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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Schwartz isn't coming back. Move on.
  2. Oh yes. It's over. Sucks that they didn't even make it out of October this year, but this is the Oakland game last year.
  3. The defense came up just fine yesterday. The problem was the points that were just gifted to the Jags. The Bills literally gifted them the game.
  4. Just stop.
  5. They don't exist this year. It's supposed to be a bad group.
  6. See I'm the opposite. The games wins and losses the last few years have been miserable for me. The losses for obvious reasons, but the wins I was miserable too because of the ultimate futility of it all. This year was supposed to be different, and I have enjoyed the wins, but the losses have been so tough because they have all been just so unnecessary.
  7. Just a heads up, advance tickets are expected to go on sale tonight after the trailer airs during Monday Night Football, expected to be some time between 8:15 and 9:30 EDT.
  8. I actually did something very similar many years ago while helping to build an orphanage. Make sure you use your mosquito netting. I wouldn't say it was a fun time down there, but it was sure rewarding.
  9. I finally did that this past Sunday. I just KNEW they weren't going to win. So I went to the movies instead. Felt great not to be stressed out about it. I still felt ****ty after I saw the score, but at least I didn't have to sit there and be miserable.
  10. So sorry to hear this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  11. I'd say half full. Of course the Bills should really only have one loss this year, but I haven't ever gotten the feeling they've been out of any of the games with the exception of the first half of the NE game. They are really only one game behind where I had hoped they would be going into the season. The Giants game hurts the most because it was a very winnable game. As long as they can pull off a win against Jacksonville and then regroup in the bye week I think we will see better things in the second half. I just would really like to see some soul searching going on with the defensive coaching. Dig out the tapes of the defense from the past two years and swallow your pride a little bit.
  12. Third time was a charm. I finally went to watch The Martian instead of suffering through this game. I knew they were going to blow it and they sure did.
  13. I'm pretty sure it's the Wolves. That whole scenario had their the feel of a trap about to be sprung. The explanation that they gave later in the episode about it being a camp that was overrun didn't change my mind that somebody had a plan for that.
  14. You sound almost gleeful about it. What's the point of this thread. I think everyone realizes the Bills might not be as good as we had hoped. But it's a long season and they have a friendly enough schedule. If they make the playoffs it's likely to be as the 6 seed.
  15. When are people like you going to give young players a chance to develop into the players that they will become instead of posting thread after thread calling them a bust? Look back 2-3 years ago, how many threads were calling Dareus a bust? Watkins is the one guy on our offense that opposing defenses are going to make sure they have accounted for on every play. He's had some durability issues, but beyond that I haven't seen anything that would indicate Watkins is anything resembling a bust.
  16. Hear hear
  17. How is this his plan? It's basically been the accepted wisdom for some time now. Getting it to work and sticking with it appear to be challenges.
  18. My hope is that the offense hasn't figured out what it's going to be and will continue to improve. It's shown flashes. Hopefully they find consistency as the season goes along. The thing that annoys the hell out of me is this offense with last year's defense and special teams would be killing it right now. I really feel like those are the two areas that the Bills need to get things together. They were supposed to be the strong points that the Bills rode into the playoffs. Basically they've been a wash so far. Playing great in one moment and painfully self destructing in the next.
  19. I really struggle to think of a more boring way to spend a Friday night. Have fun.
  20. I think I might go watch the Martian. That's what I should have done last weekend.
  21. Instead they'll squeeze in the cheesy soap opera side plot of "My mom is DEAD. And it's YOUR fault! And you're not my mom!"
  22. What about Ahmad Bradshaw? Since the situation is so dire. He seems like if he's in shape he could be a good back in a Greg Roman offense.
  23. What would have been difficult about writing it? It kind of writes itself. A lot of people find themselves in a similar situation these days, it would be kind of fun to see it playing out in this environment.
  24. Overall I'd say it was a worthwhile six episodes. It started a bit slow, but I felt like from episode 3 forward it started to find its way. It's too bad we will have to wait so long for more episodes because I was just starting to get into these characters. I think they really missed a golden opportunity to have a true holy **** moment when they allowed Ophelia to live through that gunshot. Not that I wanted her character gone or anything, but it was just such a great moment and unexpected. It's a shame Liza is gone. I was looking forward to the dynamic between her and the other two. I feel like a lot got left unexplored with that, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
  25. Might be time for him to sit some more.
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