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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Through a contact I was made aware that this company is hiring for a position that would really set me up good for the long haul. I talked to the boss this morning and we had a nice 15 minute conversation where he encouraged me to submit my resume and they'd be conducting interviews next week. I'd have felt better had he set up an interview right away, but what can you do. The problem now is I am so filled with anticipation that I can't focus on anything. I am just too anxious like a kid waiting for Christmas. I can't imagine how bad I'll feel if I don't get this job. Anyone have any comments, advice, etc.?
  2. So I guess it's your contention that they do this with the mute button on? My point being that it's odd to me that these networks decide that the very things their channels were built on are no longer relevant.
  3. Dude, an inspector is a WHOLE different thing.
  4. Get a good land surveyor that you can work with. There's a variety of ways that you can get burned when buying property with the idea that you are going to make improvements to. Such as not knowing that you can't put a deck on the back because it would be into a building setback line, how easements would effect your property, etc. Also study www.municode.com which will have all of these requirements for your area. One good way that having a good surveyor could assist you is telling you possibilities for your property. For example my Father a couple of years ago purchased a house because he knew he could turn it into two lots. He sold the lot next to the house to a builder for almost what he paid for the whole thing and after a few years of renting the house finally sold the house as well. Made a nice profit on the whole thing.
  5. Yeah ESPN doesn't think anyone wants to watch sports and MTV doesn't think anyone wants to listen to music. It's a strange world.
  6. Just check your channel guide. It'll show the game on your CBS affiliate if it's playing on that channel. It's the same thing that happens here with the Redskins games.
  7. Dude, you just recorded the wrong channel it sounds like. You recorded the NFL Ticket channel and should have been recording your local CBS channel.
  8. All this HD crap puzzles me. Just give me the programming in HD and stop all the petty arguing.
  9. Well my wife is an English lecturer at a local community college and one of the classes she teaches is composition. She is constantly frustrated and saddened by how poor the writing skills of her students are. College level students that can't even write complete sentences. Obviously something is wrong with the way we are educating our children. Is this program the answer? No. It would be impossible to implement this on a large scale. However, I'm sure that things can be learned from radical approaches such as these. I take issue with your assumption that schools like this turn students into massvely self-centered dolts. I suspect if you were to visit such a school you may be surprised at how intelligent and well-behaved these children actually are. Do I know that for a certainty? No of course not, I don't know those people and I am not qualified to make an assessment of this style of education. However, I suspect I could say the same thing about you and your assertions.
  10. OK so if the oil is on fire don't put the turkey in. Got ya!
  11. The Bills and a G-String are two great things that just don't go together.
  12. Ummm who wouldn't?
  13. I don't think he believes he's innocent. I believe he thinks he was completely justified in his actions.
  14. Because the uniforms and how they look are one of the few things that fans can directly influence.
  15. Even though I'd love to see a Calvin Johnson or an Adrian Peterson in a Bills uniform it has to be about more than just lip service about the offensive line. So I go with Thomas. OR pick Peterson and go OL with the entire rest of the draft.
  16. I've got Quicksilver and just haven't settled on reading it yet. Under the Banner of Heaven sounds good. I read Into Thin Air by Krakauer and liked it so I'll give him another shot.
  17. I've watched LSU a couple times and Jamarcus Russel has looked pretty good. I'm no expert on spotting QB talent, but he looks as likely as any of the others I suppose. I'm a ND fan and Brady Quinn just doesn't seem to have it. I root for him every week, but I don't know if he'll make the next step to the NFL.
  18. I'm a trimmed not shaven man personally. This product seems interesting. I'm not sure the wife will go for it, but maybe the girlfriend will
  19. Very nice! How much? /Borat voice
  20. Always looking for book suggestions so why not have a discussion. Personally I like to relax when I read and like fiction better than non-fiction. But there're always exceptions. I particularly enjoy horror and sci-fi. Here's a list of my latest reads: Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman I love everything Gaiman has done. Now I have to go back and read American Gods again because I felt like I might have been missing stuff while reading Anansi Boys. City Infernal Nothing special, but a good solid page turner about hell. I love books about the devil and such. World War Z - An Oral History of the Zombie War Cool book written as if it were a history book about a worldwide Zombie outbreak. Wasn't as good as it should have been, but parts were really interesting and compelling. I'm a big zombie mark so I loved it. As an interesting side note the author is the son of Mel Brooks. Early Bird: A Memoir of Early Retirment - Rodney Rothman Funny book about a guy that moves to a retirement community in Arizona. And the series that I always recommend to everyone starts with A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin. It's an excellent fantasy series coming from someone that absolutely hates fantasy series.
  21. What's with all the hate? Buffalo isn't a place for everyone, but I for one love the place. If I didn't marry a woman that lived most of her life in a place that rarely dips below 90 degrees I'd probably move back there. I'd be all for it, but my wife wouldn't last a Buffalo winter.
  22. The problem is he's not getting the opportunities to hone his skills and take his game to the next level on this team the way the offense is being run. Personally I hope he's patient and grows with the team and doesn't become a problem, but I see the potential.
  23. Untrue. Players of Lee Evans caliber also want to be seen as a star. It opens up a world of opportunity beyond their football salary.
  24. So what's your big plan? Who would you bring in that would turn things around? Can't think of anyone? Join the club, most of the NFL is searching for a great QB. As far as Losman goes, fix the offensive line, and turn him loose a little bit, let him make mistakes and grow for the future.
  25. Unfortunately I don't think the Bills have nearly the heart of a Rocky.
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