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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Because he's already gotten millions of Ralph Wilson's dollars. You have to have some pride in what you do to stay motivated once you've gotten that brass ring.
  2. Sounds good. It just seems that I see more idiots on motorcycles these days than I used to. Don't get me wrong this isn't an indictment of motorcycles. There's a lot of skilled and responsible drivers, but more and more I see these guys hauling ass and doing stupid stunts on their bikes. It's too bad as well because I think the country needs more motorcycles not less these days.
  3. Do you have anything to back up that opinion or are you just talking off the top of your head? I'm not trying to turn this into an argument I'm just curious. Because in my uninformed opinion it seems most motorcycle accidents are caused by motocyclists acting like idiots.
  4. You should try one of the "beer" tastings that they give at Busch Gardens. Friggin hilarious to hear them extol the virtues of Bud Light and the differences in taste between that and Bud. Worth the price of admission.
  5. Congrats to you and your family.
  6. UPDATE: Didn't get the house. We were offering a little less than the asking price and a mysterious last minute contract came in and beat us out. I suspect the selling agent pressured someone she had previously shown the house so that she wouldn't have to split the comission with our buying agent, but who the hell knows.
  7. So we're still waiting. Man I hate this. I think the agent is pissed that we offered below the asking price. Too many of these agents around here have gotten too used to the good days and forgotten how to actually do some work to sell a house.
  8. NOBEL. Happy?
  9. I guess I'd look at it that way if I paid rent right now.....which I don't.
  10. How is this some kind of discovery? It's exactly the reasoning that I have used for years to reconcile that. I guess I should have gotten a doctorate and then published it and I would be ready to pick up my Noble Prize.
  11. Yep The house is in Virginia Beach in Landstown Lakes.
  12. Just playing the waiting game to see if they'll accept the offer. It's a great little house that is perfect for my wife and young son. I hope we get the house, but man am I not looking forward to having a mortgage. Wish me luck.
  13. The first one was just a complete idiot that almost got killed for her stupidity. The second one is still an idiot, but seemed to have a purpose. I think they were trying to jump out and act as an anchor to stop the car.
  14. That's the problem, they're so obnoxious in their attempt to outdo each other that it just grates on my nerves. The other thing I hate are these segments like the Budweiser Hot Seat. I guess it's just a personal thing, but I can't stand the fake importance they place on it and the insipid questions they ask.
  15. The problem I have with ESPN can be summed up as follows. Somewhere along the line entertainment became more important than sports. So I don't watch it much anymore.
  16. Right, just saying it won't happen overnight and everyone shouldn't sweat a small market finals this years since there's no matchup that would bring a great rating. It'll take time and in the meantime it's probably a good thing that the NHL is getting some fresh faces rather than the same old same old.
  17. Here's the thing it could be NYC vs. LA in the finals and it won't be a ratings bonanza. The thing they have to focus on is building new stars for the NHL and emphasizing the team first concept as a counter to most pro sports these days. This really could be a boon to the NHL if handled correctly with good skating, exciting play, and plenty of scoring.
  18. I haven't watched much this season, but caught last night's episode. That's the one reality show that I'd LOVE to go on. I've actually put in an application and video.
  19. Well that would kind of follow a trend wouldn't it? I agree with you about the 365 guy though, he's an asshat.
  20. For anyone that saw the first one here's another video. Not safe for work for those that don't know. Here
  21. Theater of the Living Arts. Never been there. I'm going to be in Philadelphia for a comic book convention (my yearly geek retreat). The plan is Wolfmother followed by Delilah's Den. Should be a fun time.
  22. I like them. I'm going to see them live in Philadelphia in June. I just so happen to be in town when they're playing so I'm going to go check it out.
  23. That's what I'm saying, I wasn't holding it to the "realism" test, but even when you are forgiving in that department there isn't much to forgive in this movie versus the first two.
  24. He did great. I just wish he got a little more camera time. Totally believeable as a sadisitic scumbag.
  25. I have to agree. A great action movie. Don't go in there expecting to see 100% realism (i.e. Cruise driving from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge tunnel to Northern Virginia in a matter of minutes), but overall I thought it was a solid movie.
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