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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Why? Didn't work for her for like 16 years. Why bother?
  2. What Vincent showing up told me was that he was familiar with whoever was lurking in the jungle. That's why it wasn't a shock to me to see Charlie revealed as the attacker at the end. I thought it was either him or A.L., but thought A.L. would be too obvious.
  3. I think the FBI has more important things to worry about these days.
  4. I would love to know what would have to happen in an episode for you to not label it a filler episode.
  5. They must have read your post. They changed the article.
  6. The one that I really don't see how they can justify is the low block call on Hasselbeck. The rest I guess you can explain away, but that one just defies explanation and they should have issued an apology for it.
  7. Welcome to parity in the NFL.
  8. Oh great. Now I've gotta get a new computer.
  9. But it would be unethical for an agent to consider his needs ahead of his clients. I'm sure they would never do that.
  10. Because I'm still busy talking about THIS
  11. Anyone else completely sick of the Brokeback Mountain jokes?
  12. Well that's one thing that definately isn't happening. But thanks for the suggestions.
  13. Nah, I'm usually a pretty good gift giver. I just am kind of out of ideas this year and thought maybe someone had a unique idea that they had used at some point that I could steal.
  14. I need to come up with something for the wife. Kind of tired of the same old flowers and chocolates etc. Can anyone give me a good idea for something for this year?
  15. I'd love to see a rule change like that. I think it'd go a long way towards simplifying things and making the game more exciting.
  16. Is that such a terrible thing? I also think it would make determining whether a player was in bounds that much easier. Less blown calls, less trips to the replay booth.
  17. Just a little bit off topic, but does anyone else wish the NFL would change the rule about two feet in bounds to the one foot college rule? I sure do.
  18. Don't have any suggestions for where to watch the Super Bowl, but my two favorite places in D.C. are In Georgetown Thomas Sweet Great friggin ice cream. A couple different locations 5 Guys Burgers and Fries Great hamburgers and even better fries.
  19. Even though I'm pretty sure I could play CB for the Bills in the cover 2 I think they might want to hang on to Nate just in case.
  20. Just my opinion, but I find it in completely poor taste. Nobody should be profiting from the suffering of these people and their families. I definately won't be giving this production any of my money.
  21. I was kind of disappointed with it. But that's only because the Firefly fans had built this into something that no movie could have possibly lived up to.
  22. I think he looks more like the Native American guy from the old TV show Renegade http://img334.imageshack.us/img334/5466/t58vl.jpg
  23. Just like BGIM said it's a numbers game. Reggie Wayne needs to be resigned so it's tough decision time. Personally I think they're making the right choice.
  24. I absolutely HATE that. Why have 4 tribes to start out if you're just going to bail one of them out at the first sign of trouble? It'd be so much more entertaining to watch the old women struggle as a result of their stupidity in voting off their only competent member.
  25. I love the Anchor Bar. You can find better wings at different places, but there's just something about that place that I love. Since I've got nothing better to do I'll post a story about my last trip to the Anchor Bar. I might have posted it, but what the hell. I was taking my wife on her first trip to Buffalo during opening weekend. We flew up from Virginia and spent a nice weekend. On our way back from Niagara Falls I decided it'd be the time to take her to the Anchor Bar and get some wings. So we were sitting in there about to finish up our meal when she saw an Asian couple come in and sit down. She told me "That guy kind of looks like someone I know and they're speaking Thai." So I told her "Go over and say hi. What the hell." So she went over there and found out it was the guy she thought it was. It was a guy that she went to High School with in Bangkok and hadn't seen him for like 10 years. Turns out the guy lived in Ontario for the past 5 years and this was his very first trip into the U.S. I couldn't believe the coincidence.
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