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Dr. Fong

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Everything posted by Dr. Fong

  1. Right, but they were top 20 if not top 10 competing with American Idol. 10 is just too late.
  2. http://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/...|weekly,00.html It's amazing to me that Lost isn't even top 20 anymore. I had a feeling moving it to 10 pm was a bad idea coupled with the muddled direction of the series this season. It's a real shame because I LOVED Lost for the first two seasons. Now I find myself barely managing to care.
  3. There's nothing wrong with that. It'd be nice to have someone that can fight for a yard on 3 and 1.
  4. Levi Brown. You LB guys are funny. You complain when management pays lip service to improving the lines, but then jump off the bandwagon when push comes to shove.
  5. WOW! I like it. Doubt it'd happen, but it'd make me happy.
  6. It's so nice to have a legitimate team to root for again.
  7. Ummmm, who's to say that the players you would draft would become "good players." If you want to talk taking a risk I believe the draft is the ultimate crap shoot.
  8. Horrible episode. It was only the second time since the show premiered that I just completely hated an episode of Lost. Despite my love for the show I'm afraid that the detractors' point is starting to be made. What a complete waste of time that episode was.
  9. Personally I'd love to see this draft. Lynch is going to be a special player, and McGahee won't be around much longer.
  10. I'm getting tired of the whole small market argument. I mean when we're talking about not even spending up to the salary cap then I just have a hard time buying the argument.
  11. It's a good thing the Bills got rid of that guy. If he had bulked those players up too much they wouldn't fit into our Cover 2 scheme.
  12. Of course the winner will have to chip in for gas.
  13. He'd just use the money to buy a new Taurus and drive it to a press conference to complain about how small his market is.
  14. The thing is this isn't baseball. The playing field is mostly level when it comes to the differences between small market and big market teams. The big equalizer is that television contract. However, that's the curse for fans of small market teams because of that large chunk of money received from TV the temptation for the small market owner is to go "Bidwell" and just sit back and make money whether the stadium is full or empty. I'm not positive that's what we're seeing here, but it sure is starting to smell that way.
  15. They should have never made the promise in the first place, but once made should stick to it. By the way has anyone in the Bills organization ever confirmed that this promise was indeed made? I've never seen it spoken of officially.
  16. Yeah they should just scour the CFL rosters and bring in all the undersized (penetrating) defensive linemen that they can find so that they can run the Cover 2 more effectively.
  17. No I think she was taken from Rousseau at a young age and raised as Ben's daughter possibly because of something special about her. Kind of like Claire on Heroes. BTW, if anyone is interested there's a really good Lost article in Entertainment Weekly this week. I suggest anyone that believes the writers "don't know where the series is going" check it out.
  18. The more I hear about it the more I think we're being sold another bill of goods with this whole Cover 2 nonsense. It's starting to remind me of the whole 46 fiasco.
  19. I was freaking out. Accusing my wife of opening an email attachment. HAHA.
  20. Not to be one of those people that pops into a thread just to bash the subject of the thread, but man do I think that song sucks.
  21. From Wikipedia: After this photo was released on the news wires, Ignacio took down the "Bert is Evil" section of his website, stating that he doesn't want to undermine the character in the eyes of children who watch Sesame Street. "I am doing this because I feel this has gotten too close to reality," he said. Despite Ignacio's request that no "mirrored" versions of the site remain on the Internet, copies of Bert is Evil can still be found online. Just google Bert is Evil and you'll find some of the mirrors.
  22. Wow the first 3-4 post of the offseason. Is if that time already?
  23. The best explanation I've seen is the numbers are a formula predicting the end of the world and Dharma was established to try to change components of the formula, such as human life span, in order to prevent the end of the world. Of course that's the short version, but I don't feel like typing a book this morning.
  24. It depends on what I want to buy. Wal-Mart has more products to buy, but Target is the superior shopping experience.
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