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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Alvar Hanso from the Hanso Foundation financiers of the Dharma Initiative. He's introduced during the orientation film.
  2. There's actually quite a bit behind the Zeke=DeGroot argument. One of the most compelling to me is that Zeke quotes Hanso with the whole human curiousity thing.
  3. All this talk of moving to Vegas is giving me the itch. I'll never get the wife to agree to a move to Vegas, and the actual move would be a logistical nightmare, but I'd love to be out there getting sun year round and have the excitement of Las Vegas in my back yard. Oh well one can dream.
  4. I don't know if I'm losing all perspective because I come here too much or if things really are as bad as they seem with the Bills organization. This crap is just getting out of hand.
  5. Yeah I know he wasn't a participant. But it happened on his watch and he can probably make some calls. It's called a joke dude, why don't you go change your avatar or something.
  6. Could make for an interesting weekend for Marv and Ralph on the Lake though.
  7. I was wondering that as well. Seriously, stop the desperate cries for attention.
  8. No, there's a free airport shuttle for the Motel 6 so no need for Ralph to put himself out.
  9. You assume that anyone that wants to watch it live would want the games adjusted to the US schedule. Personally I'd like the option of catching the events live at odd hours like that and then having a wrapup in primetime like they do.
  10. Why would the league care what the Bills wore? I think you ask 100 random people at least 80 would say they like those throwback unis better.
  11. I think that the network policy of showing recaps instead of live coverage has hurt it more than anything. Obviously they're trying to make the best of a bad situation when it comes to having Olympics in different time zones, but the coverage for the past couple of Olympics that I have watched have been awful. They just don't play the events that appeal to me. I think you're on to something with the every two years thing as well. The Winter Olympics should be like a warm up act for the Summer games which have always been the main event.
  12. I'll probably get flamed for being a racist or some such ridiculous nonsense, but this is what comes to mind when I see that: "Excuse me, white man coming through."
  13. It's not even that they didn't get TOP dollar. They were at the bottom. What have you seen about the head coach so far to point a change in that policy? I'm not saying pay too much for the Mike Mularkeys of the world, but you get what you pay for.
  14. Can't wait. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm not bummed about no Tony early on because I think the show has a lot going for it beyond Tony.
  15. Not to turn this into a whole Wal-Mart is evil or not debate, but it seems strange that stores like K-Mart are acceptable, but not Wal-Mart. I'm pretty sure if you polled the workers at NYC K-Mart they'd say they're not getting a living wage.
  16. So for everyone that doesn't like the pick of Dick Jauron who do they suggest keeping in mind Ralph will not pay too much money. Everyone seems to be clamoring for an experienced head coach, but what experienced coach is going to take a job with a franchise that pretty much guarantees him bottom-5 money?
  17. Definately. Maybe with a few tweaks here and there and definately blue pants for the road uniforms. As far as having bigger concerns than the uniforms to worry about not really. That's Levy's problem right now. We're just fans on a message board. The only concern we have is showing up in the fall.
  18. The one thing I agree with this guy on is change the friggin uniforms. The new uniforms ARE awful.
  19. This isn't much of an answer, but if anyone can reverse the trend of #2 receivers not being worth #1 money it'd be Reggie Wayne. He's not a tall receiver, but he's got great speed and great hands. Like someone else mentioned before I think he'd be crazy to leave Indy.
  20. A lot of apartment keys are marked "Do not copy" on them. Not saying you couldn't find someone to make you a copy, but the more reputable places wouldn't.
  21. I don't know, but I can't imagine even if you were a single person renting an apartment that they'd only give you one set of keys. Realistically though if your girlfriend can afford the place on her own I don't think it'll matter if they put your name on the place or not. But like I said I'm just some !@#$ on the internet and no expert in renting apartments.
  22. I'm no expert, but why not just have your girlfriend be the only one named on the lease? What's the downside? If you two broke up you couldn't afford to stay at the apartment you'll get anyway.
  23. Yeah in the post game press conference he said something along the lines of "I'm not going to be a bad teammate and call anyone out, but we had some problems with protection." I n my opinion the problem with the Colts wasn't in protection it was in play calling and Manning having too many responsibilities on the field. But what the hell do I know?
  24. I was sitting there in disbelief with as much time as they had left and as many time outs that they weren't looking for the first down and then taking a couple of shots at the end zone.
  25. Dude, could you find a link for this story? Because it sounds insane. It sounds like something the Thai police used to do when I lived in Thailand. They'd bust into a night club lock the place up tight as a drum and give everyone drug tests. A buddy of mine was stuck in one of those raids and didn't get out until 9am the next morning and about $50 poorer because he had to pay a "Fine" (bribe) because he didn't have his passport on him at the time.
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