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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Yeah when I listen to him I often have uncontollable urges to go out and commit anti-social and illegal behavior. I should probably cut down.
  2. LABillsfan comes into this thread to tell us how much Stern sucks and Adam friggin Carolla is better in 3....2.... Seriously though I think Artie is great on the show. Haven't had a chance to hear today's show yet, but loved him and Beetlejuice the other day going back and forth.
  3. Yeah definately spotty. They refer to him as a free agent.
  4. I guess I'll state the obvious. I wish my job had something like this.
  5. Ever since I've gotten Sirius I could care less what's going on with the regular radio stations. They could all become Spanish as far as I'm concerned.
  6. Not by me. Of the women on the show past and present I think only Kate is hotter.
  7. Why is this story still around? A bunch of millionaires had a big party on a lake and banged some whores. What's the big deal?
  8. Where are you coming up with 1800 from? The chart has the number 8 pick as 1400.
  9. I would still make the trade. There's plenty of players to be had in this draft and that 2nd round pick would be great for adding depth to the Bills.
  10. No you didn't hit a nerve, just asking you not to be a douche. The fact that there are other people doing annoying things like this doesn't make you less annoying. Just makes you part of the herd. I'm pretty sure that me and everyone else on the board that are into these T.V. shows know the difference between television and reality and don't place undue importance on television. It's just a fun diversion and it's nice to talk to other people that enjoy these shows and not have to deal with negative comments from people that don't. Yes we have chatted before and I do know what you're talking about. That's why I thought you could handle a friendly little nudge to stop being a nuisance. I would never ask a mod to ban you because I've always thought stuff like that was lame. So everything good? I'm not pissed or testy so I hope you feel the same.
  11. No, but it's lame to post in a thread where people are discussing something and just saying how much you think it sucks.
  12. BiB I like you, don't be the town dick.
  13. Gettting two first round picks in this draft would be a dream come true. There's a lot of holes to fill and a lot of good players to fill them with in this draft.
  14. A joke from you, but I've heard the theory in a number of different places. Sometimes people just take the speculation in this show too far.
  15. I was driving and let my wife listen to her radio station. That song There You'll Be by Faith Hill from the Pearl Harbor soundtrack came on. I don't know what the hell hit me, but I teared up a little bit. Just couldn't help it. So that's my wuss story. I teared up a little bit during American Inventor last week too, so maybe there's something mentally wrong with me.
  16. I think ultimately it will be revealed that Sun did not cheat on Jin and all of this is just a tease and the writers' way of toying with us. There's enough medical phenomenon going on with the island (paralyzed Locke walking) to allow me to believe that Jin could have gotten the job done. As far as Michael being the father I think that's a completely ridiculous notion.
  17. I'm not a realtor, but deal with real estate closings every day of my life. My two cents, since you asked for them, is to give them the asking price. If you can afford it and the property is perfect for you just suck it up and pay their price.
  18. Jamestown wasn't a penal colony. Perhaps you're thinking of Georgia.
  19. For a minute I wasn't sure which message board I was on.
  20. I think it's an example of the feeling of entitlement in this country has gotten out of hand. He broke the law and was ordered to do six months as punishment. You don't get to pick and choose when you're going to go. You report when they tell you and if you don't you suffer the consequences. He acted just like a spoiled child by avoiding his obligation. Sometimes when you're being punished you miss stuff that you really wanted to do. If not the punishment isn't very effective.
  21. Three consecutive new episodes.
  22. OK, well even more reason to throw something into the pot. I'm not saying he's WORTH it. I've never seen him play. Just if they're so high on the guy couldn't they just step up and make it happen?
  23. Ummm no they're dealing with the BEARS now. He has signed the sheet and now the Bears have a chance to either match it or let him walk and get compensation. What I'm saying is if you threw in a third or fourth rounder that might encourage them NOT to match the offer.
  24. If Bush lasts past the first pick phones will be blowing up trying to trade up and get him. Not a chance he lasts until 7.
  25. There! Right there! That's the most unlikely draft scenario I've ever seen.
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