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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah the one with that professor that would have been lecturing at Harvard except that he blew out his knee? Those sure were good times that we didn't have. Remember when you and I were both not dating the captain of the cheerleading team until we found out that she was not dating us at the same time? Or how about the time we took those chicks to that bar and those big black guys asked us if they could dance with our dates and we were too scared to say no and then we ran out of the bar......oh nevermind that was Animal House.
  2. Me neither! Man what a small Internet it is. We should get together some time and catch up on old times. Give me a call man. Really good to type to you again.
  3. OK, so you played HIGH SCHOOL football. That means you have about the same football knowledge as just about everyone else.
  4. Sure you were. That's the same tired story that everyone that's a big liar about their "glory days" tells.
  5. Listen here Jr. Just because you're home sick from school today doesn't mean you don't have better things to do with your time than waste everyone else's time on a message board. You need to be studying for that Math test next Wednesday.
  6. Do me a favor. Don't post a second time. It'd just be a waste of everyone's time.
  7. Actually yes it does. A pretty big one.
  8. You can't be serious. You would seriously pass on a player because they went to Texas and in your mind Texas players are not successful? Amazing. I'm going to add you to the list of people that I'm glad aren't the GM of the Buffalo Bills
  9. I don't know, ask BlueFire. He might be able to tell you.
  10. Normally I'd agree with you, but Huff is a rare talent.
  11. I don't understand why you'd place an artificial limit on how many X-Men movie you're going to make. I mean as long as you're doing good movies who the heck cares? Keep making them. Do one a year or one every other year. Same with Spider-Man. They've been talking that the third one is going to be the last. Why? Put one of those out a year and just roll with it. If Tobey McGuire or Kirsten Dunst don't want to keep making them just replace them. Nobody goes to see these movies for the Academy Award winning acting. They just want to see some cool CGI and stuff blow up.
  12. Are you kidding? It's at least 4 or 5 hours past Marv's bedtime.
  13. The Buffalo Wings?????? You have got to be F'ing kidding.
  14. Well the way I understand it is that deal hasn't been signed yet. Plus there's got to be a range where teams can be in.
  15. I hope so too. She has a real annoying attitude.
  16. The problem is I think regardless of what the cap number is the Bills will spend under it. They would have actually been better off with the 90 something million number.
  17. 151 balls touched before I got bored.
  18. Not sure about the whole fish head thing, but just film it yourself and put it on the internet. As far as ideas I've had I don't have many practical ideas, but I have ideas for books and screenplays, but don't really know where to start with writing them and getting them looked at. What I think I need is a good collaborator. Someone that is a writer and I can just throw ideas at.
  19. I have the opposite feeling. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out. I guess it's years of being a shellshocked Buffalo sports fan. Oh well I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
  20. That's friggin hilarious. Poor guy.
  21. There's just going to be no convincing people like that because they have a vested interest in the Redskins being able to spend whatever the hell they want. It'd be a complete waste of time to try to argue with them because they're stuck on brilliant statements like "If you can't make money in the NFL without help from the big fish in the sea, you're a moron. It shouldn't come down to socialism." 'Nuff said
  22. I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears. Remember we're one of the few states (if not the only) that charges tax on online purchases. How they can justify the tax on the satellite radio I'll never figure out.
  23. Yeah I suppose there is a distinction to be made, but if Moulds isn't here next year I think it makes even more sense to take a look at Davis. Losman will never develop as a QB if he doesn't have anyone to throw to......or block for him.
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