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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. So was the Donahoe era in your opinion Wilson's last ditch Hail Mary to win a title before he dies? What a depressing thought.
  2. But then they would have ruined their chance to be on Sportscenter, or something equally as inane. Good sportsmanship coach, I hope you lose the rest of your games.
  3. I'm with you man. I don't even LIKE soccer, but I want my country's national team to be the best in the world. Who wouldn't want that?
  4. Well I got the job. I will be celebrating tomorrow night.
  5. Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up.
  6. Ngata, however, might have been a good pickup. I'm not going to open that can of worms though, Whitner will be a good player.
  7. Don't believe in God, but I don't run around letting everyone know I don't agree with their beliefs......I save that for the Internet.
  8. I like Leonard, but I don't see him as being anything more than a situational/special teams player in the NFL.
  9. Thanks bro. Hope everything is well with you too.
  10. Well I had the interview today. Everything seemed to go really well. We seemed to really be on the same page. However, they had some more people to interview and they'd get back with me no later than Monday. So looks like another weekend of jangled nerves.
  11. I'm not saying they're to blame in particular, just sick of the cycle constantly repeating.
  12. It's a good thing we got rid of all those "fat" DTs. This cover two scheme with the undersized DTs is working out great.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe someone has a real answer.
  14. Believe what you want, but I get tired of the whole notion of not needing overweight DTs and then watching the defense get run over because nobody in there can keep their ass in place.
  15. What pisses me off is there's this cycle with the Bills where they find that guy, he plays great, the defense plays great, and then because he's "too fat" or whatever they get rid of him. Invariably the defense suffers the next year. Ted Washington, Sam Adams, and Pat Williams.
  16. So go root for the Patriots. Who cares?
  17. As many as it takes I guess. I don't have ANY control over it so why get upset? Believe me I hate losing as much as anyone, but I'm going to call a spade a spade and I see this team having improved this season over last. Next season I hope for even more progress.
  18. So I guess you're just a glass half full kind of person. I prefer to look at it as finally the Bills are back to a level where they can play with teams like SD and Indy. It'll be nice when they can start BEATING them, but I don't think it's as far away as it was last season.
  19. So do the Bills look for a new RB in the draft? And if so who?
  20. What's there to feel bad about this game? They played a team that most consider the best in the league tough. Anyone that doesn't see progress out of this team is purposefully trying to see only the negative.
  21. What was he supposed to do? Go for it on 4th & 10 at midfield. Boy am I glad you're not the coach. Everyone should relax about the timeouts. This game will be won or lost on the next series. The timeouts wouldn't help or hurt that much.
  22. Amon Amarth Here's a video for you. Runes to my memory
  23. Well I guess it's good to know I'm not alone in this. You're a fire fighter? My Uncle is a Lieutenant in Springfield, MA. He's on the tail end of his career and is about to retire soon. Best of luck bro. Mead107 thanks for the good thoughts.
  24. Hope you have a great time. Looks like I won't get up to Buffalo this year for a game, but maybe next year.
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