only lost one game all season (I'm giving them a pass on the Seattle game because of the Dungy's son situation). I can see Indy, NE, Pitt, Denver, Seattle, Carolina, or even the Redskins as having a shot at throwing together a Super Bowl run. I'm hoping there will be some upsets and we'll see some new faces in the Super Bowl.
  13. First of all Hovan isn't "Huge" by DT standards. I like him as a player, not a great player, but functional. However I'd like to see him beside a more veteran player like Adams. I don't like placing that kind of pressure on a rookie. I guess I misspoke a little bit. I don't see the combo as being a disaster, but more upheaval at a vital position as having the potential for disaster on a defense that needs to snap back if there's any hope for the Bills next season.
  14. Hovan + Ngata as the starting DTs in a 4-3 = disaster Square pegs in round holes. If you added resigning Sam Adams to that mix I think it might work, but without Adams in the mix I don't see good things happening.
  15. Good thing we got rid of him. We might still have a top level defense if we didn't and we might not have as high of a draft pick this year in which we'll probably take.......a DT. See it all comes together nicely. Fuggers.
  16. It's settled then. You guys open the Denny's and I'll open the 7-11. We'll all be rich and we'll buy TBD a new server.
  17. Well here's your chance dude, get a franchise. Then you can have all the slurpees you want. I can't believe this thread has lasted this long.
  18. I think he was wrong to GO FOR IT on 4th down. But having made that decision having White on the field insted of Bush was not a bad decision.
  19. Wow, there's one on every corner in Bangkok, Thailand. I just assumed they'd be everywhere in the U.S.
  20. Gee, don't go out on a limb and predict that a 5-11 team won't make the playoffs next year.
  21. They don't have 7-11s in Tallahassee?
  22. Yeah I agree. Unless Levy legitimately believes MM is the man for the job, and how could he, they have to fire MM and bring in someone with some chops.
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