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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. It's actually been around for a while. My buddy has a 49ers room.....yeah I know and no he's not.
  2. The only reason I didn't mention Green Bay is because for some reason I really think that's where Hawk is going to end up. Every time I see that guy he just looks like a Packer to me. Of course that's nothing like insightful commentary, just my gut instinct about how things will play out.
  3. The one thing about that mock draft that I have a hard time buying is SF taking Vernon Davis with D'brick on the board. I just don't see it happening.
  4. So basically she was fired for having consensual sex with another adult who happens to be a little slow and still in High School even though he's 19. What a bum rap.
  5. I got you now. Wasn't really following how an ESL program would be a bad thing for a non-native speaker, but like you're saying a program as implemented like that would be a terrible disservice for those kids.
  6. What are you talking about? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. Why would you be against immigrants learning English and how would it keep them empoverished? Is there some other acronym that you're using that I am not aware of?
  7. Yeah it's amazing to me that a great majority of the rest of the world is busting their ass trying to learn English, but we have to tolerate nonsense like this.
  8. And for a change one of these forwarded email type things turn out to be true. I checked Snopes and the story checks out.
  9. Remember the healing man said that certain places/energies work for certain people and don't for others.
  10. Whacking Day should be declared in Florida. Seriously though why not ban these things as pets? It's ridiculous to have such a dangerous animal as a pet.
  11. I'd assume not because Rose seemed so taken with the Falls. I don't think if she lived in Buffalo that she'd still have that amazement, but who the hell knows?
  12. No. I think the word you're looking for is stupid. Sorry bro just had to do it.
  13. Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I see that as being the cliffhanger for the season finale.
  14. So what do you think about Michael showing up again? I'd watch him for the heel turn.
  15. I can't believe I just read that. Maybe the blue font is some kind of code that I'm not aware of. Maybe when you type in blue it actually means the opposite of what you actually wrote. Is that it? I'm going to try it: Yeah man what a great show. I really miss that show since it went off the air, but at least now I can rush right out and buy the DVD. You have great taste in television.
  16. I'm by no means a beer snob. I've tried a lot of different brews, but two of them stand out to me. Paulaner - A German beer that I first got overseas and have lately been able to get in a bar near my home. To me a frosty mug of this is heaven. Yeungling's - It's been mentioned already. I find it to be the best beer that is readily available and at an affordable price. More and more places around me are carrying it and whenever I go to a restaurant or bar that doesn't have it on tap I ask them why not.
  17. I guess people have found that chilli sales during the summer take a nosedive. For some reason a lot of people won't eat spicy foods in the summer. I guess they feel that it will heat them up too much. It's interesting to note that cultures in hot weather climates all over the world have developed spicy foods despite their hot weather. Most would find that counterintuitive, but the spiciness of the food has the effect of cooling your body down afterwards. Most people don't realize that.
  18. Yeah no kidding. Kiper seems to have a good understanding of the Bills needs this year. I'd be especially happy with Stovall in the 3rd round. I have a good feeling about him in the pros.
  19. It flashed back to the mental hospital when the Doctor was talking to Hurley and took his polaroid. Then you hear a nurse say "Libby you have to take your pills." The camera pans over and reveals the woman that the nurse is talking to is Libby from the island and she's staring over at Hurley.
  20. There's a lot of buzz going around that Detroit is fed up with him and looking to deal him or cut him.
  21. COOL! So I can dust off my Peerless Price jersey and start wearing it again......that is if I HAD a Peerless Price jersey.
  22. If someone would give a top 10 pick for him I think it would be in the Bills best interest to go ahead and take the deal. Face it the Bills aren't winning next year or the year after. By the time the Bills have a legit chance Clements will proably have shipped out due to free agency anyway. To ME he's starting to send the signals that he doesn't want to be in Buffalo, but I'm not in the middle of the negotiations so I really don't know.
  23. I guess pointing out factual inaccuracies is a buzzkill huh? Oh well guilty as charged.
  24. Have no idea what you're talking about nor do I care to figure it out.
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